OT: 2 Taint State players charged with rape and kidnapping

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The big UVA false gang rape from 3-4 years ago.

Duke Lacrosse team was a big false claim of rape. The whole country was convinced they were guilty until she recanted. I think the woman that accused them is in prison now for murder.

Always have to wait until all the facts of the case get put out there before rushing to judgement. Even if it is for a team most of us hate, it's still two young men with a possible long jail sentence that may or may not be justified. The media always make it sound like they are guilty before they even see a day in court; probably just to get revenue from their websites.
If those two guys don’t have a bunch of other women on video “consenting” to having *** with them, I’m pretty sure they totally fučked themselves with that move.
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