Places to knock down for stadium

Best idea to turn into stadium

  • Sunset Place

    Votes: 51 11.0%
  • Dadeland Station

    Votes: 11 2.4%
  • Coral Gables Senior High School

    Votes: 32 6.9%
  • Tropical Park

    Votes: 300 64.5%
  • None of the Above

    Votes: 71 15.3%

  • Total voters
I am against building a stadium in tropical park, makes no sense traffic wise and space wise. City of Miami would not sell public land to this ruiz guy. Can we just win 10 games next year and everyone would forget about building a stadium. I love hard rock the tailgating, it’s a world class stadium. Tropical park just isn’t feasible to me. It’s going to be a marlins park 2.0 fiasco.
I am against building a stadium in tropical park, makes no sense traffic wise and space wise. City of Miami would not sell public land to this ruiz guy. Can we just win 10 games next year and everyone would forget about building a stadium. I love hard rock the tailgating, it’s a world class stadium. Tropical park just isn’t feasible to me. It’s going to be a marlins park 2.0 fiasco.
You can tell those that actually go to games and those that don't by where they stand on this topic. Those of us that actually go to games on a regular basis and have actually attended games outside of the Miami bubble realize that playing on campus isn't nearly as exciting as people make it out to be. You go to most of these on campus facilities, they are pure dogcrap. Doak is trash once you get beyond the outer facade, Ben Hill is a glorified HS stadium, same with UCF. Miami plays in a world class facility, that provides a fan experience that is unmatched in collegiate athletics. The program starts winning, Hard Rock will be more than good, and the revenue won't be an issue.

If Ruiz wants to build a stadium at Trop Park, and it happens, then fine. That said, if he isn't able to build a facility that matches the experience at Hard Rock, then there's no point. This is Miami, no one in their right mind is going to spend good money to sit on benches, in some bandbox stadium.
The OB is Dead, nothing anyone builds downtown or close to it will bring back the memories.. Those of us that were there for it have relocated, if you think that we'll drive south of Hard Rock , an park in some **** parking garage , good luck! 30 % less attendance Easy..
"Last American leaving Miami, please bring the flag"
Lol. No they’re not. Once Ruiz started grandstanding you knew some “plans” would be drawn up. Next you’ll hear about “discussions” or “negotiations.” It’s all smoke and mirrors to build some goodwill.

Would love to see it, but ain’t no stadium going up in Tropical Park, or anywhere else for that matter.

Actually the architects they just engaged, HKS, are international heavy hitters. They designed the $4B Sofi stadium that is the most state of the art and design-forward stadium in the world. They are very, very expensive, only work on significant and important projects, and aren't going to be used as a PR pawn.

But you know better, I'm sure. Tell us more about how the Ruiz' are just grandstanding and how it's all smoke and mirrors. Every time someone runs their ignorant mouths about them, they come through yet again in a big way shortly after, whether it was the multi-million dollar baseball donation, them basically elevating our recruiting and player retention game to a new level with their Life Wallet NIL deals, and more. Maybe your ignorance can be the catalyst we need.

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There’s a difference between taking 45 minutes to get out of the parking lot at Hardrock and waiting 3 hours in traffic on US1 just to get into the stadium.

After games at Hardrock, I go back to my truck, open the cooler and enjoy some food and maybe a beer while everyone is filling out. After about a half hour or so, I hop in and drive right to the turnpike on-ramp and leave the stadium. From the lot to the turnpike is like 5 minutes.
This is why Broward fans are the ones really against this move. Feel free to stay home when this happens.

I’ll deal with the crazy traffic 7 times a year after an incredible experience at a state of the art OB, gladly.
This is why Broward fans are the ones really against this move. Feel free to stay home when this happens.

I’ll deal with the crazy traffic 7 times a year after an incredible experience at a state of the art OB, gladly.
And Palm Beach. And Martin. And St. Lucie. Do you think that telling tens of thousands of fans to stay home when you're trying to pay for a billion dollar stadium is a winning strategy?
And Palm Beach. And Martin. And St. Lucie. Do you think that telling tens of thousands of fans to stay home when you're trying to pay for a billion dollar stadium is a winning strategy?
You’re not that important and Miami loses money not owning its own stadium. The stadium will still be full without you. Besides, if you’re not willing to drive to Tropical Park for a game then good riddance.

At the end, if the Ruiz family is serious (and we have no reason to think they aren’t) Miami isn’t turning down a state of the art Orange Bowl designed stadium down the street from campus. This would be an epic gift and should be every Canes fan wet dream.

Did u notice how they kept saying USC can throw this or that or that, regarding events?

If planning was really done, this could’ve been us w/ the OB. However, what this shows is another revenue stream when u have ur own stadium. USC are the operators of this stadium while the city of Los Angeles owns it, meaning SC makes $ & the city makes $. I just laugh in my head when fans r content being renters to a stadium we have zero vested interest in, & a booster who’s planning to make this happen for the betterment of The U.
Actually the architects they just engaged, HKS, are international heavy hitters. They designed the $4B Sofi stadium that is the most state of the art and design-forward stadium in the world. They are very, very expensive, only work on significant and important projects, and aren't going to be used as a PR pawn.

But you know better, I'm sure. Tell us more about how the Ruiz' are just grandstanding and how it's all smoke and mirrors. Every time someone runs their ignorant mouths about them, they come through yet again in a big way shortly after, whether it was the multi-million dollar baseball donation, them basically elevating our recruiting and player retention game to a new level with their Life Wallet NIL deals, and more. Maybe your ignorance can be the catalyst we need.

This same firm created not only the most expensive stadium in the world, but created it in an area that was limited in space, size, or traffic logistics. Literally, town homes are behind the parking structure, & a casino adjacent on the property. Oh! And did I fail to mention that an arena is being built right across the street in the same limited space neighborhood? Or how about b/c of all the activity, a high end casino firm bought out the mom & pops casino to join in on the festivities? Or how high end restaurants have now attached themselves in the same area? Lol

It just amazes me when ppl have very short sighted views of real estate & development. Ppl on here act like Miami traffic is no different than LA traffic or LA fans ain’t outside of the stadium arena zone where they gotta bust down or up 3 hrs. Lol. U name me a metro city w/ a stadium in it & I’ll show u traffic. Lol.
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Did u notice how they kept saying USC can throw this or that or that, regarding events?

If planning was really done, this could’ve been us w/ the OB. However, what this shows is another revenue stream when u have ur own stadium. USC are the operators of this stadium while the city of Los Angeles owns it, meaning SC makes $ & the city makes $. I just laugh in my head when fans r content being renters to a stadium we have zero vested interest in, & a booster who’s planning to make this happen for the betterment of The U.

If a new stadium is built, which is highly unlikely, UM would not own it either.