OT: 2 Taint State players charged with rape and kidnapping

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Brother, you cannot be serious with this assertion. Bruh, that is a false accusation of RAPE, not “they stole my Halloween candy”. That is an absolutely mind boggling mindset.

Also, I said those guys ran a train on a “drunk” woman? You made that up that to codify the narrative you presented. I never said the girl was drunk, because she wasn’t. She never drank...not ever in college. She slept with 3 guys while sober at a house party, with the door wide open, and had slept with 2 of the 3 guys on numerous occasions. There were other guys and gals ******** in other rooms too. It’s college, man. Those things are pretty common. Facts are, she lied about being raped reasons unbeknownst to anyone and that’s a **** of an accusation. That’s not like lying about someone stealing $50 and a misdemeanor. Those guys could’ve done 7-10 years, easy!

3. Your assertion that it’s somehow “ok” to be falsely accused of rape, because their lives weren’t ruined as a head scratching comment.

These guys had their names and faces plastered all over the news and newspapers. You think that’s ok? How about the fact that they were kicked out of school for the semester and couldn’t graduate with our class? They were re-admitted the next semester and graduated a year later? They lost 6 months of their lives over that nonsense

Or how about the fact that their families spent tens of thousands of dollars on legal fees. That’s money gone!

Or how about the psychological impact of being charged, arrested, and embarrassed on campus, in the media and in front of friends and family? Those dudes where carried out of our dorm in handcuffs 48 hours later.

Those were friends of mine and one was my roommate, so yes, I have perspective on this. I was there And you of course, we discussed it **** near 25 years later, because it was a life altering event that shaped them to the point of having PTSD for many years after the event, and they’re still bitter over it.

I was shaped by this so I never ever jump to conclusions until I have all the facts. I told this story as a counterbalance as a way to say “let’s wait for all the info”, because the story seemed weird.
@TheOriginalCane = Its clear your the type to sign a prenup just so you can go to a high school reunion looking like nothing but a 100% cuck.. Or if you ever get a girl pregnant; You would think like a scumbag and be a peeping tom - pedophile.. Which turns into a pornography buying freak, which leads to verbal then physical abuse with enough night of being stuck in self hatred alcohol enhanced days.

"There was a news story, and it was about; Two teenagers in Brooklyn, New York who stabbed a college white girl to death.. They were both african-american the suspects, and apparently the police arrested them.. But at the same time the pictures of the dead white **** the news were showing was all.
Her posing for the selfie cell phone, as she looked like a skinny, anorexic, narcissistic wannabe / 15 minutes of fame pariah. The story of the suspects ceased being talked about, because it became evident to anyone with common sense - without the media stating it for retards that; The dead thot obviously sent pictures of herself acting like a gold digger/home/life wrecker. And she told the kids she would ruin their lives, so she got dealt with.. They walked free as the police never stated they arrested the right kids, and growing up in a place like New York City / Long Island, that everyday detriments chasing fake fame is a everyday thing."
That’s from the boondocks bih.
Stupid! You should be that guy and choke on a locker room full of jocks and die as a result. I want to believe you live a very short life.

You should go read the previous replies in this same topic/thread; Its obvious your attention span only works for social media bull **** like twitter ****** stuff, that only allows for a few incomplete piggy back off of another.. Or just retweet, thumbs down, or just dumb as **** acronyms like LOL.

idgaf you can die right now. Then I would ROFL, OMG, that's my truth.
You can’t be falsely accused of rape if you’ve never had ***. Checkmate 🤓
Big case from 10 years ago. These dudes were facing 10 years and the woman was adamant she brutally raped. She was crying and said she was tied up, beaten, etc. She only recanted days later after being presented with evidence that refuted here claim. one of the guys video taped the encounter


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I’ve seen false rape accusations before, up close involving my ex college roommate. I know of two false rape claims that occurred when I was in college back in the early to mid 90s.

In one case, the young woman was crying and making a big scene , AFTER she willing slept with 3 guys at a house party. I was there and saw the whole thing, along with many others. She was a willing participant but then she lied and said she was raped. I’m assuming because she was ashamed, but who in the heck knows why she lied. All three guys were arrested and charged with rape - it was all over the news and they were kicked out of school, second semester senior year right before they were scheduled to graduate.

Fortunately many witnesses came forward - men and women - and they beat the case. And even with the witnesses the judge still tried to hang those guys. After months and months and many witnesses the young woman admitted to the lie. Crazy situation.

Last Spring, 24 years later those same guys and I were at a bachelor party and we discussed the case and what “could’ve been” if there were no witnesses. Talked about it for hours. 24 years later and those dudes were still bitter about it extremely angry with the girl and the lie that nearly destroyed all their lives
I've seen things like this as well on both sides. There can be a grey area which is why it's best not to put yourself in that type of situation. That's hard to do for a male if a female is giving away free cookies. I was an athlete in college. Had plenty of women throwing themselves at me because I was a popular athlete on campus, but I stayed away from the group/multi *** thing because it wasn't my cup of tea and I knew those things could always go sideways.
When Michael Jordan played for the Washington wizards.

