Notice of Allegations *update*

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You guys really need to think harder. Do you really think Feldman decided to write a book about a team with the smallest natural fan base in college sports solely to make money? Do you think it's coincidence that he happened to be an alumnus, and a lifelong fan? What do you think he thought the ceiling was for book sales when he decided to write a book about little Miami?

You guys are turning on, and throwing a guy under the bus that has done nothing but his best, short of ruining his career, to look after our program for over a decade in the press.

And suddenly, without you knowing a single fact about what's really happening with the NCAA, a respected journalist, who might have connections, writes something that you don't like, not know, is wrong but like, and you go after his neck?

Think more. Type less.

If that post wasn't so brutally condescending, I'd actually engage its message in hopes of a discussion.

I ignored it completely after reading the first couple words. Nothing funnier than a dude thinking he's smarter than and talkings t down to guys who are smarter than him.

Another ChefCane minus the Veal Scalopini recipes.

Monday is the day some have been told to be available to speak to NCAA representatives regarding their alleged NCAA violations. The so-called notice of allegations, which describes the case and outlines the rules that are alleged to have been broken, is expected to be received by UM sometime this week.

UM President Donna Shalala, who has made it clear to university personnel that they are not to discuss the investigation, told The Miami Herald on Sunday night regarding the NCAA’s notification: “I have no timetable.”

Individuals embroiled in the case, some of them now employed at other universities, will receive their own notices of alleged wrongdoings.

But the thing UM has most going for it, according to those on the inside and the periphery, is how cooperative Shalala, her administration and lawyers have been with the NCAA.

“In my experience with the case, it appears the university has gone out of its way to be transparent and cooperative with the joint investigation, not only to facilitate some sort of good will with the NCAA, but to avoid any additional sanctions that might occur,’’ said Miami-based attorney Jason Setchen, who received his bachelor’s and law degrees from UM.


Setchen represented former UM basketball player DeQuan Jones when he was originally prevented from competing in games last season. Shapiro claimed that former UM assistant Jake Morton asked Shapiro for $10,000 to secure Jones, then a recruit. Jones was allowed to return to action after the NCAA couldn’t find evidence against him.

“Miami’s position from Day 1 was to work together, as opposed to being adversarial,’’ Setchen said. “These guys from the NCAA are judge and jury. Once you tick them off, if you’re not cooperative and don’t handle yourself in a way that is acceptable to them, they’re ultimately the ones that define your fate.’’

John Infante, a former compliance officer at NCAA Division I schools, formerly wrote The Bylaw Blog for the NCAA. He now writes it for Athnet, an informational website for recruits. On Sunday, Infante wrote that if UM receives its notice of allegations this week, he believes the NCAA hearing — UM has 90 days to respond to the allegations — would most likely be in June.

“After the hearing,’’ Infante wrote, “the Committee on Infractions tries to release the public report [with the penalties] within six weeks, but often takes longer. Given the complexity of the Miami case and the attention it has attracted, two months is probably a minimum. August or September seems more likely than not.’’

Infante added that “given Miami’s self-imposed postseason bans and apparent excellent cooperation, an appeal seems unlikely’’ – that is, unless the NCAA imposes severe sanctions, he indicated.
guys, I've dealt with Bruce( interviewed him for his book on Canestime and on a radio show before) he's a good guy, and trust me, he's a UM guy

However, IMO, any reporter pretending to know what is going on with the NCAA and UM I think is just speculating....

And here's my guess( and that's all it is) is that UM will get hit, it will hurt, but I think all the hysteria over the death penalty that was spoken about two summers ago has died down, to a point, I think some aren't even all that outraged. Another issue is that Robinson's story was proven to have a lot of factual errors and holes, and surprise, surprise, lil' Nevin isnt exactly the most honest and credible guy.

either way, like everyone else, I'd like to know what UM gets and then move on. I think the future is very bright at UM with the way Alfred James Golden is running things

If he was really a big UM fan he'd know that spreading rumors about UM being banned from 2 more bowls at the pinnacle of recruiting season is a bad idea, especially coming from a media member with a loud voice. Not something a real UM fan would do, especially when he's ABSOLUTELY GUESSING. He's making things harder for Alshermond every time he runs his yapper about UM being banned for 4 bowl games.

Look at the talking heads that are Penn State alums such as Todd Blackledge, Matt Millen,etc....What happened at their alma-mater
was considerably worse than the ****pero nonsense.....yet I didn't see those folks pile on PSU before or after they got sanctioned.

They're busy swaying the public opinion towards seeing Ped State as a victim of the big bad NCAA. And guess what? It's working. All I ever hear is feel-good stories about Ped State and O'Brien. Meanwhile, these supposed rabid UM fans like Felchman are making Al's job recruiting difference makers exponentially tougher by claiming we're going to lose 2 more bowl games.
guys, I've dealt with Bruce( interviewed him for his book on Canestime and on a radio show before) he's a good guy, and trust me, he's a UM guy

However, IMO, any reporter pretending to know what is going on with the NCAA and UM I think is just speculating....

And here's my guess( and that's all it is) is that UM will get hit, it will hurt, but I think all the hysteria over the death penalty that was spoken about two summers ago has died down, to a point, I think some aren't even all that outraged. Another issue is that Robinson's story was proven to have a lot of factual errors and holes, and surprise, surprise, lil' Nevin isnt exactly the most honest and credible guy.

either way, like everyone else, I'd like to know what UM gets and then move on. I think the future is very bright at UM with the way Alfred James Golden is running things

If he was really a big UM fan he'd know that spreading rumors about UM being banned from 2 more bowls at the pinnacle of recruiting season is a bad idea, especially coming from a media member with a loud voice. Not something a real UM fan would do, especially when he's ABSOLUTELY GUESSING. He's making things harder for Alshermond every time he runs his yapper about UM being banned for 4 bowl games.

