OT: 2 Taint State players charged with rape and kidnapping

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I posted facts. You should have some decency or common sense/logic to at least do some research; Everything I posted is easily accessible by using the internet dumbazz

I posted facts. You should have some decency or common sense/logic to at least do some research; Everything I posted is easily accessible by using the internet dumbazz
Some more facts / Free Speech aka America

Most of what's wrong with the u.s., plus all these capitalistic trillion dollar companies is; The men & women who have real world international experience.. Whether it be in situation like bullets flying in every direction and using their own experience to help "Keep the peace." The stupid bigots like Joe Biden letting his douche bag son collect free money because Ukraine depends on the u.s. against Russia, there whats wrong with a lot of things. Douche bag younger biden only stopped being a idiot millionaire because it was leaked that information.

Its the same concept as dropping off a child to the grandparents on a day like valentines day say. Its a common thing to just call the grandparents for certain occasions. Last I knew the older people get, the more stressful everyday common activities becomes.

Like how everyone who is in the white house are the least qualified for the titles they hold. One person can only be president a maximum of two times, but one person can be a senator for their entire life. Every single person though has to renew driving licenses just in case their a bad driver, safety reasons. Political campaigns involve millions of dollars for advertisement that is raised by way of fund raisers. Right before the impeachment trials began.

GOP old crusty senators were being interviewed by reporters because they were no supposed to in the building, let alone know where it was taken place; I believe it was to decide on whether to have the real impeachment trials.. Those senators stated to the reporters how they were not going to tell how they found the location, and stuck with the narrative. Literally before midnight, as the very next day; They used twitter to let the world know Trump emailed them the building and the time of that particular meeting aka This is one example of the "Retards" that the public are constantly voting into the senate that can keep a racist/bigot/trump as the title of president.

"Trump was supposedly a billionaire. That after he inherited his dads business, his real estate business declared bankruptcy at least six different times. Thomas Jefferson put everyone in debt after the Louisiana purchase, then added more debt by asking European banks for loans, then the civil war. World war 2 weapons manufacturing helped boom the united states economy; Then the government lost both the Korean and Vietmam wars; Which the the majority of the u.s. populace was always against the second [communist/democracy aka united states/russia] war/Vietnam war."
Jim Tressel who was involved in an "Alleged federal drug trafficking case" while at ohio state was pretty much tattled on for a sanction. The players received cash benefits to.

Then Urban Meyer after letting the gators locker room become toxic, letting players skip class & do whatever they want as long as it did not effect the football field; He gets hired by ohio state after lying about a pending heart attack.. Put one and two together, the players or family most likely threatened him.

After meyer gets fired because supposedly he let one of his coaches.. Assistant wide receiver coach. Ryan Day takes his place as head coach and Justin Fields who the Bulldogs signed as the number one overall recruit lets him transfer; At Georgia it was reported by teammates & coaches that he couldn't remember any of the playbook, also the practice squad QB's were better then him no matter the setting.. At ohio state he somehow has some of the best stats out of any college team in 2019.

ADHD/ADD pills, if one isn't diagnosed with a lack short/long term memory. Methamphetamine/Ritalin based pills will let anyone remember a entire playbook over night more or less.. Kirby Smart clearly didn't want to deal with a stuck up kid who acts like he deserves everything because he was faster then high school defenses.
Some more facts / Free Speech aka America

Most of what's wrong with the u.s., plus all these capitalistic trillion dollar companies is; The men & women who have real world international experience.. Whether it be in situation like bullets flying in every direction and using their own experience to help "Keep the peace." The stupid bigots like Joe Biden letting his douche bag son collect free money because Ukraine depends on the u.s. against Russia, there whats wrong with a lot of things. Douche bag younger biden only stopped being a idiot millionaire because it was leaked that information.

Its the same concept as dropping off a child to the grandparents on a day like valentines day say. Its a common thing to just call the grandparents for certain occasions. Last I knew the older people get, the more stressful everyday common activities becomes.

Like how everyone who is in the white house are the least qualified for the titles they hold. One person can only be president a maximum of two times, but one person can be a senator for their entire life. Every single person though has to renew driving licenses just in case their a bad driver, safety reasons. Political campaigns involve millions of dollars for advertisement that is raised by way of fund raisers. Right before the impeachment trials began.

