Official The OC Candidates Thread 2.0

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Mich staff changes, per my buddy

Michigan has some shake up on its defensive staff - apparently Chris partridge is coming back and they’re getting the DB coach from Boston college - no idea who’s leaving
from the article YOU shared

Veteran defensive coordinator Kevin Steele, who has worked for some of the biggest names in the sport, is set to return to college football next season as Maryland's defensive coordinator, sources told ESPN.

Steele did not coach last season. "

okay sorry, he was employed by maryland for what, 2 weeks before we got him? and he didn't coach the year before that

so i apologize, he was not unemployed... . he was 2 long weeks into a job at maryland after not coaching for a year before we got him.. i bet he learned a lot in those 2 weeks that kept him fresh and up to your standards of being employed
Guess the article left out he was let go by Tennessee after their coaching change so he had Auburn and Tennessee buyouts to take a season off. I would have to look up when Tennessee let him go.
Guess the article left out he was let go by Tennessee after their coaching change so he had Auburn and Tennessee buyouts to take a season off. I would have to look up when Tennessee let him go.
he got a bit more than 800k to leave after a few months at tenn (he signed a 2 year deal there) along w whatever he had from AU.
Man, I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I wish Mario would just turn the page on Candle and spit out the bone. Am I savage for feeling this way? Maybe, but Mario must dream no more bc right now an OC hire feels like the day that never comes. He's acting like a master of puppets treating all these candidates like disposable heroes. I wish we could welcome home (sanitarium) Ken Dorsey but he's not walking through that door, sad but true.

Mario really needs to nail this one bc nothing else matters and it would be a great suicide & redemption story.

Bryan Cranston Mic Drop GIF
Man, I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I wish Mario would just turn the page on Candle and spit out the bone. Am I savage for feeling this way? Maybe, but Mario must dream no more bc right now an OC hire feels like the day that never comes. He's acting like a master of puppets treating all these candidates like disposable heroes. I wish we could welcome home (sanitarium) Ken Dorsey but he's not walking through that door, sad but true.

Mario really needs to nail this one bc nothing else matters and it would be a great suicide & redemption story.

Bryan Cranston Mic Drop GIF
I don’t know what Miami is doing. I was told this was done last week and then the name I was floated isn’t even in the running apparently.

Candle’s a good recruiter and mediocre head coach. His schemes are dog****.

Bring in a guy who is scheming offenses for this century.
I assume you were floated Frost who I would be excited for. But if we struck out on him and Mullen, Candle seemed to me like an uninspiring but safe stop gap. The thought of other OC hires that have been tossed around is really scary.
I honestly believe that Mario will do great things here and that he is the best recruiter in the country. But his hiring process and evaluation is ****. Please remind what Alonzos job is again, I'm sincerely asking.
The best recruiter still couldn't overcome his offensive perception and land a WR1. I agree he is a great recruiter, but he is undermining himself until he figure this out, and by then it may be too late. He is probably the most frustrating coach we have had.
Uh....weren't the maudes derailing the last thread?
Uh….Yes and no. I was in the earlier comments on Music but stopped many pages back. It kept going and shot out of hand. Often these things happen but get back on track. In that situation it got worse.
If Candle was Mario’s top choice after being one of his top choices last year then all requests and contract terms should’ve been hammered out by Monday latest Wednesday with formal hiring announcement on Friday. If Candle then started dragging his feet because ND looked like it was becoming available then Mario should’ve moved on and been finalizing terms with his next choice this weekend. If not his process is broken and he immediately has to fix it.
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