Proof of Randomness in College Baseball

You are not even a fan. You are a disgruntled former UM student, who graduated prior to the Foote turnaround and ended up a concierge in the Keys.........

Sigh. You don't realize how bad you look by parroting that "concierge" line over and over. You know exactly 0% about me.

Congratulations on being correct for the first time in 3 years. As a student of math, I see a team that ended 20-12, returns all picthers except Lepore and will have 35 players to choose from in the Fall (yes gnome, we all know they will trim the roster per NCCA rules). Their best player -Amditis- returns, and they will matriculate the 2nd-4th best recruiting class in the country (they only lost 4 players to the draft). They are also bringing in a 90+ MPH pitcher.

I could be wrong, but next year could be another World Series year, which will undoubtedly leave you bereft, desolate and inconsolable. In Spanish, they say "cara". You have a lot of "cara" continuing to show up here after the "*** whooping" Brian laid on you..........

We both know I was right before. The program has been a mess, and it eventually cost us the streak. I have no sympathy for your lack of baseball acumen and inability to see that our teams haven't been very good since 2008.

My favorite thing is that as a "student of math" somehow have the ability to predict baseball success in 2018.

Don't you love that we have to rely on a sophomore and the recruiting class to make up for Jim and Gino's mismanagement of the program?

"They are also bringing in a 90+ MPH pitcher".......This statement alone proves that you know absolutely nothing about baseball. Palm Beach Atlantic is going to bring in guys who throw 90. If our big recruiting coup is "bringing in a 90+ MPH pitcher", then get ready for more of 2012 and 2017.

This is going to blow canesproponent's mind, but every single pitcher in the FACA all star game was throwing 90. Every one. But somehow we're back on track because we're bringing in a guy who throws 90.

This isn't 1956 anymore, canesproponent, as much as that era means to you.
This will blow the concierge's mind...

Morris made it to Omaha in both 2015 and 2016. He was one of the 3 best coaches in the game during those two years.....

Yes, he was slightly better than average in 2017, and you were THRILLED because you despise the school that you attribute your professional inadequacies to....

We will see what happens in 2018. Needless to say, if Morris makes it back to Omaha, you will attribute it to "random chance" (a concept that is well beyond your level of comprehension).

I did enjoy the "whooping" you got from the expert. Look up the word evisceration -- it perfectly describes your "state" after debating with someone who truly understands the game.
This will blow the concierge's mind...

Morris made it to Omaha in both 2015 and 2016. He was one of the 3 best coaches in the game during those two years.....

Yes, he was slightly better than average in 2017, and you were THRILLED because you despise the school that you attribute your professional inadequacies to....

We will see what happens in 2018. Needless to say, if Morris makes it back to Omaha, you will attribute it to "random chance" (a concept that is well beyond your level of comprehension).

I did enjoy the "whooping" you got from the expert. Look up the word evisceration -- it perfectly describes your "state" after debating with someone who truly understands the game.

Which is it? Is the post-season random or not? You two can't seem to get on the same page.

But everything is good now because we're getting a pitcher who throws 90!!!!!!!!!!!!
So O'Sullivan coaches in a tougher conference. Thanks for providing the evidence.

No, you obviously don't know about statistical significance.

But this may be progress of a sort because you seemed to have moved on from your absurd claim that the ACC is weak and overrated.

That's undeniably false.
Miami goes 2-1 in a home Super Regional against a #3 seed = proof that Jim Morris still has it

Miami goes 0-2 in Omaha one week later = random, nothing we could do

Not a single word that anyone has said in this argument.

Just more lies and strawmen.

You have absolutely used Super Regional wins to defend Morris.

You have absolutely called CWS games random.

They are absolutely one week apart.
Look, I stand corrected on Gino's recruiting. I didn't realize he's bringing in a kid who throws 90!!!!!
So O'Sullivan coaches in a tougher conference. Thanks for providing the evidence.

No, you obviously don't know about statistical significance.

But this may be progress of a sort because you seemed to have moved on from your absurd claim that the ACC is weak and overrated.

That's undeniably false.

The ACC builds it resumes against Dartmouth (sometimes...) and against each other. Then they all fall apart in the post-season. Thanks for looking out, Virginia.

Since 2002 we have added to that reputation.
The fact that you know NOTHING about the pitcher from Philadelphia is damning enough. No one said that 90+ was a panacea; however, you subject us to countless "we cannot recruit pitchers that throw more than 85...." EVERY single season.... No one said that he was "the end all". You made it up. We have Bargfeltd (sic), Rivero, Mediavilla, Hammond, Bartow, McKendry, Veliz, etc...

The only truly statistically significant sample is the regular season. Not going to debate this concept because you will never grasp it. Yes, a Super Regional is a good way to decide on Omaha because a 3-game series is ample; however, MLB relies on 7-game series (you can try and figure out why).

I could care less if we beat Boston College or LSU in a Super. My sole focus in on making Omaha. I find your assertions that "2015 and 2016 were a fluke" to be absurd. You had a point between 2009 and 2013; however, Morris was definitively top-5 between 2014 and 2016. Morris was top-3 in 2015 and 2016 on all measures except for the concierge's...... He failed in 2017, for the second time in his tenure.
I'm hearing that Gino is close to landing a hitter who can hit the ball over the fence!!!!

If you knew anything about the sport, you wouldn't have made a point to specifically state that we're bringing in a pitcher who throws 90. It should go without saying that 3/4/5 of our new pitchers will throw 90. But we're not Florida, so maybe it is pretty exciting that we will have at least one guy who can register on a JUGS gun.

You guys just can't get out of your own way with this "random" nonsense. Jim Morris beats Boston College in a Super Regional? Phenomenal coach. Dude still has it. Jim Morris goes 0-2 in Omaha a week later? Small sample size. Nothing he could do.

Like clockwork.
You have absolutely used Super Regional wins to defend Morris.

This, of course, is not what you said.

You do this all the time.

You attribute quotes to people that they never said and then you turn around and misrepresent the quote later on.

Oh really? Show me where I said Florida State and Texas A&M were favorites in their region or Super Regional. Thanks in advance.
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