Official The OC Candidates Thread 2.0

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Think it was said him and Mario has the same agent
Bosh and Wades former agent (RIP Henry Thomas) had to ***** with Wades deal w the heat in order to get Boshs max done when Lebron left in 14. it happens. agents look out what is best for that indiviudal client at one time. wade didnt get the long term money he wanted from the heat bc the heat basically put Bosh first due to am imposed deadline by the agent that bosh would sign in houston when he was never going to. he ended up w a max when he could have gotten a bit under allowing wade more money
so back to the main question, why couldnt this be done in lock step with the formal firing? plenty of time to do so. we just seem to be pretty inefficient in terms of getting staff hired and fired, but well see if candle really is the guy. i dont believe it anymore till its announced with OC rumors esp from a guy who said no last year

I'm not defending it or justifying it. But based on the fact that we seem to be making a bit of progress on the DC side, the only "differential" between the OC search and the DC search is the specifics of the parting of the ways.

Meaning, if you look at what some folks have said, Mario knew that Steele would not be back, but because it was not adversarial in nature, he may have gotten a head-start on conversations. As opposed to something that might have involved "not even starting to talk with anyone else" until the firing for cause was official.

Again, it's hard to say authoritatively, but you didn't see a lot of serious movement on the OC search side until the formal announcement on Gattis. And, yes, that is frustrating. If you want an answer, there it is. It you want an answer that satisfies everyone, we are unlikely to ever get one.
Bosh and Wades former agent (RIP Henry Thomas) had to ***** with Wades deal w the heat in order to get Boshs max done when Lebron left in 14. it happens. agents look out what is best for that indiviudal client at one time. wade didnt get the long term money he wanted from the heat bc the heat basically put Bosh first due to am imposed deadline by the agent that bosh would sign in houston when he was never going to. he ended up w a max when he could have gotten a bit under allowing wade more money
He already got an extension so it’s not about getting more money from them. And that was more on the heat taking dwade for granted thinking he wouldn’t leave and he would just take any deal
Maybe he has made his decision but he is waiting on somebody else decision
I think you are referring to Candle. However, at a certain point an offer expires and you need to move down your list. This is especially so when it played out the same way last year. If Candle was the guy and he had such conviction over him, there was no reason he could not have been negotiating while everything with Gattis was being sorted, just like Clemson did.

If we are now here out of respect for Candle wanting to hear out Notre Dame, he is well within his rights to do that. But that does not mean we need to leave an offer open for weeks. At a certain point you need to know when you are the second choice and move on. This is not a "we're Miami and everyone should want to be here" type of comment, but if Candle is really seeing out Notre Dame because he would rather go there and comes here because he does not get an offer from them, then why should we want him? Realistically speaking, when an employment negotiation goes on for this long, the person usually does not come.
I'm not defending it or justifying it. But based on the fact that we seem to be making a bit of progress on the DC side, the only "differential" between the OC search and the DC search is the specifics of the parting of the ways.

Meaning, if you look at what some folks have said, Mario knew that Steele would not be back, but because it was not adversarial in nature, he may have gotten a head-start on conversations. As opposed to something that might have involved "not even starting to talk with anyone else" until the firing for cause was official.

Again, it's hard to say authoritatively, but you didn't see a lot of serious movement on the OC search side until the formal announcement on Gattis. And, yes, that is frustrating. If you want an answer, there it is. It you want an answer that satisfies everyone, we are unlikely to ever get one.
But he also knew Gattis would be leaving, whether for cause or not, unless speaking with other people may have jeopardized the no buyout, which is possible.
Exactly. So no coaching can be going on currently. Thanks for proving my point.
Can you read??? You know what nvm… got it…….If you wanna believe every school absolutely ignores the S**t out of their athletes daily to avoid a “coaching” infraction by all means believe dat.
So, who the **** is our OC?
Saw Yost mentioned earlier. Why not?
Rick Moranis Reaction GIF
It sounds like Miami was close to a deal with Candle on Saturday. If he’s Mario’s top target, I don’t think waiting a couple more days is a deal breaker.
Move on already Mario. Candle is not worth agonizing over.

Wrap it up with Johns or Littrell, the fanbase will applaud the hire and it’ll generate buzz. Go get Campanile and let’s get to work.
But he also knew Gattis would be leaving, whether for cause or not, unless speaking with other people may have jeopardized the no buyout, which is possible.


But I was alluding to the possibility that UM might not have pursued any other candidates while the for-cause was being pursued. From, you know, a ******-covering legal standpoint.

Can't prove it, don't have confirmation. But you and I know that sometimes these corporate HR issues cause people to pursue conservative risk-averse actions.
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