Ruiz stadium update

OB was half empty even when we were dominant. the fans will show up for events and when the team is winning. it doesn't matter where the stadium is. if you're thinking fans will come out weekly bc the canes have a new home then you haven't met a miami sports fan. its an event town.
Not sure why you're telling me that. I'm perfectly aware the only time any sports team in Miami draws several factors have to come into play. Winning being the key one. Miami is a fair weather sports town & people only show up when it's percieved as trendy. The half empty comment wasn't EXACTLY the case unless it was a non game against a crap team. But you are right that quite often we were nowhere near full because most fans here would rather watch on TV. Saying it doesn't matter where it is I wouldn't agree with at all because of the simple fact it affects the surrounding area it will be built at. For attendence purposes the location is far less relevant.

You missed the point completely. Tax payer funded land grant universities that had stadiums built for them 50+ years ago are not the comparison. They can have 10 events a year and make money b/c their stadiums are taxpayer funded.

Do you think Michigan would spend $2B of its endowment/donation money to build a new 110k seat stadium? ... no they wouldn't. They would spend that money on university projects that improve academics, athletics, and campus life.

This has gotten all twisted out of shape.

Of course any "free" stadium that allows UM to make more money and have "its own" place would be great but that's fantasyland and simply not good business sense. There is no unlimited pot of gold to fund projects so my point is to have that money go to places that can have the most impact .... if $500M was donated to build a stadium (woefully insufficient BTW) that generates $10M a year for UM ($4M is actually how much HRS "makes" off UM football games but let's add in "other" events too .... naming rights wouldn't likely be available b/c whomever puts up the lion share of the $ is going to want it name ---- Family Stadium) wouldn't it be prudent to redirect that $500M into projects that can have a ROI better than 2%?
When has Ruiz ... or any other "family" even vaguely hinted that they would DONATE $500 million to UM so UM can build a stadium??? Never. Ruiz has stated that HE and his family, most likely with his son as GM, would build a stadium, that stadium would host UM football games, concerts, State Championship HS games, concerts, ANYTHING to drive revenue to "Ruiz Stadium LLC", aka "The Home of the Miami Hurricanes". Talk about dreaming. Not happening ... ever.
Man. August can’t get here fast enough. We all have facts backing up our opinions. Just keep in mind we still root for the same team.
Season 7 Nbc GIF by The Blacklist
Everything I see ol bol all I can think of is

I got nothing but love for you baby.... 😂😂😂
That wasn’t a mistake, it was intentional. The city didn’t want the Canes on that property anymore, they wanted a baseball stadium. They put together that flimsy proposal to renovate the OB just so they could say they tried. When UM balked, which the city knew UM would do because it was a sham proposal, they bent over for the Marlins
EPIC , typical politicians POST of the week right here.🙌🙌🙌

You literally used the worst example in ALL OF HUMANITY as an example. The marlins core fanbase is next to nothing. They are to a tee the mlb blueprint for relocation. That's what y'all can look forward to. Marlins get moved to Vegas and Ruiz buys the stadium and it gets a facelift for football. Otherwise tropical is best case scenario. Gables will never happen & IF SOMEHOW it does everyone will be miserable and complaining every single day it's got an event.

marlins are not leaving. as part of saddling the miami dade county taxpayers with $2.5B in bonds to build the stadium, the marlins and MLB agreed that the marlins cannot leave miami until the bonds are paid, so that about the year 4378
One of the greatest mistakes in City of Miami history was not building a new OB on site.

We’ve never recovered from that and we’re searching for a home that we already had.

What they can do is send Marlins on there way and bring us all HOME again.

agreed entirely, the football program lost its soul with the destruction of the OB
That wasn’t a mistake, it was intentional. The city didn’t want the Canes on that property anymore, they wanted a baseball stadium. They put together that flimsy proposal to renovate the OB just so they could say they tried. When UM balked, which the city knew UM would do because it was a sham proposal, they bent over for the Marlins
this is correct, but the real problem started when joe robbie moved the team to joe robbie stadium. football at the site was done then. he also had plead with the city to renovate the stadium incrementally like Lambeau was renovated. the city said no way jose
this is correct, but the real problem started when joe robbie moved the team to joe robbie stadium. football at the site was done then. he also had plead with the city to renovate the stadium incrementally like Lambeau was renovated. the city said no way jose
Jim Mandich, called it the greatest moondogal of all time.
What the City of Miami did
When has Ruiz ... or any other "family" even vaguely hinted that they would DONATE $500 million to UM so UM can build a stadium??? Never. Ruiz has stated that HE and his family, most likely with his son as GM, would build a stadium, that stadium would host UM football games, concerts, State Championship HS games, concerts, ANYTHING to drive revenue to "Ruiz Stadium LLC", aka "The Home of the Miami Hurricanes". Talk about dreaming. Not happening ... ever.
Exactly. Unless Ruiz donates the project to the University(Which he likely won't, he's going to want to get something back for his investment), it's pointless. You would just be trading one landlord for another and in both cases, YOU ARE NOT PLAYING IN AN ON CAMPUS FACILITY.

