Ruiz stadium update

Wooooooo, bro. Sheesh. I asked a simple ?, & u gave me a dissertation on boosters, history, deep pockets, scenarios. Got ****; AGAIN, if a stadium meant more revenue for the school, would u be happy IN THAT SCENARIO? Pls, yes or no.

U know what, fck it. I don’t wanna know b/c I feel a “it depends” answer.
I guess the discussion is above your pay grade.

Of course it would be great to receive an additional $4-5M per year but you are fooling yourself and have zero investing background if you are not taking into consideration the capital and resources necessary to achieve that $4-5M. The ROI on a stadium is dog**** w/o huge public subsidies and adjacent development neither of which UM will have.

Don't worry about him, @Rellyrell , he's a whiny little cvnty complainer who flies off the handle when you provide factual analysis.

Everyone's entitled to an opinion, but that doesn't mean that every opinion is equally correct. The last refuge of the exposed whiners is to start yelling at people with more knowledge by calling them "know-it-alls" and whatnot.

Hey, I know more than ssvir does. I'm not ashamed of that.

But knowledge is similar to money, in that if you have more of it and try to share a bit, you will probably be attacked by those who have less.
LOL. You know nothing about me dip****. I'm head of a fund that has loaned/invested/developed more than a billion of dollars of real estate across every part of the capital stack in almost every asset class. That is after a career as a CFP. Let's hear your qualifications other than being a blowhard asshat.
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I guess the discussion is above your pay grade.

Of course it would be great to receive an additional $4-5M per year but you are fooling yourself and have zero investing background if you are not taking into consideration the capital and resources necessary to achieve that $4-5M. The ROI on a stadium is dog**** w/o huge public subsidies and adjacent development neither of which UM will have.

Do HRS have public subsidies and adjacent development?
He’s just mad because he hates driving to Miami. **** em.

Like I said before, Miami, Mario and Rad aren’t saying no to a free state of the art stadium down the street.
The oldheads complaining about driving to Miami just aren't looking at it through the right lens. View it as an excuse to tell the wife that you're occasionally just going to have to to get a hotel room in Dade and make the drive back to wherever you reside as a family man the following morning.

View the occasional Saturday night alone in your old stomping grounds as a chance to gather your other fellow shells of their former selves and the opportunity to briefly feel alive again. John Ruiz has already offered to be a bulldog in divorce court for any of us if things go too far astray or the Colombian mistress shows up at your house in Delray or Jupiter.
The oldheads complaining about driving to Miami just aren't looking at it through the right lens. View it as an excuse to tell the wife that you're occasionally just going to have to to get a hotel room in Dade and make the drive back to wherever you reside as a family man the following morning.

View the occasional Saturday night alone in your old stomping grounds as a chance to gather your other fellow shells of their former selves and the opportunity to briefly feel alive again. John Ruiz has already offered to be a bulldog in divorce court for any of us if things go too far astray or the Colombian mistress shows up at your house in Delray or Jupiter.
Smart. Investing in an improved game experience is an important consideration …
You'd have just as hard a time explaining why anyone actually went as to why they didn't. But the location certainly didn't help them.

People thought they could get Miami to be like other cities where people would hop on public transit and go to a game whenever. Miami isn't like that.
People definitely take Metrorail and the Metro Mover to Heat games. The Heat seem to do just fine with attendance (ranked 4th overall in NBA in 2021-22). Are 19K people driving cars to downtown Miami 41 times a season?
Oh, the Marlins have a hand in their own demise beyond location to be certain. but knowing how many people from PSL down to WPB won't go to Miami, but would go to HRS, I'm comfortable saying the location is also a factor.
So the first hundred miles and 1.5 hours from Port St. Lucie to Miami Gardens is fine, but the next 13 miles and 20 minutes to Little Havana, that’s where the line is drawn?
People definitely take Metrorail and the Metro Mover to Heat games. The Heat seem to do just fine with attendance (ranked 4th overall in NBA in 2021-22). Are 19K people driving cars to downtown Miami 41 times a season?
Different fan base and it's not like the Heat was ever anywhere else. Not to mention the game times are a little more friendly towards working people.
So the first hundred miles and 1.5 hours from Port St. Lucie to Miami Gardens is fine, but the next 13 miles and 20 minutes to Little Havana, that’s where the line is drawn?
For people who are averse to traffic, yes. People who are accustomed to it might not understand, but I've met people who found downtown West Palm intimidating. But HRS is downright simple from the turnpike.
For people who are averse to traffic, yes. People who are accustomed to it might not understand, but I've met people who found downtown West Palm intimidating. But HRS is downright simple from the turnpike.
Lol. It’s not like those scared to drive pbc retirees were exactly filling the stadium before the move (in fact, it’s probably safer for everyone that they aren’t driving here). But, as was already stated, the marlins example isn’t exactly analogous.

