Holy ******* **** man, how is this even debatable. I 10000000000% would start a ******* Freshman, who I have no idea how they will perform, over the worst ******* Qb in the ACC last year. Come on, How is this complicated. STARTING ROSIER IS LITERALLY THROWING THE SEASON AWAY. so yeah I'd rather take the ******* gamble, at leas then we have a shot.
This is like choosing a steaming pile of **** sandwich or the mystery box which could also very well be a **** sandwich, OR end up being like a ******* PB&J or something. This is extremely simple. Idgaf if you consider it rolling the dice. When the known commodity is absolute ****, that option should get taken off the ******* table. If you're at the casino, would you play at the table where you already know the result is a loss, or would you play at the table where you have a ******* chance? If you are going out at night do you just bag the first 2 you see, or do you shoot your shot with the ******* 8? Man some of yall only see our record, and act like its a reflection on Rosier. I've posted his *** stats on here like 10 times, and still got people acting like he wasn't the worst Qb in the ACC (or at least bottom 3) in just about every stat.
I'm gunna ******* look at all QB stats in the FBS and see how he compares, We'll see if he even finishes top 65/128 (there are 65 P5 schools and 128 FBS schools).