Ruiz stadium update

See, this entire time I’ve tried to have a civilized conversation w/ u. Go back to every post, & I asked genuine ?’s. But see, bytch *** ninjas like u love to poke the bear.

So, let me give it to u raw, ya bytch, since U appear to be the type of dude that drive a Jeep wearing shades when it’s cloudy outside, looking for street hoes, taking them to the local motel, as they gag u, bend u over & stick a ***** up ur *** w/ no Vaseline saying “ooo baby, I like it there.” That’s the only explanation for the bytchnassness U’ve been spewing this entire thread.

My point, is that every scenario U’ve used as an excuse, is just that, an excuse.
-If a donor decides w/ his OWN money, he wants to build a stadium for his Alma Mater, why the fck r u bytching about it?

-If the Miami Hurricanes finds themselves in a situation like USC where they are able to capitalize & monetize as an operating partner, why are u complaining like a bytch?

-If this helps w/ recruiting & creates a collegiate atmosphere that current students would be attracted to, why are u thumbing ur nose at it, like a pompous prick?

-If said donor decides he wants to invest 50% of his earnings into this school, what business of it is urs?

Right now, that “whole city subsidized” bull chit or “surrounding area” bull chit excuse u used, ain’t applicable to HRS. Period. Stephen Ross, out of his own $$, reinvested in the stadium to tune of $400+m. All those events he’s throwing, IS A RESULT OF HIM OWNING & REINVESTING IN A STADIUM HE PURCHASED! The surrouding area sucks, yet he’s making tons of money from us, tickets sales, & other events that HIS stadium is being used for. That typically happens when u own ur own chit!

Right now, this stadium doesn’t benefit us besides it being a home for our games. That’s it. Ppl like u r ONLY making a fuss b/c this stadium has been a convenience for u. So in actuality u give more a fck about urself than what’s best for the school. If HRS was best 4 the school, follow me now b/c I know ur IQ level in reading comprehension is not the best, & frankly u might be the sole reason y Miami’s academics have dropped (I digress); but, if HRS was in the school’s best interest, then Dan, u know our AD, wouldn’t have said **** near 1st day on the job, IT WOULD BE OUR BEST INTEREST TO HAVE OUR OWN STADIUM, “IF” POSSIBLE. Why would he say that? Don’t worry, that’s a rhetorical ?; I’m sorry, I forgot who I was dealing w/, “rhetorical” means I don’t give a fck if u know the answer b/c it wasn’t a real ?, it was meant to add credence & context to this post.

Listen, I’m going to assume u’re not the head of anything. I’m going to assume a firm, company, corporation is smart enough to not hire an incompetent prick like urself. Ur inexplicable inability to reason, to comprehend, to ascertain, to be logical gives plausible doubt u’re not over anyone’s billions. If u’re overseeing billions, then Nevin Shapiro is the greatest assets investor of all time.
As I suspected you have zero real estate business experience, don't actually understand what the topic is b/c its not what your War and Peace novel was about, and you live in LA and have no ******* idea about Miami real estate/politics/development.

HRS makes a whopping $4M a year off of Miami Hurricane games and if they relied upon only Hurricanes/Dolphins games the operating entity wouldn't be able to afford the stadium expenses/upkeep let alone $400M in upgrades. You know absolutely nothing about real estate and property management.

Its better to say nothing and be thought a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt but unfortunately too late for you on this one.

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As I suspected you have zero real estate business experience, don't actually understand what the topic is b/c its not what your War and Peace novel was about, and you live in LA and have no ******* idea about Miami real estate/politics/development.

HRS makes a whopping $4M a year off of Miami Hurricane games and if they relied upon only Hurricanes/Dolphins games the operating entity wouldn't be able to afford the stadium expenses/upkeep let alone $400M in upgrades. You know absolutely nothing about real estate and property management.

Its better to say nothing and be thought a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt but unfortunately too late for you on this one.

L-O-L; yeah, OK. Well, u’re right; I don’t have much real estate experience. It’s not like I haven’t purchased & sold properties to USC or anything like that. It’s not like several lofts that formed from abandoned buildings in Downtown LA, I wasn’t apart of. ****, it’s not like I didn’t help my grandmother secure the duffle when SoFi got built across the street from her investment properties or helping my uncle secure his duffel from an investment property in the heart of where the Clippers arena is being built. Anyways, I digress.

Before I got in to the insurance, risk management game, I was in the real estate game as a freshman in college. While my fellow college students were struggling, I was making 6 figures as freshman, to the point one of my professors asked me, what am I even doing here in school when I’ve reached the purpose of getting a college degree. Lol Hence, my other nickname amongst my friends is “Money-Making Relly.” But that’s neither here nor there, b/c u drive a jeep while having foreign objects shoved up for *** for pleasure, & I don’t fck w/ those involved in such gaping activities.

However, ur 2nd paragraph highlighted my entire point about Ross, his money, his investment & the benefits that’s come of it. Why u decided to make my point for me, acting as if I didn’t already say that, is beyond me. Unlike u, I read just fine; so just b/c u worded my statement differently, doesn’t mean it’s not the same chit, genius.

However, b/c I’m a good mood, I’m going to chop up this illiteracy due to ur propensity of suffering ****** prolapse.
Theres this great quote "Build it and they will come". ... An entire movie was made about it...

Anyways Who the **** gives a **** what people think would happen regarding fans not wanting to sit in traffic or whatever. Build the ******* thing, make the student experience great, and stop over thinking it. If we ******* win, people will sit their asses in traffic to come see their Canes play. It's pretty simple. This is a 50 year investment.
If and when Miami starts winning is when all the fans come out.. That is when we realize the rock can actually do just that. I wasn't down here for the ND game but from what I hear and saw on TV. That place can be electric. But first things first. We the fans have to show up and fill it up regardless of who we are playing. If that happens nobody will complain about the stadium situation
But look at the huge, sustained jump in attendance when the Marlins moved to their own billion dollar stadium.

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You literally used the worst example in ALL OF HUMANITY as an example. The marlins core fanbase is next to nothing. They are to a tee the mlb blueprint for relocation. That's what y'all can look forward to. Marlins get moved to Vegas and Ruiz buys the stadium and it gets a facelift for football. Otherwise tropical is best case scenario. Gables will never happen & IF SOMEHOW it does everyone will be miserable and complaining every single day it's got an event.
You literally used the worst example in ALL OF HUMANITY as an example. The marlins core fanbase is next to nothing. They are to a tee the mlb blueprint for relocation. That's what y'all can look forward to. Marlins get moved to Vegas and Ruiz buys the stadium and it gets a facelift for football. Otherwise tropical is best case scenario. Gables will never happen & IF SOMEHOW it does everyone will be miserable and complaining every single day it's got an event.
For a team that won 2 WS in their first 11 seasons of existence.

They are the MLB blueprint for mismanagement since then.
You literally used the worst example in ALL OF HUMANITY as an example. The marlins core fanbase is next to nothing. They are to a tee the mlb blueprint for relocation. That's what y'all can look forward to. Marlins get moved to Vegas and Ruiz buys the stadium and it gets a facelift for football. Otherwise tropical is best case scenario. Gables will never happen & IF SOMEHOW it does everyone will be miserable and complaining every single day it's got an event.
Correct... I made this point a while ago.... Only problem with the Marlins is the lease they have... Not sure how to work around it but I assume anything is possible....
L-O-L; yeah, OK. Well, u’re right; I don’t have much real estate experience. It’s not like I haven’t purchased & sold properties to USC or anything like that. It’s not like several lofts that formed from abandoned buildings in Downtown LA, I wasn’t apart of. ****, it’s not like I didn’t help my grandmother secure the duffle when SoFi got built across the street from her investment properties or helping my uncle secure his duffel from an investment property in the heart of where the Clippers arena is being built. Anyways, I digress.

