Official The OC Candidates Thread 2.0

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A nod to the earlier thread detailing - a bunch of Metallica songs woven in.
Not a Metallica fan and I did the same thing with the only Metallica song I know in this thread

I am an idiot
Frustrated Oh No GIF by The Swoon

Sorry @Baba Yaga
True. Just giving the benefit of the doubt on why it would take a day or two more. Perhaps, a quick background check after a verbal agreement before he puts ink to paper.

Doesn’t matter really…we will have our answer tomorrow one way or the other.
Yeah man, I stopped capping for Mario with this bull****. It’s all inexcusable. Him, Alonzo, Dan, etc, etc, that they hold out for this long of a process to come up with Candle as the best candidate. That guy is Mediocre at best and I will not try to defend it especially with how this process has played out again.

I gave Mario a pass last year and I said (not that he or anyone else would give a **** what I said, lol) that he used up all of the excuses and all of the tickets last year and here we are, at the start of year 2 with the same bull**** show of insecurity, indecision, smartest guy in the room syndrome or whatever you want to call it and I won’t defend it any longer.

Even if the hire is a good one, this process is *** backwards.
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I don't know if he would accept an offer immediately.

It took Saban, what, 1 day to pivot from the Washington OC guy to Tommy Reese and here we have Mario, still waiting on an answer or taking forever to make a hire and now his supposed #1 is flirting with ND.

Then, Saban got Mario’s DC & whether that was planned or not, the optics look really bad and as a Mario guy/supporter, I am starting to lose faith in how he runs and is paralyzing this program to levels I thought were reserved for the the Manny Diaz or Al Golden’s of the world.
It took Saban, what, 1 day to pivot from the Washington OC guy to Tommy Reese and here we have Mario, still waiting on an answer or taking forever to make a hire and now his supposed #1 is flirting with ND.

Then, Saban got Mario’s DC & whether that was planned or not, the optics look really bad and as a Mario guy/supporter, I am starting to lose faith in how he runs and is paralyzing this program to levels I thought were reserved for the the Manny Diaz or Al Golden’s of the world.
To be fair, If we had hired rees in that same time frame this place would be burning down right now.
It took Saban, what, 1 day to pivot from the Washington OC guy to Tommy Reese and here we have Mario, still waiting on an answer or taking forever to make a hire and now his supposed #1 is flirting with ND.

Then, Saban got Mario’s DC & whether that was planned or not, the optics look really bad and as a Mario guy/supporter, I am starting to lose faith in how he runs and is paralyzing this program to levels I thought were reserved for the the Manny Diaz or Al Golden’s of the world.

We are all afraid of certain things, its human nature. I for example, am very afraid to open a porno movie with my wife in the house. Likewise, Mario is afraid to hire a new coach until he has had a few months to mull it over.
Mario's problem is that he hired one dead-*** on the strength of his Broyles Award and got completely burned. It doesn't matter that a bunch of the kids were flakes, the OC is expected to motivate the kids enough to move the ball against Middle Tennessee Effing State and they couldn't. They lost in one of the great humiliations at Home in Canes History. The Defense didn't exactly cover itself with glory that day, either, which is why I'm not exactly broken-hearted to see the back of Steele, either.

I don't want to hear how well respected you are in the Coaching Community when we're getting our butts kicked by Nunneries.

Cristobal can't ***** this up. But he's taking too long.
It took Saban, what, 1 day to pivot from the Washington OC guy to Tommy Reese and here we have Mario, still waiting on an answer or taking forever to make a hire and now his supposed #1 is flirting with ND.

Then, Saban got Mario’s DC & whether that was planned or not, the optics look really bad and as a Mario guy/supporter, I am starting to lose faith in how he runs and is paralyzing this program to levels I thought were reserved for the the Manny Diaz or Al Golden’s of the world.
It took Saban, what, 1 day to pivot from the Washington OC guy to Tommy Reese and here we have Mario, still waiting on an answer or taking forever to make a hire and now his supposed #1 is flirting with ND.

Then, Saban got Mario’s DC & whether that was planned or not, the optics look really bad and as a Mario guy/supporter, I am starting to lose faith in how he runs and is paralyzing this program to levels I thought were reserved for the the Manny Diaz or Al Golden’s of the world.

Whether Mario ends up being a success or not time will tell but at this point one things for sure: He’s weird af, total sketchball.
To be fair, If we had hired rees in that same time frame this place would be burning down right now.
That’s a different conversation to the one I am more concerned with, which is the disfunction of a program.

As much as I dislike Candle as the OC, if that’s who Mario wants, then ******* go get him and stop this bull**** that is going on.

Per insiders, Gattis decision was made 2 months ago. (Edit: I understand the HR potential issues related to Gattis that delayed his firing). However,……

You have a list of OC people from just a year ago. You have Alonzo now if you were too focused on recruiting to at least start the process and narrow down the choices.

He doesn’t have 60 minutes in a day to discuss an OC with Alonzo while he’s recruiting? Why make the job harder on yourself than it needs to be? Surround yourself with smarter and more competent people than you and let them work.

Except, here we are in Year #2 in the exact same spot as a year ago. It’s madness!!!!
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That’s a different conversation to the one I am more concerned with, which is the disfunction of a program.

As much as I dislike Candle as the OC, if that’s who Mario wants, then ******* go get him and stop this bull**** that is going on.

Per insiders, Gattis decision was made 2 months ago. You have a list of OC people from just a year ago. You have Alonzo now if you were too focused on recruiting to at least start the process and narrow down the choices.

He doesn’t have 60 minutes in a day to discuss an OC with Alonzo while he’s recruiting? Why make the job harder on yourself than it needs to be? Surround yourself with smarter and more competent people than you and let them work.

Except, here we are in Year #2 in the exact same spot as a year ago. It’s madness!!!!
Hate to be a harvester of sorrow but it sounds like...

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