When (fine, if) we build a stadium in Miami (magic city, tropical park, loan depot-adjacent, somewhere else…) I don’t think we’d have a problem filling the thing as long as we are winning. Even if the St. Lucie folks decide that an extra 30 minutes of commute 6X a year is just too much, someone else will fill the seat (again, if we’re winning - we couldn’t fill Traz Powell if we keep going 7-5).
Lol. It’s not like those scared to drive pbc retirees were exactly filling the stadium before the move (in fact, it’s probably safer for everyone that they aren’t driving here). But, as was already stated, the marlins example isn’t exactly analogous.

When (fine, if) we build a stadium in Miami (magic city, tropical park, loan depot-adjacent, somewhere else…) I don’t think we’d have a problem filling the thing as long as we are winning. Even if the St. Lucie folks decide that an extra 30 minutes of commute 6X a year is just too much, someone else will fill the seat (again, if we’re winning - we couldn’t fill Traz Powell if we keep going 7-5).
They'll make the drive if we're winning. If it's a Duke game, attendance might be an issue, but hopefully the additional revenue will make up for it.
I think we’re currently in a good situation with the stadium.

Best case scenario we get a state of the art stadium built in Miami (ideally Tropical Park IMO) hopefully privately funded by Ruiz or other Boosters.

Worst case scenario we continue playing in HRS which I really enjoy. Location in Northdade is good for the tri-county area and the stadium is very nice after the upgrades it’s received. Once we start winning the game day atmosphere and attendance should be good and compared to other college stadiums it’s much more polished. I understand though that playing in an NFL stadium is kinda frowned upon and used for negative recruiting, but just looking at the venue itself I think it’s pretty top notch.

I don’t know any of the financial factors which I know are extremely important, but if a new stadium is financially doable (or free for the school) then idk how we would turn that down though, no matter how nice HRS stadium is.
Season 7 Nbc GIF by The Blacklist
I see u have a real hard time reading & comprehending questions, dummy. I asked u a ?, not an explanation.
No idea what your point is so let's hear your CV so we can determine if you're a blowhard know nothing talking out of your *** like the other clown.

I'm sure you'll have no problem sharing since you are so well versed in Miami real estate development.
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No idea what your point is so let's hear your CV so we can determine if you're a blowhard know nothing asshat talking out of your *** like the other clown.

See, this entire time I’ve tried to have a civilized conversation w/ u. Go back to every post, & I asked genuine ?’s. But see, bytch *** ninjas like u love to poke the bear.

So, let me give it to u raw, ya bytch, since U appear to be the type of dude that drive a Jeep wearing shades when it’s cloudy outside, looking for street hoes, taking them to the local motel, as they gag u, bend u over & stick a ***** up ur *** w/ no Vaseline saying “ooo baby, I like it there.” That’s the only explanation for the bytchnassness U’ve been spewing this entire thread.

My point, is that every scenario U’ve used as an excuse, is just that, an excuse.
-If a donor decides w/ his OWN money, he wants to build a stadium for his Alma Mater, why the fck r u bytching about it?

-If the Miami Hurricanes finds themselves in a situation like USC where they are able to capitalize & monetize as an operating partner, why are u complaining like a bytch?

-If this helps w/ recruiting & creates a collegiate atmosphere that current students would be attracted to, why are u thumbing ur nose at it, like a pompous prick?

-If said donor decides he wants to invest 50% of his earnings into this school, what business of it is urs?

Right now, that “whole city subsidized” bull chit or “surrounding area” bull chit excuse u used, ain’t applicable to HRS. Period. Stephen Ross, out of his own $$, reinvested in the stadium to tune of $400+m. All those events he’s throwing, IS A RESULT OF HIM OWNING & REINVESTING IN A STADIUM HE PURCHASED! The surrouding area sucks, yet he’s making tons of money from us, tickets sales, & other events that HIS stadium is being used for. That typically happens when u own ur own chit!

Right now, this stadium doesn’t benefit us besides it being a home for our games. That’s it. Ppl like u r ONLY making a fuss b/c this stadium has been a convenience for u. So in actuality u give more a fck about urself than what’s best for the school. If HRS was best 4 the school, follow me now b/c I know ur IQ level in reading comprehension is not the best, & frankly u might be the sole reason y Miami’s academics have dropped (I digress); but, if HRS was in the school’s best interest, then Dan, u know our AD, wouldn’t have said **** near 1st day on the job, IT WOULD BE OUR BEST INTEREST TO HAVE OUR OWN STADIUM, “IF” POSSIBLE. Why would he say that? Don’t worry, that’s a rhetorical ?; I’m sorry, I forgot who I was dealing w/, “rhetorical” means I don’t give a fck if u know the answer b/c it wasn’t a real ?, it was meant to add credence & context to this post.

Listen, I’m going to assume u’re not the head of anything. I’m going to assume a firm, company, corporation is smart enough to not hire an incompetent prick like urself. Ur inexplicable inability to reason, to comprehend, to ascertain, to be logical gives plausible doubt u’re not over anyone’s billions. If u’re overseeing billions, then Nevin Shapiro is the greatest assets investor of all time.