GOP old crusty senators were being interviewed by reporters because they were no supposed to in the building, let alone know where it was taken place; I believe it was to decide on whether to have the real impeachment trials.. Those senators stated to the reporters how they were not going to tell how they found the location, and stuck with the narrative. Literally before midnight, as the very next day; They used twitter to let the world know Trump emailed them the building and the time of that particular meeting aka This is one example of the "Retards" that the public are constantly voting into the senate that can keep a racist/bigot/trump as the title of president.

"Trump was supposedly a billionaire. That after he inherited his dads business, his real estate business declared bankruptcy at least six different times. Thomas Jefferson put everyone in debt after the Louisiana purchase, then added more debt by asking European banks for loans, then the civil war. World war 2 weapons manufacturing helped boom the united states economy; Then the government lost both the Korean and Vietmam wars; Which the the majority of the u.s. populace was always against the second [communist/democracy aka united states/russia] war/Vietnam war."
Another sad story. I'm not going to prejudge either way, but I will say this case will be difficult to prosecute because the victim admitted having consensual *** with at least one of the men from which she says she asked him to stop.

Without any physical signs of a struggle, this may come down to a he said/she said case and I don't know the burden of proof is for these type of cases.

I just wish young men and women would have better judgment. Sometimes, the choices we make based on our perceived invincibility and naivete, can change our lives forever.

Burden of proof remains the same. How you get there is the issue.

Without knowing the true evidence at hand it is hard to know any of this.
We know what suspensions mean at OSU...suspended til summer practice. Missing Spring Practice will be as strict as OSU will get. OSU is reaching ND type of hate.
Some more facts / Free Speech aka America

Most of what's wrong with the u.s., plus all these capitalistic trillion dollar companies is; The men & women who have real world international experience.. Whether it be in situation like bullets flying in every direction and using their own experience to help "Keep the peace." The stupid bigots like Joe Biden letting his douche bag son collect free money because Ukraine depends on the u.s. against Russia, there whats wrong with a lot of things. Douche bag younger biden only stopped being a idiot millionaire because it was leaked that information.

Its the same concept as dropping off a child to the grandparents on a day like valentines day say. Its a common thing to just call the grandparents for certain occasions. Last I knew the older people get, the more stressful everyday common activities becomes.

Like how everyone who is in the white house are the least qualified for the titles they hold. One person can only be president a maximum of two times, but one person can be a senator for their entire life. Every single person though has to renew driving licenses just in case their a bad driver, safety reasons. Political campaigns involve millions of dollars for advertisement that is raised by way of fund raisers. Right before the impeachment trials began.

GOP old crusty senators were being interviewed by reporters because they were no supposed to in the building, let alone know where it was taken place; I believe it was to decide on whether to have the real impeachment trials.. Those senators stated to the reporters how they were not going to tell how they found the location, and stuck with the narrative. Literally before midnight, as the very next day; They used twitter to let the world know Trump emailed them the building and the time of that particular meeting aka This is one example of the "Retards" that the public are constantly voting into the senate that can keep a racist/bigot/trump as the title of president.

"Trump was supposedly a billionaire. That after he inherited his dads business, his real estate business declared bankruptcy at least six different times. Thomas Jefferson put everyone in debt after the Louisiana purchase, then added more debt by asking European banks for loans, then the civil war. World war 2 weapons manufacturing helped boom the united states economy; Then the government lost both the Korean and Vietmam wars; Which the the majority of the u.s. populace was always against the second [communist/democracy aka united states/russia] war/Vietnam war."
@305to954 & @jmcanes22
Suck some more white boy ****

suicide is the best choice for in the closet white boy kkk ****

Both of you can go choke to death on each others white boy kkk *****

little retarded kkk wannabes do that stupid meatball ish aka you both quote my statements and literally obvious as day and night you both read enough to be offended that the typical kkk/white boys get offended and react yourselves with retarded meme bullsh1t
Excellent post. Sage wisdom. One quick comment to you though...

I did not mention the fact the girl in my story's sister was a known **** as that being some sort of character evidence that means the *** in question in that incident was more likely to be consensual. Her sister had basically slept with every dude I knew and many I didn't, so that was her reputation in the school and in the area, and it was one she earned justly. But that doesn't factor at all into what happened in that bedroom that evening - especially since it was her sister, though I'd apply the same logic even if it was her directly. Where it DID factor in IMO, and the sole reason I mentioned that when I told the story above, is because I 100% believe those thoughts were in her head the following morning ("I don't want to have my sister's reputation") and played a role in why she elected to say she was so drunk she never consented. To this day, I don't believe she ever desired for my friend to be charged or jailed. I believe a young panicked girl saw the lie of "I was so drunk I didn't even know it happened" as a way to save face with her boyfriend and with the situation that next morning. I can totally see why she'd think that; in fact, I've heard many people (men and women) try and get out of cheating trouble with their significant others by claiming they were too drunk to realize what they were doing. I don't think she appreciated what telling that story would lead to. But once she claimed that was the case, that took it from consensual to rape, and law enforcement took it from there. I genuinely believe the lie got WAYYYY bigger than she ever imagined it would, and she quickly found herself at a point of no return where she felt locked into the lie. But that **** near resulted in a good friend of mine rotting away in a cage for the rest of his life. So I will despise her with every ounce of my being as long as I live.

