Ruiz stadium update

Basically telling residents they can't use their park

Come on ... there are quite a few power 5 stadiums that are even below 50,000 capacity. Anyway ... if Ruiz is able to build it he is saying it will have more than 60,000 capacity ... which is what we have at Hard Rock. I drive 300 miles each way for UM games ... at Hard Rock. The extra 25 miles isn't a factor ... but the CONGESTION in those 25 miles is a huge factor. I can cover those 300 miles in 3.5 hours. On a Saturday it will take another hour with the crazy Miami traffic to get to Tropical Park. I normally grab a hotel in Fort Lauderdale on game day. Will have to change to a Miami hotel ... and maybe get one the night before just not to deal with the game day hassle. Whatever ... will believe it when I see it. Sounds like an amazing venue if it is ever built.
The peasants will do as they are told.
Means absolutely nothing but Ruiz senior did mention the Parks department is ecstatic about his proposal. Furthermore, to your point, i believe there has been some kind of communication with the county. I expect him to make a former presentation the university of Miami once the stadium plans are done, then to the county.


Allow me to phrase this another way. I understand how people who have lived in Dade and observed Dade politics for decades can be cynical and jaded. Or even oppose the idea on principle. I do respect that.

But I also feel (and this is based on the 2 decades I lived in Dade) that we can allow the "negative" side of the coin to control us, to believe that nothing will ever get better, that there is no pathway to change, and that we must simply accept the cards we were dealt.

I don't know if John Ruiz's full plan will come to fruition. There may yet be changes to his drawings. But I'll tell you this, I first went to Tropical Park in 1986. Beautiful place. When I saw the (small) stadium, I too had a dream that my Miami Hurricanes could play there. The rest of the park was great too. One of my best friends (who was on the UM track team) would go to Tropical to run the hills. So many great memories of going there to grill and/or play softball.

But for nearly 40 years, there have not been a lot of improvements to Tropical. Yes, some of the trees have gotten 40 years older, but the park is not significantly better than it was 40 years ago and it is slowly being overwhelmed by the growth of South Florida. And don't even get me started on Santa's Enchanted Forest, which I believe is a travesty to inflict on such a great park.

John Ruiz's plan significantly improves Tropical. And while Dade will foot SOME of the bill, John Ruiz has offered to pay much of it, if not most. Name all the times a billionaire makes that kind of offer to a municipal parks office. Obviously, a person like that will want a trade-off, such as naming rights and some economic development opportunities. But this is a rare opportunity.

Yes, the bureaucrats love it. Huge improvements at little to no cost. And the politicians will fall wherever the public opinion (and the money) tell them to fall. I realize what some people on this thread are saying. There are environmental concerns. Theare are "privatizing of public lands" concerns. There are "what are we going to do in the meantime" concerns.

And after observing South Florida politics and South Florida life for nearly 40 years, I would challenge any longtime South Floridian to name all of the times when South Floridians have denied progress, denied improvements, denied a free (or nearly free) gift from a wealthy individual, because South Floridians put the environment or public parks or historical buildings or traffic "first". You have all the evidence surrounding you, all the evidence that South Floridians have never met a road or a skyscraper or a parking garage that they would sacrifice for the "greater good" or "environmental concerns".

I welcome skepticism and great suggestions. I'm not saying this will be easy. But if John Ruiz continues to advance this proposal as smoothly as he has so far, then it will eventually happen.

And, cynically, I would suggest that John Ruiz brings David Samson out of retirement. Because THAT scumbag will get things done...
Lol just give a away another park? You can’t differentiate the difference between this proposal and Marlins/Miami FC? Tropical Park is gaining, not losing. But don’t let those facts get in the way.
I disagree that they're gaining but its okay to be a mouth piece for Ruiz. look if he gets the land, im on board. till then, its a pie in the sky dream
I disagree that they're gaining but its okay to be a mouth piece for Ruiz. look if he gets the land, im on board. till then, its a pie in the sky dream
How do you disagree when you see the additional fields and resources he’s proposing to the park? He’s literally adding more baseball, football, soccer, swimming, etc. fields. It’s literally gaining from what it has now.

Check your tone with me about the mouthpiece. Everything is pie in the sky until it gets done.

Allow me to phrase this another way. I understand how people who have lived in Dade and observed Dade politics for decades can be cynical and jaded. Or even oppose the idea on principle. I do respect that.

But I also feel (and this is based on the 2 decades I lived in Dade) that we can allow the "negative" side of the coin to control us, to believe that nothing will ever get better, that there is no pathway to change, and that we must simply accept the cards we were dealt.

I don't know if John Ruiz's full plan will come to fruition. There may yet be changes to his drawings. But I'll tell you this, I first went to Tropical Park in 1986. Beautiful place. When I saw the (small) stadium, I too had a dream that my Miami Hurricanes could play there. The rest of the park was great too. One of my best friends (who was on the UM track team) would go to Tropical to run the hills. So many great memories of going there to grill and/or play softball.