People forget that owning a facility comes with costs that our cheap *** fans won't pay for. It's easy to say "Build a stadium" when you aren't the ones having to fundraise to keep it world class. Keep in mind, Miami fans won't tolerate sitting in some erector set stadium, with second rate amenities. Keeping that stadium(If it ever got built) world class would require a lot of money, and honestly, this fanbase balks at spending money. Maybe Ruiz and the boosters keep stepping up, but as we've seen time and time again, we don't have nearly the booster base that large state schools have. Even then, schools like Alabama aren't having to spend nearly as much on their facilities, mostly because their fans don't give a **** and show up anyway.

The school won't turn down a free stadium, but that is a pie in the sky scenario to begin with. Miami is playing in a world class facility right now, the only thing I would ask the school to do is work with the Dolphins to build a Miami Hurricanes exclusive locker room on premises. I would also work with Ross to have some more Miami signage and historical references in the facility. Maybe a plaza honoring the championship coaches, complete with statues. UMiami football history, is Miami football history and the University and the Dolphins have been tied together for decades....
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marlins are not leaving. as part of saddling the miami dade county taxpayers with $2.5B in bonds to build the stadium, the marlins and MLB agreed that the marlins cannot leave miami until the bonds are paid, so that about the year 4378
YES EPIC spot on , a 1/2 a penny sales tax that will never ever be satisfied and is paid yesterday today and forever.

Government never takes a sales tax back it’s in the unpublished unwritten small print that everyone ignores , just vote it in and never to be read.

Also the Marlins stadium was built to help unemployment which it DID for short time then once it was finished everyone was LET GO SHHHH .

What an embarrassment that stadium is
marlins are not leaving. as part of saddling the miami dade county taxpayers with $2.5B in bonds to build the stadium, the marlins and MLB agreed that the marlins cannot leave miami until the bonds are paid, so that about the year 4378
Well that just means everyone is ****ed. Marlins and no commitment to win will play here in an empty stadium forever & the city will never get paid back...
When has Ruiz ... or any other "family" even vaguely hinted that they would DONATE $500 million to UM so UM can build a stadium??? Never. Ruiz has stated that HE and his family, most likely with his son as GM, would build a stadium, that stadium would host UM football games, concerts, State Championship HS games, concerts, ANYTHING to drive revenue to "Ruiz Stadium LLC", aka "The Home of the Miami Hurricanes". Talk about dreaming. Not happening ... ever.
Gonna be tough to compete with Hard Rock Stadium and Hard Rock Live (or whatever it's called now) for Concerts.... Those two places seem to have big shows on lockdown... Plus the Heat Arena and the Hockey Arena host shows too... I'm not saying it can't be done but it's gonna take a ton of work to get it done...
Exactly. Unless Ruiz donates the project to the University(Which he likely won't, he's going to want to get something back for his investment), it's pointless. You would just be trading one landlord for another and in both cases, YOU ARE NOT PLAYING IN AN ON CAMPUS FACILITY.

People forget that owning a facility comes with costs that our cheap *** fans won't pay for. It's easy to say "Build a stadium" when you aren't the ones having to fundraise to keep it world class. Keep in mind, Miami fans won't tolerate sitting in some erector set stadium, with second rate amenities. Keeping that stadium(If it ever got built) world class would require a lot of money, and honestly, this fanbase balks at spending money. Maybe Ruiz and the boosters keep stepping up, but as we've seen time and time again, we don't have nearly the booster base that large state schools have. Even then, schools like Alabama aren't having to spend nearly as much on their facilities, mostly because their fans don't give a **** and show up anyway.

The school won't turn down a free stadium, but that is a pie in the sky scenario to begin with. Miami is playing in a world class facility right now, the only thing I would ask the school to do is work with the Dolphins to build a Miami Hurricanes exclusive locker room on premises. I would also work with Ross to have some more Miami signage and historical references in the facility. Maybe a plaza honoring the championship coaches, complete with statues. UMiami football history, is Miami football history and the University and the Dolphins have been tied together for decades....
What you’re saying Is a bit misleading cause they could share operational costs and ownership after he builds it. Suite, ticket & concession money could be much more profitable. Honestly could be similar to a deal that wouldve been struck with an orange bowl renovation
LOL. You know nothing about me dip****. I'm head of a fund that has loaned/invested/developed more than a billion of dollars of real estate across every part of the capital stack in almost every asset class. That is after a career as a CFP. Let's hear your qualifications other than being a blowhard asshat.

Hilarious. You responded by providing your resume.

And you wonder why people laugh at you.

I've said it before, the loudest mouths and biggest douchebags on any website tend to be arrogrant finance guys who think that success with money should be equated with intelligence, and that they are better than everyone else and should have their a$$es kissed, because money.

I was a finance major, I've been around these douchebags for all of my adult life. I can smell the Drakkar Noir from miles away.
Do HRS have public subsidies and adjacent development?

For the initial construction, Hard Rock was NOT subsidized. The stadium has received some public subsidies since that time, including the well-known "20-year Florida sales tax rebate" (though Wayne Huizenga was denied a double-dip, when he tried to get a double sales tax rebate when the football stadium added baseball).

There has been talk of extending the MetroRail all the way up to Hard Rock. There is some commercial development to the south (shopping center) and residential to the west, but there probably isn't a ton of additional land that could be redeveloped into NEW stuff, without first tearing down older stuff.