Wasn't knocking you for what you posted, and I totally understand it. I was using it for its broader context of how we view "reputation" and "actions" differently for women vs. men.

I can definitely see how it factored into the woman's mindset (i.e., "I don't want to be perceived that way") and at the same time, it definitely can enter into the male mindset ("her sister is easy, she probably is too"). I would also point out that the "stigma" of having multiple partners (in quick succession or in the same night) is different for women vs. men.

I would also point out something very simple.

There are false accusations in EVERY type of crime. People are falsely accused of theft. People are falsely accused of murder. But very few people ever talk about "false accusations" about ANY other type of crime, except for sexual assault.

All false accusations are horrible and damage the lives of innocent people.
@305to954 & @jmcanes22
Suck some more white boy ****

suicide is the best choice for in the closet white boy kkk ****

Both of you can go choke to death on each others white boy kkk *****

little retarded kkk wannabes do that stupid meatball ish aka you both quote my statements and literally obvious as day and night you both read enough to be offended that the typical kkk/white boys get offended and react yourselves with retarded meme bullsh1t
I don't give a **** of no white kkk boy; Every kkk white boy only act up after only watching kkk propaganda aka;

Racist bigot retarded filled domes + methamphetamine / ritalin, adhd/add pills + and/or beer google fake ish + being insecure **** = holding in b.s. hatred aka needs safety on numbers / weak little kkk boys locker room ***gits = only then do they act up
Exactly.. You actually think everyone of color likes to spew that racist rhetoric; Its bad enough you find a meme of a youth picking on someone who appears to be of age of a senior citizen.. If anything people who know what respect is would never pick a fight with a elderly person unless some kkk b.s. is spoken to them.

@305to954 and @jmcanes22 commit suicide douche bags

Its clear your a little white boy retarded pariah or; If you were born to a person of ethnicity that its clear you think like a soft white boy ***
Exactly.. You actually think everyone of color likes to spew that racist rhetoric; Its bad enough you find a meme of a youth picking on someone who appears to be of age of a senior citizen.. If anything people who know what respect is would never pick a fight with a elderly person unless some kkk b.s. is spoken to them.

@305to954 and @jmcanes22 commit suicide douche bags

Its clear your a little white boy retarded pariah or; If you were born to a person of ethnicity that its clear you think like a soft white boy ***
suicide = for your ***** white man thinking loving self
It is a very difficult situation all around.

First, the issue of "consent" is largely based on verbal statements and actions. It has been, is, and always will be a very difficult area to navigate, from an evidentiary and legal process standpoint.

Second, guys need to deal with the reality of what women have to deal with when it comes to consent, and we have to be honest that sometimes the "nice charming guy" at the beginning of the night and the "guy in the bedroom" are very different individuals, and that a woman who may have been interested in the "nice charming guy" an hour earlier is not at all interested in (possibly) the over-aggressive guy that she encounters once the activity becomes more intimate. A woman should be able to change her mind and revoke her consent at any point before conclusion, and not be forced to "accept it" just because she was initially attracted to a guy and initially interested in intercourse. We have to acknowledge that there are plenty of valid reasons for women to change their minds AT THE TIME (and, no, I'm not talking about a week later).

Third, over and over again, certain posters want to tell "their stories" or "their friends' stories" which are factually unlike what is being described in the article. So, again, I am not accepting the article as "actual factual" yet, but I can acknowledge that the story ALLEGES that the woman was crying AT THE TIME. So all of your "I know a dude who was accused a week later" stories are not relevant to THIS STORY. AT THIS TIME.

Fourth, some posters want to confuse issues and have separate standards for men and women. Go back and look at things that have been written on this thread alone. Somehow, it is OK to refer to a female as a "known ****" (or, ****, even a woman's sister is a "known ****") and have that mean something (not everything, but at least something) about the woman's proclivity, yet when someone talks about THREE GUYS having *** with the same woman on the same night, somehow we get the benefit of flashing forward 20 years to them hanging out at a bachelor party (in their 40s???) and they are somehow bitter about the situation they found themselves in. Hey, here's an idea, guys who don't participate in running a train on a drunken girl (even a seemingly consensual train) tend not to be accused of rape (falsely or truthfully).