But for nearly 40 years, there have not been a lot of improvements to Tropical. Yes, some of the trees have gotten 40 years older, but the park is not significantly better than it was 40 years ago and it is slowly being overwhelmed by the growth of South Florida. And don't even get me started on Santa's Enchanted Forest, which I believe is a travesty to inflict on such a great park.

John Ruiz's plan significantly improves Tropical. And while Dade will foot SOME of the bill, John Ruiz has offered to pay much of it, if not most. Name all the times a billionaire makes that kind of offer to a municipal parks office. Obviously, a person like that will want a trade-off, such as naming rights and some economic development opportunities. But this is a rare opportunity.

Yes, the bureaucrats love it. Huge improvements at little to no cost. And the politicians will fall wherever the public opinion (and the money) tell them to fall. I realize what some people on this thread are saying. There are environmental concerns. Theare are "privatizing of public lands" concerns. There are "what are we going to do in the meantime" concerns.

And after observing South Florida politics and South Florida life for nearly 40 years, I would challenge any longtime South Floridian to name all of the times when South Floridians have denied progress, denied improvements, denied a free (or nearly free) gift from a wealthy individual, because South Floridians put the environment or public parks or historical buildings or traffic "first". You have all the evidence surrounding you, all the evidence that South Floridians have never met a road or a skyscraper or a parking garage that they would sacrifice for the "greater good" or "environmental concerns".

I welcome skepticism and great suggestions. I'm not saying this will be easy. But if John Ruiz continues to advance this proposal as smoothly as he has so far, then it will eventually happen.

And, cynically, I would suggest that John Ruiz brings David Samson out of retirement. Because THAT scumbag will get things done...
History is filled with countless examples of ambitious men doing things most people said could not be done. They knew all the obstacles, pitfalls and challenges and still went forward because the believed in something better. It's the human spirit. The narrow minded, small thinking status quo people are great at creating a list of all the reasons (big and small)something can not be accomplished. The same people on this board who are convinced Miami cannot leave the ACC are the same ones who will say a new stadium is a pipe dream. I believe time will prove them wrong on both counts.
How do you disagree when you see the additional fields and resources he’s proposing to the park? He’s literally adding more baseball, football, soccer, swimming, etc. fields. It’s literally gaining from what it has now.

Check your tone with me about the mouthpiece. Everything is pie in the sky until it gets done.

check your tone with you? who the **** are you?

also, im just skeptical the county will ever lease anyone that land. its been tried. its failed before. I dont see it happening esp after the marlins cluster **** and the recent inter issues with getting the land. I hope it happens bc the plans he put out there look great. I just dont think it'll happen bc of the county. if the land was privately owned, wed be breaking ground tomorrow
If we get 70+% of all revenue from the stadium and it seats over 65k and is nice………….It’s a win for UM
why would UM get the revenue if Ruiz is going to be the one developing the park? UM would be a tenant at the tropical just like it is at HRS unless UM puts money into the deal, which doesnt seem likely.
Grew up in North Miami. Went to school with Earl Little.
Live in Hollywood beach now.

Got it. Have you ever heard the advice that a lawyer should never ask someone on the stand a question the lawyer doesn't already know the answer to?

Well, I just did it anyway. Because I knew in my heart of hearts that you lived north of HRS and this was solely about your own personal convenience. I would have bet six figures.

I don't care how long you've had season tickets. You paid for your tickets and were provided entertainment value in return.

You claim to care about the U but want to stop us from having our own stadium, which means we would not be beholden to the whims of whoever buys the Fins and HRS in the future? You want to stop the University of Miami from having an incredible state of the art facility that is OUR stadium, in OUR colors, designed to serve OUR needs where we aren't an afterthought below tennis? You want to prevent the University of Miami from having this state of the art facility that would lead us into the next century, mere minutes away from campus?

Guess what? UM will survive without you. For every self-interested fan that DOESN'T EVEN LIVE IN MIAMI LET ALONE CORAL GABLES that cares more about their own extra 20 minutes in traffic vs the program having facility security for the next 100 years, that takes their ball and goes home, ten more that live/work/study around and south of the POPULATED AREA of the U will take your place. People will be able to walk and bike to our games that will be located in a beautiful park. Ticket sales will skyrocket.

HRS was a stopgap for when we lost our beloved Orange Bowl. Even when we had the OB there was a movement to try to get something on or closer to campus. HRS isn't the baseline location that the U owes Broward fans, it was the only choice we had, and its not a permanent solution. It's a bummer for everyone that is actually at the U to go to.

I hope you wake up and see how important this is and stay a fan/attendee. But if you don't, oh well.
Got it. Have you ever heard the advice that a lawyer should never ask someone on the stand a question the lawyer doesn't already know the answer to?

Well, I just did it anyway. Because I knew in my heart of hearts that you lived north of HRS and this was solely about your own personal convenience. I would have bet six figures.

I don't care how long you've had season tickets. You paid for your tickets and were provided entertainment value in return.

