Official The OC Candidates Thread 2.0

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Lol sorry. It’s the simplest way for me to describe it. Like just hire Litrell. Is it that hard? This is the most frustrating thing for me. I’m literally watching a guy sabotage near guaranteed success…. Certainly if he follows up Gattis with another power football bro coordinator.
Another non Pro style bro(Modern Pro Style has evolved)hire and watch any WR’s scatter like roaches from Miami. Candle is **** near identical to Gattis, in terms of scheme.
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Patience my friends. When we hired Mario we went back to old school Miami. Tougher practices and new ideas and innovation. We will be the only P5 school to go into and through the season without OC or DC. We winning a natty. You heard here first
I'll throw a different name out there: Kevin Decker, OC/QB at Fordham.

His offense this year ranked 1st in FCS for yds/gm, 2nd in total yds, 2nd in yds/play, 2nd in TDs (and on 2 fewer games than most teams).

They had the top passing offense and 23rd rushing offense. Second best on 3rd down conversions too.

He basically runs Tennessee's system.
We may need a sleeper candidate who runs condensed formation zone run LA Rams type stuff
Guess the article left out he was let go by Tennessee after their coaching change so he had Auburn and Tennessee buyouts to take a season off. I would have to look up when Tennessee let him go.

He is a presser hero like Dan Werner... helps to hire the best PR agent
Patience my friends. When we hired Mario we went back to old school Miami. Tougher practices and new ideas and innovation. We will be the only P5 school to go into and through the season without OC or DC. We winning a natty. You heard here first
5-7 is old school Miami? *ducks*
I'll throw a different name out there: Kevin Decker, OC/QB at Fordham.

His offense this year ranked 1st in FCS for yds/gm, 2nd in total yds, 2nd in yds/play, 2nd in TDs (and on 2 fewer games than most teams).

They had the top passing offense and 23rd rushing offense. Second best on 3rd down conversions too.

He basically runs Tennessee's system.
system is a cheat code. would make too much sense for Mario’s liking.
Man, I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I wish Mario would just turn the page on Candle and spit out the bone. Am I savage for feeling this way? Maybe, but Mario must dream no more bc right now an OC hire feels like the day that never comes. He's acting like a master of puppets treating all these candidates like disposable heroes. I wish we could welcome home (sanitarium) Ken Dorsey but he's not walking through that door, sad but true.

Mario really needs to nail this one bc nothing else matters and it would be a great suicide & redemption story.

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What the heck does he have to do with any of this? Jesus, some of you are just blaming people just to blame them because you have absolutely zero idea what’s actually happening
He‘s the director of Football Operations isn’t he……while this **** show is all ahead full
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