Ruiz family attempting to build a stadium in Coral Gables...

Good lord, if I could "like" this post 1,000 times, I would.

David Samson is one of the biggest frauds in South Florida. Thomas Kramer with less money. ****, he's such a sack of ****e that he was THE FIRST PERSON VOTED OUT on his season of Survivor.

I completely agree with your takes on LeBatard and Corben. I went to UM with LeBatard (same dorm, many classes together) and I've met Billy numerous times. But both of them have lost their ways when it comes to getting in bed with a snake like David Samson, regardless of their perceived desire to court ratings and/or controversy.

Many people have been misled into believing that Shalala was to blame for losing the Orange Bowl, because when she figured out what was happening, she embraced Bobby Knight's opinion on how to handle rape. It was the Marlins. It was the Marlins all along. There is no way that any Miami politician (regardless of whether he sent his son to F$U) would turn down a Dade County vote authorizing renovation of the Orange Bowl as a football stadium UNLESS there was already a Versailles handshake agreement to move the Marlins to that site.

And you hit the nail on the head about Samson's evasiveness on his own personal gain on all of his dealings with the Marlins. He can play all the semantics games he'd like, define "profit" any way he wants (hey, David, did you recognize any CAPITAL GAINS?), but he did what he did.

People need to step back and look at the big picture of David Samson's life. He went to law school but started a newspaper delivery business a couple of years before the internet (the company obviously went under). He then was an investment advisor at Morgan Stanley for a couple of years. When his stepfather, Jeffrey Loria, made him EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT of the Expos, he had zero prior experience in sports. Samson negotiated the shady deal to destroy the Expos that resulted in RICO lawsuits, and then he moved on to do more shady deals for the Marlins along with his stepfather. Since selling the Marlins, Samson hasn't had a job in sports in any capacity.

Figure it out, folks. Samson was Loria's carpetbagger hatchet man for over a decade, engineering every weasel deal that destroyed one sports franchise and then he ripped off one of the biggest cities in America. And now he's telling the world about the "fraud" of trying to do something with Melreese? At least the Mas brothers aren't secretly ******** over a major university that already has a deal in place to build a football stadium at Melreese. Melreese was sketchy when I was a student at UM in the 1980s, at least someone is finally trying to utilize a piece of park land that is directly across the street from one of the busiest airports in the country.

Fvck David Samson. He is the Miami equivalent of Douglas Neidermeyer. A sneaky little ****e. It's just unfortunate that Samson can't go to Vietnam to serve his country.
Brother, you set the bar high with the phenomenal Thomas Kramer reference at the start of this masterpiece but you absolutely didn't disappoint with what followed. Bravo. I owe you a drink.
Thanks for the link.

It is really difficult to hear about how the soccer stadium is a con game from the perpetrator of the biggest fraud to date in Miami-Dade County. My biggest surprise is David Samson has the balls to continue living down here after his time running the Marlins with his carpetbagging father-in-law. Then again, I should place a big amount of blame on Bud Selig and MLB for allowing Luria to basically swap out of the Expos and come to the Marlins.
this guy and the miami dade commissioners saddled miami dade county residents with $2.5 billion in debt for the stadium. f@ck him and f@ck billy cohen.
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this guy and the miami dade commissions saddled miami dade county residents with $2.5 billion in debt for the stadium. f@ck him and f@ck billy cohen.
I can’t stand Corben but don’t know anything about his association with the park deal. Can you elaborate?
Good lord, if I could "like" this post 1,000 times, I would.

David Samson is one of the biggest frauds in South Florida. Thomas Kramer with less money. ****, he's such a sack of ****e that he was THE FIRST PERSON VOTED OUT on his season of Survivor.

I completely agree with your takes on LeBatard and Corben. I went to UM with LeBatard (same dorm, many classes together) and I've met Billy numerous times. But both of them have lost their ways when it comes to getting in bed with a snake like David Samson, regardless of their perceived desire to court ratings and/or controversy.

Many people have been misled into believing that Shalala was to blame for losing the Orange Bowl, because when she figured out what was happening, she embraced Bobby Knight's opinion on how to handle rape. It was the Marlins. It was the Marlins all along. There is no way that any Miami politician (regardless of whether he sent his son to F$U) would turn down a Dade County vote authorizing renovation of the Orange Bowl as a football stadium UNLESS there was already a Versailles handshake agreement to move the Marlins to that site.

And you hit the nail on the head about Samson's evasiveness on his own personal gain on all of his dealings with the Marlins. He can play all the semantics games he'd like, define "profit" any way he wants (hey, David, did you recognize any CAPITAL GAINS?), but he did what he did.

People need to step back and look at the big picture of David Samson's life. He went to law school but started a newspaper delivery business a couple of years before the internet (the company obviously went under). He then was an investment advisor at Morgan Stanley for a couple of years. When his stepfather, Jeffrey Loria, made him EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT of the Expos, he had zero prior experience in sports. Samson negotiated the shady deal to destroy the Expos that resulted in RICO lawsuits, and then he moved on to do more shady deals for the Marlins along with his stepfather. Since selling the Marlins, Samson hasn't had a job in sports in any capacity.

Figure it out, folks. Samson was Loria's carpetbagger hatchet man for over a decade, engineering every weasel deal that destroyed one sports franchise and then he ripped off one of the biggest cities in America. And now he's telling the world about the "fraud" of trying to do something with Melreese? At least the Mas brothers aren't secretly ******** over a major university that already has a deal in place to build a football stadium at Melreese. Melreese was sketchy when I was a student at UM in the 1980s, at least someone is finally trying to utilize a piece of park land that is directly across the street from one of the busiest airports in the country.

Fvck David Samson. He is the Miami equivalent of Douglas Neidermeyer. A sneaky little ****e. It's just unfortunate that Samson can't go to Vietnam to serve his country.
I can’t stand Corben but don’t know anything about his association with the park deal. Can you elaborate?
I can’t stand Corben but don’t know anything about his association with the park deal. Can you elaborate?

I can’t stand Corben but don’t know anything about his association with the park deal. Can you elaborate?
which park? Marlins or Inter Miami? i don't recall if he had an extra period or two during the Marlins park debate, but he's been adamantly against the Inter Miami deal.
I can’t stand Corben but don’t know anything about his association with the park deal. Can you elaborate?

I can’t stand Corben but don’t know anything about his association with the park deal. Can you elaborate?

Corben is a gadfly. He criticizes many in government, all across SoFla. City guys, county guys, doesn't matter.

He is currently criticizing the Melreese deal. He himself is not profiting at all, from any deal, he's just being critical. BUT, he is doing so alongside Samson, who was integral in the Marlins stealing the Orange Bowl from us, as well as wrecking the Montreal Expos and profiting (even if indirectly) from the Marlins sale.

If Corben wants to criticize, he is free to do so. It's just comical to call the Melreese deal a "theft" or "fraud" when the biggest thieving SoFla fraudsters were Loria and Samson.
The other thing that ****es me off beyond belief about Samson still living here (even if it was in Weston the last time I heard) is that Lebatard gives him a platform and Corben embraces lame banter with him as a means of getting more attention for himself.

And how do they justify it? Corben acts like he's taking Samson to task and Lebatard acts like everything about Samson has been litigated and he's good content because people hate him.

Ignoring the creation of content by ****ing off your audience strategy, this taking to task and his actions have been litigated notion is complete bull****.

Perfect example- not ONCE has Lebatard or Corben pressed Samson on what his own personal financial gain was from the sale of the team- a sale he was magically tasked with handling and one that would effectively end his job in MLB. They let him once say that he didn’t "profit" from the sale of the Marlins and just moved on when it's beyond obvious that was just lawyerspeak. If Corben or Lebatard ACTUALLY were these guardians of the public interests of Miami then they wouldn't have had any association with Samson until he offered FULL disclosure about his personal windfall from the "con" he's now admitting to.
Why listen to anything those three say?

The Three Douche-o-litos
Brother, you set the bar high with the phenomenal Thomas Kramer reference at the start of this masterpiece but you absolutely didn't disappoint with what followed. Bravo. I owe you a drink.
How did I miss this reference?

I worked as an associate for the partner that represented Kramer in the early to mid-90’s. There were countless rumors concerning his playboy lifestyle and attended meetings where he shared his vision to amass a real estate empire on South Beach. I also remember attending opening night at his night club (I think it was called 7 Sins or something like that). The club and Mr. Kramer did not last long as the “locals” did not like him. His investments in South Pointe Tower paid off tho…not sure bout Portofino.
How did I miss this reference?

I worked as an associate for the partner that represented Kramer in the early to mid-90’s. There were countless rumors concerning his playboy lifestyle and attended meetings where he shared his vision to amass a real estate empire on South Beach. I also remember attending opening night at his night club (I think it was called 7 Sins or something like that). The club and Mr. Kramer did not last long as the “locals” did not like him. His investments in South Pointe Tower paid off tho…not sure bout Portofino.
My God. His social media is as douchey as one would expect too.

If Ruiz really wants to help UM, make sure his SPAC deal de-SPACS into a viable business. Then stay focused on selling other billionaires on funding the AD to remain financially competitive.

We go through this **** every time someone in South FL hits the PowerBall; they're going to change everything, because everyone who is lining up to kiss the rings will owe them something. They make outlandish statements like, "Hey, let's knock down a public HS and build the wealthy private university a stadium! Trust me, I am the guy, I can get this done." Then they learn the truth about South FL: All those people lining up to meet the new King are only their to sell him on their project. They could give a rats *** about his, especially if it's another stadium.
Good lord, if I could "like" this post 1,000 times, I would.

David Samson is one of the biggest frauds in South Florida. Thomas Kramer with less money. ****, he's such a sack of ****e that he was THE FIRST PERSON VOTED OUT on his season of Survivor.

I completely agree with your takes on LeBatard and Corben. I went to UM with LeBatard (same dorm, many classes together) and I've met Billy numerous times. But both of them have lost their ways when it comes to getting in bed with a snake like David Samson, regardless of their perceived desire to court ratings and/or controversy.

Many people have been misled into believing that Shalala was to blame for losing the Orange Bowl, because when she figured out what was happening, she embraced Bobby Knight's opinion on how to handle rape. It was the Marlins. It was the Marlins all along. There is no way that any Miami politician (regardless of whether he sent his son to F$U) would turn down a Dade County vote authorizing renovation of the Orange Bowl as a football stadium UNLESS there was already a Versailles handshake agreement to move the Marlins to that site.

And you hit the nail on the head about Samson's evasiveness on his own personal gain on all of his dealings with the Marlins. He can play all the semantics games he'd like, define "profit" any way he wants (hey, David, did you recognize any CAPITAL GAINS?), but he did what he did.

People need to step back and look at the big picture of David Samson's life. He went to law school but started a newspaper delivery business a couple of years before the internet (the company obviously went under). He then was an investment advisor at Morgan Stanley for a couple of years. When his stepfather, Jeffrey Loria, made him EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT of the Expos, he had zero prior experience in sports. Samson negotiated the shady deal to destroy the Expos that resulted in RICO lawsuits, and then he moved on to do more shady deals for the Marlins along with his stepfather. Since selling the Marlins, Samson hasn't had a job in sports in any capacity.

Figure it out, folks. Samson was Loria's carpetbagger hatchet man for over a decade, engineering every weasel deal that destroyed one sports franchise and then he ripped off one of the biggest cities in America. And now he's telling the world about the "fraud" of trying to do something with Melreese? At least the Mas brothers aren't secretly ******** over a major university that already has a deal in place to build a football stadium at Melreese. Melreese was sketchy when I was a student at UM in the 1980s, at least someone is finally trying to utilize a piece of park land that is directly across the street from one of the busiest airports in the country.

Fvck David Samson. He is the Miami equivalent of Douglas Neidermeyer. A sneaky little ****e. It's just unfortunate that Samson can't go to Vietnam to serve his country.
I watch Survivor ever season, and remember when he got voted off first. I jumped up and yelled something like 'that's what you get!' I had to explain to my family my reaction.
It was hard to avoid recently because I'd listen to their "local hour" to get Mike Ryan's Canes info and that's when Samson appears.

Yeah, even when Ryan was reporting on the UM AD search, you'd see snippets of video with that horrible weasel Samson on there as well...
How did I miss this reference?

I worked as an associate for the partner that represented Kramer in the early to mid-90’s. There were countless rumors concerning his playboy lifestyle and attended meetings where he shared his vision to amass a real estate empire on South Beach. I also remember attending opening night at his night club (I think it was called 7 Sins or something like that). The club and Mr. Kramer did not last long as the “locals” did not like him. His investments in South Pointe Tower paid off tho…not sure bout Portofino.

Yeah, 7 Sins may have been his second club, but I thought his first club was called ****. Or maybe he changed the name. I just remember reading the Miami New Times when **** opened, and how they said that the most unsettling thing about the club was that, in the bathrooms, they created these clear lucite toilet seats that had razor blades inside of them. So if you were drunk or high or whatever, it could cause you to freak out, because it would look like you were about to sit down on a bunch of razor blades.

Thomas Kramer was nuts. I know that one of the stories was that he had convinced some German investors that he was going to go out and invest in this Miami Beach real estate (which he did), but he was siphoning off a ton of money to pay for ****, as well as his LAVISH personal lifestyle.
Yeah, 7 Sins may have been his second club, but I thought his first club was called ****. Or maybe he changed the name. I just remember reading the Miami New Times when **** opened, and how they said that the most unsettling thing about the club was that, in the bathrooms, they created these clear lucite toilet seats that had razor blades inside of them. So if you were drunk or high or whatever, it could cause you to freak out, because it would look like you were about to sit down on a bunch of razor blades.

Thomas Kramer was nuts. I know that one of the stories was that he had convinced some German investors that he was going to go out and invest in this Miami Beach real estate (which he did), but he was siphoning off a ton of money to pay for ****, as well as his LAVISH personal lifestyle.
You are was called ****. 7 sins was the theme from that opening night/week. It was an "interesting" club, but I never went back as everything about it screamed fake and disingenuous...kinda like its owner.
How did I miss this reference?

I worked as an associate for the partner that represented Kramer in the early to mid-90’s. There were countless rumors concerning his playboy lifestyle and attended meetings where he shared his vision to amass a real estate empire on South Beach. I also remember attending opening night at his night club (I think it was called 7 Sins or something like that). The club and Mr. Kramer did not last long as the “locals” did not like him. His investments in South Pointe Tower paid off tho…not sure bout Portofino.

I knew him back when. Been to parties and events at his house. Whatever you think of him, whatever you've read, whatever unsubstantiated gossip you might have heard...

The truth is crazier.

I was pretty wild, indulgent and bat**** at the time, and I still remember literally sneaking out a side door a few times and hiding behind a car or a bush on the way out the gate. Scared and disgusted. Wild dude, that Kramer. Poster boy for zero fvcks.