Ruiz family attempting to build a stadium in Coral Gables...

So basically 4 games a year in a $2 billion erector set.

Like I said before, these guys are part of the big money push to improve everything regarding Miami football, so I’m not going to bang on this too hard, I’m just going to humor it. Just pay up for all the other shlt. Let’s light this candle, we can talk about the stadium later. Or talk about it now, but just turn over that promised money.
I think both of your points were fair, as that's a lot of money for something that wasn't being used full time, but I was definitely talking more similar to the Baylor stadium, which seems pretty nice, not the UCF example, that sounds like it was done on the cheap. To me, if you are going to spend that kind of money, you better come strong or don't bother with the project at all. Either way, it's like winning the lottery, it may not be realistic, but sometimes it's just fun to think about it.
That neighborhood is half way there with CGHS football games, bright lights and the cheering noise for as long as the school has been there. Can’t see why they would have an issue, especially when proper planning is done with widened roads and landscaped green belt used as substantial noise buffer and aesthetic feature.
Another thing, parking and traffic would be a nightmare even with the new parking garage. Anybody who has attended UM knows the nightmare that US1 will be on gamedays. I'm for a new stadium though.
50k seats is pretty weak but hey I'll take it if it's designed well and loud
Do you have any idea how loud 50k people can get?

They broke the world record for the loudest stadium at a soccer stadium in Istanbul with a 50k capacity and it didnt take them an inbred tomahawk chop to do it.
This is not going to happen, but hear me out.

Ruiz, as successful as he may be already, is not even a paper billionaire yet. The deal to take MSP public is highly suspect for at least a dozen reasons. Even IF the proposed deal gets done, he will ONLY be a paper billionaire who will not be able to cash out his shares. Beyond that, as many have noted, moving a literal high school - especially one like CGHS - and building a stadium there is so completely bonkers that you simply have to stand in awe at the balls it takes to even suggest such a thing.

Which gets me to my point - I don't think the stadium will happen. I don't think Ruiz' SPAC deal will go through. But what I do think is that I love to hear this completely irrational, think big attitude again. I don't care that the plan will never happen, and that even if it did, the guy proposing it will never have the money to do it. What I love is that one of the boosters is crazy enough not only to dream it, but to propose it.

I have no idea how the next 24-48 hours will play out. ****, if I had that power, I'd be a billionaire myself and I'd be calling the shots. But I think that this signals a change in our boosters, from passive, old, frustrated (either because they can't figure out how the steam room works or because their wives ain't putting out...usually both) Riviera guys to active, balls to the wall, engaged Riviera young guys.

The SEC is full of psychos like this. It's about time we had some psychos of our own.
Pitt Stadium??

This is the closest example but Im still disallowing it :05.18-flustered: because Pitt would play big games at Three Rivers Stadium. In 1976 when Pitt won their lone modern era national title the Pitt-Penn State game was played at Three Rivers Stadium.

This is what will happen if UM builds a little rich kid stadium near campus. Big games will have to be played at Hard Rock. That is not a good thing. The players dont feel like its a home game. They end up having a different game day ritual, different locker rooms, etc. Moreover, season ticket holders end up hating it. See post #399. @Canedude08 lays it out.

@gopcane - Im adamantly opposed to dual stadium use. If the new money is gonna do it they need to do it right and find a way to build a 65K stadium.
This is the closest example but Im still disallowing it :05.18-flustered: because Pitt would play big games at Three Rivers Stadium. In 1976 when Pitt won their lone modern era national title the Pitt-Penn State game was played at Three Rivers Stadium.

This is what will happen if UM builds a little rich kid stadium near campus. Big games will have to be played at Hard Rock. That is not a good thing. The players dont feel like its a home game. They end up having a different game day ritual, different locker rooms, etc. Moreover, season ticket holders end up hating it. See post #399. @Canedude08 lays it out.

@gopcane - Im adamantly opposed to dual stadium use. If the new money is gonna do it they need to do it right and find a way to build a 65K stadium.
Those are fair points. I definitely wouldn't quibble with the difference between 55k and 65k, because at that point, even if it's a significant extra cost for the additional 10,000 seats, at that point it is like throwing bricks into the Grand either have that kind of money or you don't. I'm just so desperate to get a stadium close to campus that I'm willing to take any scenario that produces a great game day experience. I could give two $hi+s what other schools say about us, but I do believe our students, alumni, and fans deserve that type of atmosphere.
Who is to say this is the only site option for him? He more than likely meets a wall but then may consider other options. Also remember who daddy help tear down the OB and they build the Marlins stadium there. Yes the one who claim they love us so much. With the money tbey talking bout we could have rebuilt a new stadium right there.
Lol you guys with your typical defeatist attitude.

A stadium will happen. Been saying it for months and it’s obvious.

And I’ll give you another nugget….a stadium is the price of admission for UM to join a bigger conference like the SEC. They will never take us while we’re playing on a rent-a-field in Miami Gardens, that’s just a hard fact.

Something to chew on. What’s happening here might just be bigger than your precious club seats or short commute from Broward.
This is not going to happen, but hear me out.

Ruiz, as successful as he may be already, is not even a paper billionaire yet. The deal to take MSP public is highly suspect for at least a dozen reasons. Even IF the proposed deal gets done, he will ONLY be a paper billionaire who will not be able to cash out his shares. Beyond that, as many have noted, moving a literal high school - especially one like CGHS - and building a stadium there is so completely bonkers that you simply have to stand in awe at the balls it takes to even suggest such a thing.

Which gets me to my point - I don't think the stadium will happen. I don't think Ruiz' SPAC deal will go through. But what I do think is that I love to hear this completely irrational, think big attitude again. I don't care that the plan will never happen, and that even if it did, the guy proposing it will never have the money to do it. What I love is that one of the boosters is crazy enough not only to dream it, but to propose it.

I have no idea how the next 24-48 hours will play out. ****, if I had that power, I'd be a billionaire myself and I'd be calling the shots. But I think that this signals a change in our boosters, from passive, old, frustrated (either because they can't figure out how the steam room works or because their wives ain't putting out...usually both) Riviera guys to active, balls to the wall, engaged Riviera young guys.

The SEC is full of psychos like this. It's about time we had some psychos of our own.

This fookin guy
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Modern era, homey. You know the assumed guidelines for college football discussions.

Seriously though, we'll regret it if UM ends up in a 50K seat stadium. It'll make games against Savannah State "feel" better but it will hurt when it counts, when an Ohio State or Texas A&M comes to town.
Why would it hurt? An opposing school will get an allotment of like 5,500 to 10,000 tickets at the most with a 50K stadium. It's a home game for us, we don't split seats 50-50. Only way it hurts us is if our fans go crazy placing their personal tickets up for sell on secondary markets.