Ruiz family attempting to build a stadium in Coral Gables...



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Lmfaoo this article was the funniest thing I read in a while, this guy is going to try but there is no shot that coral gables allows a stadium number one and to move a ******* high school lmfao number two. Can we live in reality people, tropical park is more of a possibility. It’s Saturday night the guy had to many drinks and got to excited in his interview probably this whole idea is ridiculous but bless his heart.
Yea but I can’t imagine the people of CG allowing people to park on their lawn lol.
Yea Ruiz gonna half to buy up half the neighborhood too. LOL

The way I see it, every time this topic comes up we always hear the litany of reasons why it will never happen and it goes nowhere because of the hoops we'd have to jump through to get from start to finish. Start with the first step, which is money. We have a multi-billionaire saying, "Here, take my money and my stadium I'm building." It's a start.

Super Serious Steps to building a stadium:
1. Have money
2. Buy some land
3. Develop a layout of stadium and necessary land development around it
4. Grease the palms of the easily corruptible local government for approval (easiest part in this because of step 1)
5. ????????
6. Profit

I know it's difficult, a logistical nightmare, and will take years to see to fruition, but we have the first part taken care of now. Build on that, work on step 2, and so on. It's an investment into the future of the program that will pay for itself in the long run. Just try. In the mean time, we are potentially on the verge of hiring an AD who has done nothing but excel at raising funds for the athletic program and necessary facility expansions. It's a good start.
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No offense to the one UCF grad in this thread, but that’s an erector set, metal bench stadium. It’s horrible. People are going to hate going from HRH to that type of stadium. This is a Miami crowd. The money people aren’t going to want to go to a glorified high school stadium.
It is a garbage stadium, but I will say this: Their tailgating setup was legit. I remember when we played UCF in 2009 up there, and they had a "Field of Dreams" on campus, on a giant green field in front of their library. That was like shooting fish in a barrel, as a single 1st year grad student. UCF girls were receptive to the game, and let's say Miami won both on and off the field that day...
Not enough to field a team that's won a national title.

See the discussion in this thread. No team with a stadium capacity under 65K has ever won a national title (in the modern era).*

* half titles dont count
Are you making an assumption that we wouldn't play any other games at Hard Rock, because I was thinking if we ever got some type of on campus/close to campus stadium, we would just use that stadium for opponents with lesser appeal or off-years for Miami, but if there were marquee games or years in which we were doing well, we would still use Hard Rock for those games. We either have big time games, or we have games in which most of the time 55k would fill up the stadium completely.

I also think this is all an uphill climb, but I do think some of the traffic issues that have been discussed also gets solved as a far larger percentage of students and alumni would attend if it's within walking distance from campus, as I would always park in and around campus/metrorail when I would fly in for games at the Orange Bowl. Honestly, this may take a lot of turns and may end up at a totally different location, but I'm just glad the discussion is taking place and with people who have lots of resources and connections.
Always thought Mcclane Stadium (Baylor) is a good starting point for what a UM stadium could look like. Reminds me of a modern take on the OB with a reasonable capacity and just looks like a great venue for college football
Yes and also Oklahoma st stadium is also another....
Both of these are great designs and fans are right on top of the field....
Also make sure it is loud AF
It is a garbage stadium, but I will say this: Their tailgating setup was legit. I remember when we played UCF in 2009 up there, and they had a "Field of Dreams" on campus, on a giant green field in front of their library. That was like shooting fish in a barrel, as a single 1st year grad student. UCF girls were receptive to the game, and let's say Miami won both on and off the field that day...

You have to be super drunk to tolerate sitting in that high school stadium, so yeah you need good tailgating.
So many #stadiumtears worried about someone else’s money and all the barriers..

Ruiz starting these conversations is a positive thing….
Starting what conversation? It's literally some rich dude gassing up dumbasses. Ruiz knows full well that the odds of this getting anywhere off the ground is 1 in a million at best. Keep in mind, he isn't liquid, not at this point. We are talking about a multibillion dollar project, when you include everything. Good luck with that, especially knowing that you aren't getting any governmental assistance. The donor that pays for this is going to pay full retail for EVERYTHING, from land acquisition to the actual building, to the infrastructure.
Had season tix there so I’d have a good seat for when the Canes came to town. Metal benches, lol. Point being, they got it done in Chestnut Hill. It can happen in CG, you just have to have the vision, money, and the power to persuade people.
You really think Miami fans, much less the people writing the checks want to sit in a POS stadium, built on the cheap, that is a glorified bandbox? Our fans whine now about having world class crap at Hard Rock. Yep, metal bleachers. Sounds like fun. Lack of club seating. Sigh me up. You can't build a stadium attractive to fans and donors without premium crap, and you need space for that. A bandbox stadium won't provide those options.
Lmfaoo this article was the funniest thing I read in a while, this guy is going to try but there is no shot that coral gables allows a stadium number one and to move a ******* high school lmfao number two. Can we live in reality people, tropical park is more of a possibility. It’s Saturday night the guy had to many drinks and got to excited in his interview probably this whole idea is ridiculous but bless his heart.
Tropical Park is a nonstarter most likely. What's the point of playing 7 miles away from campus, where egress in and out will be even worse than the facility you play in now? The whole "We need our own stadium" nonsense is a red herring, thrown out by rival fans that don't know a **** thing.
Are you making an assumption that we wouldn't play any other games at Hard Rock, because I was thinking if we ever got some type of on campus/close to campus stadium, we would just use that stadium for opponents with lesser appeal or off-years for Miami, but if there were marquee games or years in which we were doing well, we would still use Hard Rock for those games. We either have big time games, or we have games in which most of the time 55k would fill up the stadium completely.

I also think this is all an uphill climb, but I do think some of the traffic issues that have been discussed also gets solved as a far larger percentage of students and alumni would attend if it's within walking distance from campus, as I would always park in and around campus/metrorail when I would fly in for games at the Orange Bowl. Honestly, this may take a lot of turns and may end up at a totally different location, but I'm just glad the discussion is taking place and with people who have lots of resources and connections.
The era of teams playing in two facilities is over and for good reason. Fans won't stand for that crap anymore. Yep, I pay premium money for my season tickets because we play most games in a **** bandbox, but some douchebag gets in on the cheap for the good games, because those are played at Hard Rock.. It's insane.
The era of teams playing in two facilities is over and for good reason. Fans won't stand for that crap anymore. Yep, I pay premium money for my season tickets because we play most games in a **** bandbox, but some douchebag gets in on the cheap for the good games, because those are played at Hard Rock.. It's insane.
So basically 4 games a year in a $2 billion erector set.

Like I said before, these guys are part of the big money push to improve everything regarding Miami football, so I’m not going to bang on this too hard, I’m just going to humor it. Just pay up for all the other shlt. Let’s light this candle, we can talk about the stadium later. Or talk about it now, but just turn over that promised money.