You claim to care about the U but want to stop us from having our own stadium, which means we would not be beholden to the whims of whoever buys the Fins and HRS in the future? You want to stop the University of Miami from having an incredible state of the art facility that is OUR stadium, in OUR colors, designed to serve OUR needs where we aren't an afterthought below tennis? You want to prevent the University of Miami from having this state of the art facility that would lead us into the next century, mere minutes away from campus?

Guess what? UM will survive without you. For every self-interested fan that DOESN'T EVEN LIVE IN MIAMI LET ALONE CORAL GABLES that cares more about their own extra 20 minutes in traffic vs the program having facility security for the next 100 years, that takes their ball and goes home, ten more that live/work/study around and south of the POPULATED AREA of the U will take your place. People will be able to walk and bike to our games that will be located in a beautiful park. Ticket sales will skyrocket.

HRS was a stopgap for when we lost our beloved Orange Bowl. Even when we had the OB there was a movement to try to get something on or closer to campus. HRS isn't the baseline location that the U owes Broward fans, it was the only choice we had, and its not a permanent solution. It's a bummer for everyone that is actually at the U to go to.

I hope you wake up and see how important this is and stay a fan/attendee. But if you don't, oh well.
Wrong again. I work in Coral Gables and have been driving in that area since I was 16. I know how it works and know what plusses and minuses a stadium at Tropical Park would bring. I see what Hard Rock does for fans Saturday's & Sunday's. Now if Ruiz wants to do it right he needs to make sure not to eliminate things Hard Rock does amazing. Ease of parking, Tailgating, Roof to keep the noise in and not building another UCF stadium. If he can do that then I'm all in. If not I think we're hurting not helping. In the end these are just my opinions and I'm sure a ton of fans feel the same.
Guess what? UM will survive without you. For every self-interested fan that DOESN'T EVEN LIVE IN MIAMI LET ALONE CORAL GABLES that cares more about their own extra 20 minutes in traffic vs the program having facility security for the next 100 years, that takes their ball and goes home, ten more that live/work/study around and south of the POPULATED AREA of the U will take your place. People will be able to walk and bike to our games that will be located in a beautiful park. Ticket sales will skyrocket.
Now you're sounding like my teenager. LOL
Wrong again. I work in Coral Gables and have been driving in that area since I was 16. I know how it works and know what plusses and minuses a stadium at Tropical Park would bring. I see what Hard Rock does for fans Saturday's & Sunday's. Now if Ruiz wants to do it right he needs to make sure not to eliminate things Hard Rock does amazing. Ease of parking, Tailgating, Roof to keep the noise in and not building another UCF stadium. If he can do that then I'm all in. If not I think we're hurting not helping. In the end these are just my opinions and I'm sure a ton of fans feel the same.

Buddy you just said you live in Hollywood Beach. Stop. That's your issue. Your commute. Or you wouldn't be trying to hurt the U.

Ah, so now you are saying that you've been making assumptions about how horrible a job Ruiz and HKS are going to do designing a stadium, and you are reacting to your own little boogeyman. Got it. Even though he's specifically said the opposite. But you know better.

Smart move would be to patiently wait until you/we actually know what's being proposed before criticizing on a website.

You're kind of a cliche if you want to know the truth. And I am bored, Bye.

Hard Rock moved the CLOSEST seats...closer...but 95% of all the seating in Hard Rock is just as far away from the center of the 50 yard line as it has ever been.

That's not a knock on Hard Rock, it's just cold, hard architectural facts. I'm tired of hearing this myth about how all the Hard Rock seats are closer to the field now. It's a physical impossibility to do that.
your right and wrong.. They moved the sidelines a lot closer while also removing a lot of the seats that were furthest away so the average seat is for sure closer. but all remaining uperdeck seats are in the same place. The added roof did a lot to make it feel closer in with the reflected noise.
Sorry but in today's world you will not get that many people to carpool. They will lose a ton of season ticket holders IMO.

I'm going to go no matter what and I think it's always been the perfect location but to go to a stadium the size of UCF with not enough parking will be a big mistake. This is Miami it's hard enough to get people to go to the games.
lol @ losing season ticket holders
Buddy you just said you live in Hollywood Beach. Stop. That's your issue. Your commute. Or you wouldn't be trying to hurt the U.

Ah, so now you are saying that you've been making assumptions about how horrible a job Ruiz and HKS are going to do designing a stadium, and you are reacting to your own little boogeyman. Got it. Even though he's specifically said the opposite. But you know better.

Smart move would be to patiently wait until you/we actually know what's being proposed before criticizing on a website.

You're kind of a cliche if you want to know the truth. And I am bored, Bye.
Hahahah Just stop it. You sound like a child.
Hahahah Just stop it. You sound like a child.

I sound like someone who cares about my university and my Canes. You're the Karen whining about having to drive an extra 20 minutes from Broward so that the U can have facility security, sovereignty, and increased revenue to fund the AD.

I think you should show your teenager how to write a tersely worded letter to the AD so that your complaint is registered. You show em!
lol @ losing season ticket holders

That homie is having a day.

dumb patrick star GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants