Ruiz family attempting to build a stadium in Coral Gables...

Here’s the real solution. Just configure it a little different to accommodate a football stadium.

Starting what conversation? It's literally some rich dude gassing up dumbasses. Ruiz knows full well that the odds of this getting anywhere off the ground is 1 in a million at best. Keep in mind, he isn't liquid, not at this point. We are talking about a multibillion dollar project, when you include everything. Good luck with that, especially knowing that you aren't getting any governmental assistance. The donor that pays for this is going to pay full retail for EVERYTHING, from land acquisition to the actual building, to the infrastructure.
I think we should cry about it it, tear down the rich person and continue to contribute to the rhetoric that everything about Miami sucks…


We can recognize the unlikelihood of this mentioned endeavor while appreciating there is some new money coming into the program that appears willing to ruffle some feathers
Lmfaoo this article was the funniest thing I read in a while, this guy is going to try but there is no shot that coral gables allows a stadium number one and to move a ******* high school lmfao number two. Can we live in reality people, tropical park is more of a possibility. It’s Saturday night the guy had to many drinks and got to excited in his interview probably this whole idea is ridiculous but bless his heart.
Goes to show anybody can get rich, even stupid people.
The more I think about this, the stupider it sounds to me. There's just no way you can put a stadium there, not with the incredibly limited infrastructure in that area. The article says he owns a lot near Havana Harry . . . it sounds to me like he threw this out to try and inflate the value of real estate near there.

I mean, God bless him if true. I'll help every frustrated homeowner in that neighborhood move to accommodate a football stadium but this is as realistic as convincing Saban to replace Manny.
The more I think about this, the stupider it sounds to me. There's just no way you can put a stadium there, not with the incredibly limited infrastructure in that area. The article says he owns a lot near Havana Harry . . . it sounds to me like he threw this out to try and inflate the value of real estate near there.

I mean, God bless him if true. I'll help every frustrated homeowner in that neighborhood move to accommodate a football stadium but this is as realistic as convincing Saban to replace Manny.
You saying we are in discussions with Saben? This would explain the delays. Who do you think will coach in the playoffs if he decides to come.

Saben is to old, Saben failed with the Dolphins, Saben will be the next CMR, Saben's schemes will not fit our athletes...
Starting what conversation? It's literally some rich dude gassing up dumbasses. Ruiz knows full well that the odds of this getting anywhere off the ground is 1 in a million at best. Keep in mind, he isn't liquid, not at this point. We are talking about a multibillion dollar project, when you include everything. Good luck with that, especially knowing that you aren't getting any governmental assistance. The donor that pays for this is going to pay full retail for EVERYTHING, from land acquisition to the actual building, to the infrastructure.
It's funny I've asked several times how will people get there. What rd will they uses to get in and out because if you haven't been on lejune rd. lately it's an absolute mess all day long. All I hear is crickets. The OB was and will always be our home and it was an NFL stadium just like the one were in now. We have won 5 NC's without an on campus stadium. Stop trying to make UM what it's not. It's a big city college team.
Exactly. I went to games in Auburn, State College, Fayetteville and Columbia this year, traffic horrible and this stadium be lot less capacity.
I'll keep saying it. Hard Rock is central to all fans. When the product on the field improves, the fans will fill the stadium. We saw it in 2017 when we were rolling. UM has a small student population and every student wouldn't attend if the stadium were across the street. People forget that the Orange Bowl wasn't filled when the team was bad.

Hard Rock could be a special place if the football product is good.
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The more I think about this, the stupider it sounds to me. There's just no way you can put a stadium there, not with the incredibly limited infrastructure in that area. The article says he owns a lot near Havana Harry . . . it sounds to me like he threw this out to try and inflate the value of real estate near there.

I mean, God bless him if true. I'll help every frustrated homeowner in that neighborhood move to accommodate a football stadium but this is as realistic as convincing Saban to replace Manny.
The cynic and pessimist in me finds the timing of this article odd. And makes me wonder if they got some bad news and released this to show how serious they are about the program and turning things around.

But I’m burying that negativity deep down inside.
I love Hardrock and cannot see attending as many games if they switch locations to down south where the traffic is insane.

Start winning and you fill all 70K + seats at Hardrock.
I'll give you an example. The Heat game the other night started at 7:30. half the arena was empty for the first half due to people sitting in traffic trying to get in. Santas enchanted forrest has always been a fun place to take the kids. My son went the other day and he said it took them almost 2 hours just to park. I don't think people realize how lucky we are to have a stadium that is easy to get in and out with plenty of room for tailgating. I also work 3 times a week in CG and eat at Havana Harrys all the time and the traffic is just so bad all the time.
Don’t picture Coral Gables ever allowing this….also, where is Coral Gables high going to go? Still think ideal site is Tropical Park.
That was my first thought when I read this article. The land is there, it's less than 10 minutes from campus, and access to the Palmetto Xway. Most important I would think you would have a lot less political wrangling than moving Coral Gables HS. Can't see the city of Gables going along with that.