Before I got in to the insurance, risk management game, I was in the real estate game as a freshman in college. While my fellow college students were struggling, I was making 6 figures as freshman, to the point one of my professors asked me, what am I even doing here in school when I’ve reached the purpose of getting a college degree. Lol Hence, my other nickname amongst my friends is “Money-Making Relly.” But that’s neither here nor there, b/c u drive a jeep while having foreign objects shoved up for *** for pleasure, & I don’t fck w/ those involved in such gaping activities.

However, ur 2nd paragraph highlighted my entire point about Ross, his money, his investment & the benefits that’s come of it. Why u decided to make my point for me, acting as if I didn’t already say that, is beyond me. Unlike u, I read just fine; so just b/c u worded my statement differently, doesn’t mean it’s not the same chit, genius.

However, b/c I’m a good mood, I’m going to chop up this illiteracy due to ur propensity of suffering ****** prolapse.
The "experience" you highlighted along with referring to everything as a "game" shows you are young and dumb and know little about real estate.

As for your supposed Ross point ... I have no idea what you are talking about. The reason Ross has turned HRS into a venue that has lots of other activities going on is b/c hosting 15 football games a year makes minimal money and won't support keeping the stadium up-to-date. If you think a new UM football stadium is going to attract a bunch of other events that turn it into a profitable business you don't know Miami. The UM basketball arena makes no money precisely b/c the Heat arena, HRS, and other venues makes hosting events hyper competitive.
One thing I haven't seen commented on by Ruiz et al is any hint that a new stadium would be OWNED by UM. It is my understanding from his comments that HE would be building a stadium, he would own and operate the stadium, would seek other events to drive revenue to the facility, and the only benefits to UM would be:

-Having a stadium promoted as the "Home of the Miami Hurricanes"
-PERHAPS a lower rental fee and split of merchandise / food profits

For Ruiz it would simply be another business venture, not a "donation" to UM.
No idea what your point is so let's hear your CV so we can determine if you're a blowhard know nothing talking out of your *** like the other clown.

I'm sure you'll have no problem sharing since you are so well versed in Miami real estate development.


One of the greatest mistakes in City of Miami history was not building a new OB on site.

We’ve never recovered from that and we’re searching for a home that we already had.

What they can do is send Marlins on there way and bring us all HOME again.

That wasn’t a mistake, it was intentional. The city didn’t want the Canes on that property anymore, they wanted a baseball stadium. They put together that flimsy proposal to renovate the OB just so they could say they tried. When UM balked, which the city knew UM would do because it was a sham proposal, they bent over for the Marlins
The "experience" you highlighted along with referring to everything as a "game" shows you are young and dumb and know little about real estate.

As for your supposed Ross point ... I have no idea what you are talking about. The reason Ross has turned HRS into a venue that has lots of other activities going on is b/c hosting 15 football games a year makes minimal money and won't support keeping the stadium up-to-date. If you think a new UM football stadium is going to attract a bunch of other events that turn it into a profitable business you don't know Miami. The UM basketball arena makes no money precisely b/c the Heat arena, HRS, and other venues makes hosting events hyper competitive.
Ummmm universities don’t usually make money hosting secondary events like that. I doubt the big house at Michigan is hosting big time rock concerts in the off season. Most revenue is from tix concessions @ naming rights of stadiums and donor naming opportunities on suites too
That wasn’t a mistake, it was intentional. The city didn’t want the Canes on that property anymore, they wanted a baseball stadium. They put together that flimsy proposal to renovate the OB just so they could say they tried. When UM balked, which the city knew UM would do because it was a sham proposal, they bent over for the Marlins
Mlb wants the Miami market at all costs. If the marlins were a consistant winner, the stadium wouldn’t be viewed with so much disdain. Remember the marlins were sold to loria at a discount even after his failures in Montreal. Before that Wayne wanted to sell in 98 to team pres Don smiley at a discount because he knew he would’ve built a winner. Smiley and partners couldn’t afford it.
L-O-L; yeah, OK. Well, u’re right; I don’t have much real estate experience. It’s not like I haven’t purchased & sold properties to USC or anything like that. It’s not like several lofts that formed from abandoned buildings in Downtown LA, I wasn’t apart of. ****, it’s not like I didn’t help my grandmother secure the duffle when SoFi got built across the street from her investment properties or helping my uncle secure his duffel from an investment property in the heart of where the Clippers arena is being built. Anyways, I digress.

Before I got in to the insurance, risk management game, I was in the real estate game as a freshman in college. While my fellow college students were struggling, I was making 6 figures as freshman, to the point one of my professors asked me, what am I even doing here in school when I’ve reached the purpose of getting a college degree. Lol Hence, my other nickname amongst my friends is “Money-Making Relly.” But that’s neither here nor there, b/c u drive a jeep while having foreign objects shoved up for *** for pleasure, & I don’t fck w/ those involved in such gaping activities.

However, ur 2nd paragraph highlighted my entire point about Ross, his money, his investment & the benefits that’s come of it. Why u decided to make my point for me, acting as if I didn’t already say that, is beyond me. Unlike u, I read just fine; so just b/c u worded my statement differently, doesn’t mean it’s not the same chit, genius.

However, b/c I’m a good mood, I’m going to chop up this illiteracy due to ur propensity of suffering ****** prolapse.

Real talk....can we change the vehicle fam? I love Jeeps bro....

Ummmm universities don’t usually make money hosting secondary events like that. I doubt the big house at Michigan is hosting big time rock concerts in the off season. Most revenue is from tix concessions @ naming rights of stadiums and donor naming opportunities on suites too
Exactly although there is some potential opportunity to steal shows from that muddy field/hillside dump in Bumblefuk West Palm posing as a venue. Not to mention that I'm sure if Ruiz is actually serious about this at the Tropical Park location that he's going to try to mimic the Mas Bros and have some attached "development" to the project like Inter Miami and Melreese....while preserving "some" park space too, of course.
You literally used the worst example in ALL OF HUMANITY as an example. The marlins core fanbase is next to nothing. They are to a tee the mlb blueprint for relocation. That's what y'all can look forward to. Marlins get moved to Vegas and Ruiz buys the stadium and it gets a facelift for football. Otherwise tropical is best case scenario. Gables will never happen & IF SOMEHOW it does everyone will be miserable and complaining every single day it's got an event.

OB was half empty even when we were dominant. the fans will show up for events and when the team is winning. it doesn't matter where the stadium is. if you're thinking fans will come out weekly bc the canes have a new home then you haven't met a miami sports fan. its an event town.
Ummmm universities don’t usually make money hosting secondary events like that. I doubt the big house at Michigan is hosting big time rock concerts in the off season. Most revenue is from tix concessions @ naming rights of stadiums and donor naming opportunities on suites too
You missed the point completely. Tax payer funded land grant universities that had stadiums built for them 50+ years ago are not the comparison. They can have 10 events a year and make money b/c their stadiums are taxpayer funded.

Do you think Michigan would spend $2B of its endowment/donation money to build a new 110k seat stadium? ... no they wouldn't. They would spend that money on university projects that improve academics, athletics, and campus life.

This has gotten all twisted out of shape.

Of course any "free" stadium that allows UM to make more money and have "its own" place would be great but that's fantasyland and simply not good business sense. There is no unlimited pot of gold to fund projects so my point is to have that money go to places that can have the most impact .... if $500M was donated to build a stadium (woefully insufficient BTW) that generates $10M a year for UM ($4M is actually how much HRS "makes" off UM football games but let's add in "other" events too .... naming rights wouldn't likely be available b/c whomever puts up the lion share of the $ is going to want it name ---- Family Stadium) wouldn't it be prudent to redirect that $500M into projects that can have a ROI better than 2%?
Exactly although there is some potential opportunity to steal shows from that muddy field/hillside dump in Bumblefuk West Palm posing as a venue. Not to mention that I'm sure if Ruiz is actually serious about this at the Tropical Park location that he's going to try to mimic the Mas Bros and have some attached "development" to the project like Inter Miami and Melreese....while preserving "some" park space too, of course.
I question the “some park space” too