Again, none of these statements are absolutes. IT IS POSSIBLE for people to be falsely accused. It is horrible when it happens. But there are also PLENTY of ways to minimize EVER being accused (falsely or truthfully), and a reduction in the amount of alcohol (for all genders) and a reduction in the number of participants (for all genders) goes a long way to clearing up any prior questions on consent and any subsequent issues of remorse.

It's not that hard to do the right thing. And being bitter in your 40s about being "falsely accused" of sexual assault for that one time (one?) you ran a train on a drunken girl is not a great look, particularly when your life (obviously) was NOT "ruined" by the accusation.

As for the guy whose friend's life went poorly after his accusation, I absolutely have sympathy. And at the same time, there have been hundreds of thousands of women whose lives have similarly spiraled downward after they were raped because (until recently) our justice system has not handled their cases very well, from untested rape kits to unhelpful police investigators to misguided attorneys to not-very-understanding judges and juries.

We have to be honest. There is a lot, A LOT, that happens in life that is unjust and horrible. Most of us try to do the best we can, whether that is looking after ourselves and trying to prevent these situations from ever happening to us, to compassionately listening and helping others who have suffered from these situations.

We don't need to have a snap judgement here. We don't have to "100% believe" every aspect of the woman's story from Minute 1. But we also don't have to haul out every "I know a guy who was falsely accused" cliches when the anecdotal stories do not match the facts of THIS STORY.

Let the case be investigated, prosecuted, and decided. Do your best to respect the verdict, as you cannot possibly know what the jury heard or did not hear in evidence.

Brother, you cannot be serious with this assertion. That is a false accusation of RAPE, not “they stole my Halloween candy”. That is an absolutely mind boggling mindset. From jumpstreet I said let’s wait for the facts.

Also, where did I say those guys ran a train on a “drunk” woman? You made that up that to codify the narrative you presented. I never said the girl was drunk, because she wasn’t. She never drank...not ever in college. She slept with 3 guys while sober at a house party, with the door wide open, and had slept with 2 of the 3 guys on numerous occasions. There were other guys and gals ******** in other rooms too. It’s college, man. Those things are pretty common. Facts are, she lied about being raped for reasons unbeknownst to anyone and that’s a **** of an accusation. That’s not like lying about someone stealing $50 and a misdemeanor. Those guys could’ve done 7-10 years, easy!

Your assertion that it’s somehow “ok” to be falsely accused of rape, because their lives weren’t ruined as a head scratching comment. Their lives were impacted in a major way.

These guys had their names and faces plastered all over the news and newspapers. You think that’s ok? How about the fact that they were kicked out of school for the semester and couldn’t graduate with our class? They were re-admitted the next semester and graduated a year later? They lost 6 months of their lives over that nonsense

Or how about the fact that their families spent tens of thousands of dollars on legal fees (over $200K collectively)That’s money gone!

Or how about the psychological impact of being charged, arrested, and embarrassed on campus, in the media and in front of friends and family? What about the psychological impact on their parents? Those dudes where dragged out of our dorm in handcuffs 48 hours later, in front over everybody.

Those were friends of mine and one was my roommate, so yes, I have perspective on this. I was there And you of course, we discussed it **** near 25 years later, because it was a life altering event that shaped them to the point of having PTSD for many years after the event, and they’re still bitter over it.

I was shaped by this so I never ever jump to conclusions until I have all the facts. I told this story as a counterbalance as a way to say “let’s wait for all the info”, because the story seemed weird.
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Burden of proof remains the same. How you get there is the issue.

Without knowing the true evidence at hand it is hard to know any of this.
Agreed. Just sad that things keep repeating themselves. This has gone on since I was in college over 20 years ago. And I'm sure decades befor that. By that, I mean both parties placing themselves in vulnerable situations from which a bad thing could happen or be alleged.
"Riep recorded the victim, asking her if she wanted her face on video since she was crying. "He told her 'no, just say it was consensual' ON VIDEO while laughing at her."

If that statement is true, I don't see how there's any ambiguity at all.
Agreed. We don't know the full story or the evidence. I think the video could be telling depending on how each party presents themselves on the video. The alleged victim crying and the alleged perpetrators laughing would be an obvious tell if true.
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