That I cant disagree with. But again, maybe he just has no comprehension( or doesn't care, perhaps) of the damage he could be doing.
What has Feldman done since his article on Pee Wee that would lead anyone to believe he knows what is going on? He's more inovlved in the SEC, his War Eagle Roll Tide book, and talking on the Finebaum show than he is in investiaging this story. I frankly don't think he knows much more about this than Heather Dinich.

This isn't meant to be a rant against him, I don't question his affection for UM and I read his columns every week, so I actually do follow the guy. And I don't fault him for giving an opinion if he is asked, but I don't think asking him will give you a better idea of what is going on than if you asked someone on any local sports radio show. Yes, he has connections, but very few people are talking, and how many at UM does he know now? Was anyone else scratching their head after reading his story about Pee Wee, yet not have any source "close to UM" anonymously answering questions about him? I was, and if the Herald writers can find people to comment, it isn't impossible.
Lol we all knew the DQJ story was bull****

I wonder how much else was eventually disproven
I think if they impose anything stiffer than scholarship reductions with the self-imposed bans already taken, then in the future, there's no reason for anyone else to cooperate.

+ 1

Been saying this for a while. If they crush us then every other program is going to tell the NCAA to eat ****
Not sure if it was mentioned already, but the fact that this NOA is supposedly coming out this week only a few weeks after those letters to former players went out is encouraging. If the interviews yielded anything new that the NCAA could further investigate and corroborate, then it surely would have taken more time that it has no? I'm thinking the player testimonies did not help the NCAA corroborate anything. If the NCAA can't prove something, then they won't punish for it.

That letter went out almost two months ago. Let's hope they took some extra time off for the holidays
Last season I believe we played at 80, no? Or at least tried to..I'm pretty sure.


It was 79/80

I looked at the roster on this site, and counted 81 guys (I think that is right). In addition, I think V. Davis was in fall camp for a few days. If so, he would have received room and board (athletic financial aid) and would also count against the 85 as well as the 25. So I think 82 guys counted against the 85.
Last season I believe we played at 80, no? Or at least tried to..I'm pretty sure.


It was 79/80

I looked at the roster on this site, and counted 81 guys (I think that is right). In addition, I think V. Davis was in fall camp for a few days. If so, he would have received room and board (athletic financial aid) and would also count against the 85 as well as the 25. So I think 82 guys counted against the 85.

I am not concerned with the 85 or the 25 because I don't think for next 3 years either will be hit (due to sanctions).

I am pretty sure we started this Fall with 80 and lost someone (VD) and went to 79.
I think if they impose anything stiffer than scholarship reductions with the self-imposed bans already taken, then in the future, there's no reason for anyone else to cooperate.

+ 1

Been saying this for a while. If they crush us then every other program is going to tell the NCAA to eat ****

And then we take their *** to court and fight everything.
If they try to hammer us on just the word of a convicted liar, Corch Al should let Gabe Terry run through the NCAA and just f*ck everybody up on sight
Imagine the absolute Mauling by the masked man (GT); minus the rules!

If they try to hammer us on just the word of a convicted liar, Corch Al should let Gabe Terry run through the NCAA and just f*ck everybody up on sight

Gabe would slap a cross-face chicken wing on Emmert and wouldn't let up until he heard something snap. And then he'd squeeze harder. The sound of snapping bones gets addictive to him like the popping of those little packing bubble wrap sheets gets good to normal citizens without a penchant for inflicting great bodily harm.
How the **** does Shapiro miss so big with DaQuan Jones and the NCAA investigate any further to begin with? I'm an attorney and have been a prosecutor and I can tell you that if a "victim" ever misses that big on his story, he might as well try and take matters into his own hands because NOTHING else he says is believable.

It's absurd that the case wasn't closed and dismissed at the $10K Bullshat from this azzhat.
How the **** does Shapiro miss so big with DaQuan Jones and the NCAA investigate any further to begin with? I'm an attorney and have been a prosecutor and I can tell you that if a "victim" ever misses that big on his story, he might as well try and take matters into his own hands because NOTHING else he says is believable.

It's absurd that the case wasn't closed and dismissed at the $10K Bullshat from this azzhat.

Exactly the way I saw it from the beginning. The entire case revolved around the word of a convicted liar with a stated vendetta against UM. If that wasn't bad enough his information on huge issues like DaQuan was embarrassingly wrong.
There are so many angles here I have no idea what shape we are or the sum of the angles . . .

On the one hand there was a rogue booster who conned millions out of really smart people. At the end of the day if everything alleged were true what would we get? Death Penalty? There is a difference to me in paying for recruits to attend and giving players benefits. I doubt the NCAA sees it that way though. Clearly it could be seen as circumventing the system, etc;

This angle though is more interesting to me . . . if we have cooperated with the investigation and been transparent, if there is no benefit for that then what is the point of cooperating? Look we have a great brand, but tiny funds compared with many many schools. This case shows the world what cooperation gets a university. And to that end it has most appeal and intrigue for me.

The USC and PSU factors are also compelling. Honestly, I think PSU football paid for something so off the field I disagree with their sanctions. PSU should pay, no doubt, but imo not the football team. The Paul Dee USC issue is of interest, but from all accounts USC didnt seem to be transparent. My question is, should USC have known about the Bush's? Should UM have known about the swindler? IDK.