Official The OC Candidates Thread 2.0

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Steele leaving was an unforeseen occurrence. The only logical explanation with the OC is there must have been an ongoing investigation into Gatass’es shenanigans that has delayed the “process”. Even if that’s the case, Mario should have been vetting potential candidates and been ready to make a move as soon as the Gatass fiasco was resolved.
People think that there are all sorts of great coordinators lining up to come to Miami so it should be super quick and easy. Especially after firing the Broyles award winner after one season where the QB got hurt (and i don't disagree in firing him by the way). All I'm saying is, this isn't Alabama where you call anyone and they immediately leave their jobs. We seem to be more on the side where people call and our coaches leave. There seems to be some convincing needed despite the fact we can pay well and our coach has job security.
Nice time to decide that. We're ONE month from Spring Practice without an Offensive and Defensive Coordinator....what kinda sh*t is that??...There is absolutely NO excuse for this type of Garbage. For 8 million a yr, I'd expect ALOT better. And F what Ruiz has to say. I'm about getting Sick & tired of his *** anyway.
I'm actually relieved that our DC left. We can do better. We need a younger candidate. Thanks for stopping by, sorry you got to coach mostly average players, and good luck.
Yeah, but it's time to be honest. People keep throwing out "2 million" as if it is some magic talisman. The reality is that many of the top "resources" schools are paying that, or are capable of paying that, or would absolutely pay that if they had to outbid a rival.

BE HONEST. The money that Miami is offering for coordinators is not providing a major competitive advantage. If the rest of the market was paying between 1 million and 2 million, and Miami offered 3 million, maybe we'd be turning some more heads.

But if we are paying 1.8 million and others are paying 1.6 million...I get it, for most of the posters on this board, an extra 200K would get their attention. But for these particular roles, that's not some huge differential that gives Miami "first pick of the litter" positioning.
Troof. We are just getting caught up to market, not exceeding
People think that there are all sorts of great coordinators lining up to come to Miami so it should be super quick and easy. Especially after firing the Broyles award winner after one season where the QB got hurt (and i don't disagree in firing him by the way). All I'm saying is, this isn't Alabama where you call anyone and they immediately leave their jobs. We seem to be more on the side where people call and our coaches leave. There seems to be some convincing needed despite the fact we can pay well and our coach has job security.
This. People are getting frustrated because the lie they have been telling themselves the last few months is starting to wear off. We are not a destination job yet. We are still being poached from despite our new budgets and resources
Steele leaving was an unforeseen occurrence. The only logical explanation with the OC is there must have been an ongoing investigation into Gatass’es shenanigans that has delayed the “process”. Even if that’s the case, Mario should have been vetting potential candidates and been ready to make a move as soon as the Gatass fiasco was resolved.
And therein lies my issue. If you're know you're moving on from GattAss, regardless of the outcome of the investigation, you go and get your ducks in a row. You don't wait until he's officially fired by the university to start your search.
Miami isn't fuggin.

Miami getting a train run.

Dayumm. Lotta hit too close to home in that article.
Been calling him Scario Frostobal since November, but ouch.
Don't want Scario to fail, but I think he gonna.
Just want my Canes to be on the way to decent again at this point.
This. People are getting frustrated because the lie they have been telling themselves the last few months is starting to wear off. We are not a destination job yet. We are still being poached from despite our new budgets and resources
My concern is that Mario is a bit of star ***** in more ways than one. You can hire good coaches that most of the general public have never heard of and not have to deal with all the convincing and cajoling to get them to Miami. Mario can't go after an OC who isn't a current HC? All he'd have to do is consult @Memnon lists and these hires wouldn't take nearly as long.
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People think that there are all sorts of great coordinators lining up to come to Miami so it should be super quick and easy. Especially after firing the Broyles award winner after one season where the QB got hurt (and i don't disagree in firing him by the way). All I'm saying is, this isn't Alabama where you call anyone and they immediately leave their jobs. We seem to be more on the side where people call and our coaches leave. There seems to be some convincing needed despite the fact we can pay well and our coach has job security.
That is an excuse. Perhaps you are not going to get guys from middle to top P5 schools for lateral moves or get G5 head coaches, but there are plenty of guys at lower levels that would be excited to take the next step. Part of Mario and Zo's jobs are to find those next guys. I would bet 3/4 of the guys on @Memnon lists would jump at the opportunity, but Mario is either not interested in their style of play or hyper-focused on where they have coached (which, frankly, is stupid).

In any case, somehow all of these coaches can identify, interview, and negotiate a deal in a weekend, but Mario is doing a dance with the same guy for the last two off-seasons. And if you look at my past posts, I have been very much of the "wait until all the dust settles to pass judgment" camp. But this is now a trend, and it is not a good one. If Mario really wants Candle, that is fine for him to reach back out, but at a certain point he needs to tell Candle these are the terms, I need an answer or I am moving on and be done with it. That time should have happened a week or so ago.
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