Some names to watch before it’s deleted

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If I could go on a CIS podcast and have the ghost of Barry White stand in for me, I’d be all over it.
Morgan Freeman Naacp GIF by BET
He's not a bad voice either..
Agreed, bring him here, I’m on board!
Lol, the sarcasm..

I like and prefer Briles just because the track record is better. I just wouldn’t be upset with Dorsey.

Sounds like another guy on the short list is Brian Monroe and that’s someone I’d be upset with.
He’s in line to be a NFL OC, does that mean he’s going to be good at it?

You can be both a NFL OC & also not good at it, it happens literally every single year, there’s plenty of NFL OC’s who are bad at their job...

But, never mind that. If yall want Dorsey, then bring Dorsey, I’m all for it, Go Canes!
If he is the type of guy we should hire, then he would have multiple OC offers right now. I keep hearing he’s “in line to be an OC” but I think it’s a fact that he has not been offered that position by any major P5 program or NFL teams. Doesn’t mean he will not ultimately become an OC and be a good one, but your point stands. If his name wasn’t Dorsey, no one on here would mention him as a candidate.
Lol, the sarcasm..

I like and prefer Briles just because the track record is better. I just wouldn’t be upset with Dorsey.

Sounds like another guy on the short list is Brian Monroe and that’s someone I’d be upset with.

Brian Monroe? Why not Brian London? Or Lloyd's of London? Or Lloyd Bridges? Or the bridge at FIU that collapsed? What in the **** are you talking about?
Bro, how is this hard to understand? We've been having this same conversation for weeks now.

He never said he thinks Dorsey sucks. He never said he didn't think he'd be a good play caller. What he said is he doesn't KNOW. That's all. Why are we going after an unknown? Didn't we just do that with Manny Diaz? Jon Richt? Etc etc etc.

We had one shot to get this right with Mario, and we nailed it. He's proven. We don't know what his ceiling is, but we've seen him do this at this level. He's PROVEN. Dorsey is not. Could he be good? Maybe. But we KNOW there are other guys out there who have proven they can do this. Why would you go for an unproven guy when you can take a sure thing? Or at least something very close to a sure thing?

And lastly, is Ken Dorsey on any other school's radar? I don't think so, so why should he be on ours? Just because he played here? Contrary to popular belief, good football is played in other places than Coral Gables. We don't have to sign every Miami guy. We're allowed to branch out.

If this was a year or two ago, and we were panhandling on US1, begging for spare change to hire coaches and staff, then maybe Dorsey would be an option. But we have money now. We don't need to budget hire. We don't need to find a diamond in the rough. We can find a diamond in the middle of the ******* display case and slap our **** on the glass and buy that ************. Enough with the Dorsey and Torretta and Chud nonsense. Hire guys who have proven they can be elite at this level. Not guys we think might be smart just because they've been to Versailles.
Bro, you see how many pages this thread has lol. I definitely didn’t read all through it so apologies if the point has been belabored.

I see and understand the point tho. The issue is that there isn’t a lot of good, proven OC’s imo so you have to be somewhat unorthodox this cycle for an OC right now.

Again, I hope we get Briles but if not….
At least Dorsey has been coaching for over 8 years now, that's a lot more of a resume than other former players we've hired recently not named Richt. Guys who were off the field with no experience or high school coaches. Others first but Dorsey out of all the names that get thrown out is honestly not bad.
Bro, you see how many pages this thread has lol. I definitely didn’t read all through it so apologies if the point has been belabored.

I see and understand the point tho. The issue is that there isn’t a lot of good, proven OC’s imo so you have to be somewhat unorthodox this cycle for an OC right now.

Again, I hope we get Briles but if not….

Why do you think there aren't a lot of good, proven OCs? Because they have jobs right now?

You know who had a job when we hired him? Mario Cristobal.
Give me your list of good OC’s we should be after?

Kendal Briles should be the first 45 phone calls. Make him change his number. And then when he tells you he's going to file a restraining order, wear a disguise and kidnap him. However, if you go to prison and he does stay in Fayetteville, this is a **** of a place to start:

Kendal Briles should be the first 45 phone calls. Make him change his number. And then when he tells you he's going to file a restraining order, wear a disguise and kidnap him. However, if you go to prison and he does stay in Fayetteville, this is a **** of a place to start:

Yep and he has kicked @ss at multiple desinations but because he coached at FSU for a short period of time he suddenly sucks, even though the offense has improved at every destination he has gone and got worse after he left. If that is not a telling sign then I have never seen one.
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