Tennessee fans saying byrd is a vol .

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Throwing around the word murder there.

He didn't intentionally kill someone.
I'm in no way sticking up for him don't get it twisted but murdering someone is very different than drunken vehicular manslaughter. Unfortunately same result but two different contexts

Did he kill someone? Yes did he get off for the crime which is an abomination of the justice system? Yes.

Stallworths actions resulted in a man's death and he got off scotch free while Plaxico Burress accidentally shoots HIMSELF in the leg and serves 3 years smh. Vick served two for dog fighting
technically you are correct that he didn't possess the intent to kill. nevertheless the extreme disregard for human life is pretty egregious.

We can definitely agree with that..
Also I wasn't reading the forum and didn't realize Tennessee fans wanted to start this argument otherwise I wouldn't have said anything because their idiots and I don't want to feed into it ha

Getting behind the wheel intoxicated is negligent to such an extreme degree it should be viewed no differently than intent. Stallworth is a murderer.

Until it happens to you. I had a few drinks and fell asleep at the wheel. My vehicle veered off the road and struck a pole. One of my very close friends was killed in the vehicle with me and I was severely injured. I had to do 6 yrs in prison, 9 yrs probation and lost my license forever. Only trouble I've ever been in. Do u think I intentionally killed one of my best friends? U are what's wrong with this exact problem. I admit what I did was wrong and the main punishment is living with his death. But the system is broken, why are there people free and driving with multiple DUIs simply because the worst case scenario didn't happen and our actions were exactly the same; plus they are habitual offenders. Why does an NFL player do the same offense but can pay the family 10 million dollars and do 30 days in the county jail and allowed to travel the country, continuing to earn his millions?
There is too much discrepancy in the sentencing and point blank, there is no intent to kill.

Except it won't happen to me, because I am not an inconsiderate ****wit who would put other people's lives at risk. If you are going to drink, get a driver or a cab. Not that ******* hard, and you stand to lose way more than you stand to gain by making a bad decision.

Not sure why you go on some diatribe for the whole second half of the post. Not sure what part of my comment suggested your situations are different. If you get 1 dui you should be riding public transportation for life because you have questionable decision making skills. Not sure what part of my post suggests he got off fairly because he had the money.

Oh wait, I am what is wrong with the problem, as a non offender, and non practicer of an absolutely lethal decision making opportunity. **** off guy, enjoy living with killing your friend because you CHOSE to make a decision that was in your control that ended his life, and may you relive that night countless times in your sleep.
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great now we have incestuous Tennessee mouth breathers smearing their ***** on the board. Naples, go back to your trailer park *****got.
What was yalls average attendance at yalls homes games? 150 or so? Or is that generous


That's 2001? Lol
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