One of the major news networks had a story that showed; A website that gold digging home wreckers can sign up to one of many website - I'm willing to bet there are many in the year 2020. If anyone who is known to be wealthy enough is seen at a club like this website was made with well known athletes that. It just took one pariah detrimental ***** to make a message to the website, and the website will send a text alert to every sad excuse for a human being to be a detriment for being able to breathe the air that provides oxygen.
Stupid! You should be that guy and choke on a locker room full of jocks and die as a result. I want to believe you live a very short life.

You should go read the previous replies in this same topic/thread; Its obvious your attention span only works for social media bull **** like twitter ****** stuff, that only allows for a few incomplete piggy back off of another.. Or just retweet, thumbs down, or just dumb as **** acronyms like LOL.

idgaf you can die right now. Then I would ROFL, OMG, that's my truth.
You’re going into full troll mode and I have the time today so yes I will entertain it.
This is going to be fun and I hope you enjoy this ride as well.
Now I just gave you two sentences that will more than likely be met by a paragraph saying absolutely nothing.
Might I make a suggestion? Try watching the boondocks, it’s a great show.
I also never used twitter.
Don’t keep me waiting 😘
Big case from 10 years ago. These dudes were facing 10 years and the woman was adamant she brutally raped. She was crying and said she was tied up, beaten, etc. She only recanted days later after being presented with evidence that refuted here claim. one of the guys video taped the encounter


What ever charges those young men were facing she should be put on trial for
I've seen things like this as well on both sides. There can be a grey area which is why it's best not to put yourself in that type of situation. That's hard to do for a male if a female is giving away free cookies. I was an athlete in college. Had plenty of women throwing themselves at me because I was a popular athlete on campus, but I stayed away from the group/multi *** thing because it wasn't my cup of tea and I knew those things could always go sideways.
Yea. There used to be a very popular saying regarding the whole rich get richer / the poor get poorer, it was; "It doesn't matter who it is.. There's a better chance at getting struck by lightning then winning the lottery." It used to be thought of the federal reserve [Fort Knox] and all the gold bars in possession in the united states equated to the united states dollar aka currency/value compared to other nations. But with every new president or new calendar year how this country is building up new monopoly credit card debt in the trillions without ever paying back half of these trillions.. So all the politicians do is charge more interest to countries that export more into the u/s/a that the u/s/a ever import into foreign banks.

This country is filled with greedy narcissists; News flash = Thomas Jefferson with just his lone signature put the country into debt with France with the Louisiana purchase = Went into debt with European banks = The government has put the country into debt and has remained in debt ever since the early to mid 1800's.. Germany branded Volkswagen and the little beetle used to be the most popular car in the u/s, because it was the most cash-efficient.

Back in the mid 1990's the biggest lottery jackpot was in the mid $200 millions after the taxes that were taking away. It was won by someone I think of a middle class family out in the upper west coast. They lived in a nice house in Oregon or Washington state - the national media showed.. But literally within one year or two about. The family lost every single cent from bad investments - All in the name of greedy capitalism type thinking.

"Needs Over Wants" went away in a span of only a decade about. Capital one cred cards is a fairly new brand, and they always advertise there are always three-different types, each one having more benefits then the other two. Always targeting those who over spend credit card/monopoly money that they never make through employment; So the idiots going to apply for the best tiered credit card with fingers crossed they'll get the lowest graded card and just be in debt with the lowest one.. ****, even macy the clothing/jewelry retail chain used to offer macy branded black/platinum/etc etc credit cards..

And then very well established credit card brands like Master card / Discover card; Last I saw a televised propaganda for their monopoly money. They only offer fraud protection for a certain type of paid/level of subscription.

@afan ...
Always need to wait 48 hours while the whole story comes out. There's been a lot of cases like Baylor, where there was an attempted cover up, but also a lot of cases where the girls just felt guilty and ruined kids' lives.
Holy crap I can't believe if someone even was dumb enough to think this they would openly admit it on a message board. Are there people falsely accused ? Sure but that is such a tiny tiny % of reported cases ( and most rapes aren't reported BTW) that you should never go to that place unless the facts dictate it . The facts in this case as presented are horrible . The taped attempted cover up is the worst part about it as that screams they are guilty.
Personal information
Don't derail my thread again, young boul
Suck on a cokkk of any one that will let you choke to death stupid

You the one starting a brand new topic about 2 peice of trash fuccers on ohio state.. Is miami going to play them in the 2020 season? I doubt they'll meet in a bowl game or the playoffs; I hope Miami is in next years playoffs.

weird little punk @djnellz
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