OT: 2 Taint State players charged with rape and kidnapping

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Another sad story. I'm not going to prejudge either way, but I will say this case will be difficult to prosecute because the victim admitted having consensual *** with at least one of the men from which she says she asked him to stop.

Without any physical signs of a struggle, this may come down to a he said/she said case and I don't know the burden of proof is for these type of cases.

I just wish young men and women would have better judgment. Sometimes, the choices we make based on our perceived invincibility and naivete, can change our lives forever.

"Riep recorded the victim, asking her if she wanted her face on video since she was crying. "He told her 'no, just say it was consensual' ON VIDEO while laughing at her."

If that statement is true, I don't see how there's any ambiguity at all.
If you don't get that I can't help you.

He creates this culture. Or were you not aware of him trying to turn a blind eye to one of his coaches beating the living **** out of his wife in front of their children? And then all of a sudden having another "health issue."
Oh, I completely understood what you were saying, I just thought your post came across as total Drama Queen.
I'm going to assume all the IDIOTS that wanted Meyer at The U...

Still want Meyer at The U. Because all of you morons care as much about women getting beaten and raped as Meyer does.
Urban is not a great coach who can rebuild programs. He is a locusts swam who takes what others built but could not deliver. When he is done not much remains. OSU has built in cheating machine so it recovers quicker. He would take our job after Butch but not before Howard.
Oh, I completely understood what you were saying, I just thought your post came across as total Drama Queen.

So you took the time out to ask "what," while completely understanding what I was saying, to bring attention to yourself. And then capitalized drama queen, for no reason at all.


Sounds like you're the exact person I was referencing.
Urban is not a great coach who can rebuild programs. He is a locusts swam who takes what others built but could not deliver. When he is done not much remains. OSU has built in cheating machine so it recovers quicker. He would take our job after Butch but not before Howard.

This is a great take and highly accurate. He recruited well but never stayed to see it through because the wheels always fell off the by time the team was full of his players. The guy is absolute and utter scum.
This is a great take and highly accurate. He recruited well but never stayed to see it through because the wheels always fell off the by time the team was full of his players. The guy is absolute and utter scum.
All true, but I sure would love one more NC before I got to that big OB in the sky.
So you took the time out to ask "what," while completely understanding what I was saying, to bring attention to yourself. And then capitalized drama queen, for no reason at all.


Sounds like you're the exact person I was referencing.
Ok, cool. Hook 'em!
Come on guys, clearly since there were no strippers and/or possible abortions, this is not a big issue. Oh and steak dinners, can't forget those.
Let the entire story come out. There is a lot that just don’t sound right about this story.

Things can get sensationalized early on.
Do you or DTP ever read the story? If you dont watch out I'm going to falsely accuse you of rapping my eyes with your bs that you porst. Innocent until proven guilty. If you've never been falsely accused of anything, you wouldn't understand.
That's why their is a justice system...
Ugly and sad for all involved. Even if the two have the charges dropped, their names are tainted going forward.
Here comes the rape brigade to say she asked for it.

And the rape economists to tell us about the ever-profitable and highly popular "false-rape-accusation" industry, where women make millions from inventing stories about amateur athletes (who MIGHT earn money from pro sports in the future).
Actually it's arguably Michigan State at this point.

Why do we have to waste our time arguing over Ped State, Michigan State, or Ohio State being the biggest rape factory?

They are all distinguished in their own separate ways. They all deserve this shame.

Maybe we should focus on how much rape seems to be happening at the fine academic institutions of the Big 10.
Hey *******, there’s a ton of articles on this story out there. Maybe you missed the one where it states they made a video of the accuser crying and forced her to say “it’s consensual “. Yeah because women who consent to *** are always crying and scared. It’s not my fault you can’t get a girl to agree to *** with you so you have to defend every dude who forces it.
I’ve seen false rape accusations before, up close involving my ex college roommate. I know of two false rape claims that occurred when I was in college back in the early to mid 90s.

In one case, the young woman was crying and making a big scene , AFTER she willing slept with 3 guys at a house party. I was there and saw the whole thing, along with many others. She was a willing participant but then she lied and said she was raped. I’m assuming because she was ashamed, but who in the heck knows why she lied. All three guys were arrested and charged with rape - it was all over the news and they were kicked out of school, second semester senior year right before they were scheduled to graduate.

Fortunately many witnesses came forward - men and women - and they beat the case. And even with the witnesses the judge still tried to hang those guys. After months and months and many witnesses the young woman admitted to the lie. Crazy situation.

Last Spring, 24 years later those same guys and I were at a bachelor party and we discussed the case and what “could’ve been” if there were no witnesses. Talked about it for hours. 24 years later and those dudes were still bitter about it extremely angry with the girl and the lie that nearly destroyed all their lives
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Here comes the rape brigade to say she asked for it.
Bro..she definitely didn’t not ask for it
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