Proof of Randomness in College Baseball

You're a terrible poster with a strange fetish for this site. That's all the reason we need.

So still no reason even though you claimed to have had a good one.

Your opinion that I'm a terrible poster doesn't seem to jive with the rules of the board.

But it's your prerogative. I would never ban anybody. I don't feel the list bit threatened by anything you could ever say. That's obvious.

3,324 posts and I bet not one of them was insightful.

He's a big name and you know it. That's arguing just for the sake of arguing.

Dude will 48 years old next year and hasn't won jack spit.

He has two Regional wins. He's 1-1 against an FAU program that you don't think is any good and he beat 4-seed St. Louis.

You have a strange fetish for this old Miami guys.
I think Coop screwed up by taking the wrong job.

365 days ago you were calling him a miracle worker and me a "clown" for saying he would get fired.

You love guys that don't win anything but hate coaches who are tied for 2nd most CWS appearances in the last 15 years.

Strange indeed.
You're a terrible poster with a strange fetish for this site. That's all the reason we need.

So still no reason even though you claimed to have had a good one.

Your opinion that I'm a terrible poster doesn't seem to jive with the rules of the board.

But it's your prerogative. I would never ban anybody. I don't feel the list bit threatened by anything you could ever say. That's obvious.

3,324 posts and I bet not one of them was insightful.

This is a sad and convoluted post.
What the.........

Link? Quote? Screen shot?

I remember you loving him during the season and then conveniently ignoring him after it.

Doesn't matter.

You're already on the record saying that he's great despite no significant successes.

You also rode the craziest train I've ever seen by pimping Rob Cooper at Penn State. That's an all-timer.
Well lets see, he finished 1st in his conference 3 out of those 4 years, and 2nd the other. He has also made 3 regional appearances, only missing in his first year at Wright State (hardly UM with the tradition of the Wizard).

He coached in the Horizon League which is in the bottom half of Division 1 conferences. Wright State was routinely the only team that wasn't 200+ in the RPI.

This is the thing. Now you're making me say bad things about Lovelady and I don't want to do that.

But this obsession with Morris hate is borderline mental.

Please go back through my posts and quote me saying I hate him. Yes, I think he should step down, and yes I question his staff and their recruiting, and yes, I think the game has passed him by. However, I have no hate for the man. He is a legend at the university but sometimes coaches stay to long and it hurts their legacy and I think that is the case this past year.

I do find it ironic though that you praise Morris for his accomplishments at a blue blood program, most likely a top 5 to 10 in history when all is considered, and praise his wins (many against teams like Maine, Rutgers, FIU, FAU...don't bother with any numbers, you get the point) which are to be expected, yet try not to say bad things about Lovelady who was a new HC and and had three fantastic seasons Wright State. All because of their RPI. Well, Lovelady exceeded any other coach prior to him, so no need to say bad things, praise would be nice though. But I get it, he is not the coach at UM, but perhaps after next season he should be.

As stated prior, since Morris is the coach next season I wish him and the team great success, and hope for a miracle season where he can retire with a CWS Championship.


the practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs.

I underlined the part that you seem to have neglected.

What relative did Jim Morris hire? What relative did Blake James hire?

You're deluded.

Last night must have been a bad night because you are back to the name calling tough guy again, still make me laugh though.

Never said it was Morris or James that pulled the strings. If you do not think Daddy and all his money had/has any influence in the decision to make Geno the HC in waiting then lay out your argument for him to be HC without vetting other candidates that are clearly more qualified.

The most recent internal head coach promotion at UM that I can think of that is similar (coach with no head coaching experience) is Randy Shannon. We ended up with a fractured program and probation.

Perhaps Geno is ready, but that is a big risk for a blue blood program. Fall off the map a little and all of the recruiting excuses will may become a reality because it will take a diehard to pay for mediocrity.


the practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs.

I underlined the part that you seem to have neglected.

What relative did Jim Morris hire? What relative did Blake James hire?

You're deluded.

That's disingenuous.

No it's not.

I just know what nepotism means. ucaned doesn't.

Now Tiny, you know I like you, unlike others on the board, but now you've lied about me to Jaromir when you said I did not know what nepotism means. I see you bolded part of my quote, but conveniently left out the friend part and only chose to focus on relatives. However, as you know, my contention was never Morris or James as the influencer, it was a relative in Paul and his money. Now, if your contention is James or Morris, then I think friend is in play here.

Say it with me, Ucaned understands nepotism. It's okay, everyone already knows the truth, kind of like the other question you didn't want to answer.

Go back to the humorous shtick, it suits your style better.
Yes, I think he should step down, and yes I question his staff and their recruiting, and yes, I think the game has passed him by.

Saying that Morris should step down one year before his retirement is silly. Saying that you (some nobody) question his staff (one that has been to Omaha 6 times in 12 years together) and his recruiting (consistently in the top 10) is also silly. Saying that the game has passed him by (nothing but a cliche) is, yes, silly too.
He is a legend at the university but sometimes coaches stay to long and it hurts their legacy and I think that is the case this past year.

He's going to retire at 68 years old which is when most people do. He's going to retire at worst two years removed from back-to-back 50-win seasons and back-to-back CWS appearances.

There's basically nothing you can point to that supports your claim that he stayed too long.
Never said it was Morris or James that pulled the strings. If you do not think Daddy and all his money had/has any influence in the decision to make Geno the HC in waiting then lay out your argument for him to be HC without vetting other candidates that are clearly more qualified.

You still don't seem to understand what nepotism is.

Unless the person being hired is related to Jim Morris (his boss) or Blake James (his-soon-to-be boss) then it doesn't constitute nepotism.

At least get that part right.
I do find it ironic though that you praise Morris for his accomplishments at a blue blood program, most likely a top 5 to 10 in history when all is considered, and praise his wins (many against teams like Maine, Rutgers, FIU, FAU...don't bother with any numbers, you get the point) which are to be expected, yet try not to say bad things about Lovelady who was a new HC and and had three fantastic seasons Wright State.

I try not to say bad things about Lovelady because I like him and think he's done a very good job in his early career. I thought I was clear on that but I don't think you understand things very well.
All because of their RPI.


I merely mentioned that his conference was small and horrible and that he had, by far, the best team.

You can't dismiss Jim Morris' winning by saying that he was expected to win and then claim that Lovelady was "fantastic" when he was expected to win too.
Well, Lovelady exceeded any other coach prior to him, so no need to say bad things, praise would be nice though.

The guy he replaced won 3 conference championships and made 3 regional appearances.

Morris gets the "expected" line because he replaced a legend. Lovelady gets the "fantastic" line for doing the same (or admittedly a bit better) than the guy he replaced.

You have no perspective on this because you want Morris gone.
2015 South Florida 34–26-1 13–11 T-3rd NCAA Regional
2016 South Florida 24–33 8–16 T-7th

Yes........ This guy sounds like a REAL winner. 24-33 in a weak conference.

Look up our record in 2017

I know this idiot has been band, but I just want to point out the AAC is 4th in RPI and the ACC is 3rd, so, weak conference and all.
Now Tiny, you know I like you, unlike others on the board, but now you've lied about me to Jaromir when you said I did not know what nepotism means.

You've proven over and over again that you don't know what it means.

This is now multiple days of getting it wrong.