2023 Official Visit Weekend: January 13-15

Now it’s just 5 yards you seem to be a George hater but the kid was hurt this season. He can make plays I hope we get him a good play caller to show you how explosive he is.
George isn’t explosive. He just isn’t. Now that doesn’t mean he can’t play or has no talent but he isn’t explosive.
George isn’t explosive. He just isn’t. Now that doesn’t mean he can’t play or has no talent but he isn’t explosive.
I disagree 7 catches at 26 yards a clip I beg to differ it’s a small sample but if the kid has a better oc and stayed healthy he’s gonna show his talent and prove he’s explosive to you guys
This guy immediately becomes our 2nd best receiver if not the best. That’s how starved we are. Great news. And whomever said he lacks speed…

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Original @DMoney thread on Alford

Interesting comment from @A1cane about taking alford over Worsham. Hindsight couple years later is 20/20

He withdrew from the transfer portal.....God **** we're cursed at WR. This all falls on Mario's inability to ******* make a decision.

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I will say this, Syracuse seems to be very tough to pry players from and/or backchannel. All last year, Mikel was rumored to be hitting the portal and we never could get him out.

Let's assume Alford really wanted no part of Gattis, does that really make him go back to the Cuse? I don't think so. He just finds another home elsewhere. This might have more to do with Syracuse's ability to keep kids for portaling out as our grossly inept OC's ability to recruit WRs.
and another thing. Do we have the Alford withdrawing for the portal news from another source besides On3? I'm still waiting for confirmation.
Now it’s just 5 yards you seem to be a George hater but the kid was hurt this season. He can make plays I hope we get him a good play caller to show you how explosive he is.
I like him but he ain’t what u said he was. And he broke his hand vs A&M lol cmon man. He is entering year 3 and never has done anything