Notice of Allegations *update*

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Me and him texted right after there was an uproar. And he said it had nothing to do with the NCAA.

I understand and appreciate that info, but as UM has made it crystal clear there would be no comments about the investigation he would lie to you to save his a$$.
Pure speculation here:

15 schollies over 3 years. No more bowl bans. We get cited for FTM

I tend to be on the pessimistic side but I just cannot see a scenario where the NCAA "hammers" us given all of the factors involved here.
Add Bruce Felman's sensationalism: "my guess 4 bowl bans and serious scholarship reduction"

Unreal. Echo the sentiments above, penn st got four. We served 3. Enough.

You know Bruce is a passionate Cane fan right? He frickin' wrote Cane Mutiny: "How the Miami Hurricanes Overturned the Football Establishment."
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Everyone understands that it's a Notice of Allegations, meaning we won't know what type of punishment we will get. The only thing we'll know, if the university decides to release the information, is the extent of what the NCAA deems as our wrongdoings. After that, we get a chance to appeal those allegations. Once that is done, then we will be given our punishment. Chances are we won't know what the ultimate outcome will be until late Spring/early Summer.
It has been my feeling all along that if we got the notice prior to NSD then, we would be looking at more penalties than we would like.

I think if the NCAA felt like the notice would have a positive effect on Miami's recruiting efforts they would withhold the notice until after NSD.
Add Bruce Felman's sensationalism: "my guess 4 bowl bans and serious scholarship reduction"

Unreal. Echo the sentiments above, penn st got four. We served 3. Enough.

You know Bruce is a passionate Cane fan right? He frickin' wrote Cane Mutiny: "How the Miami Hurricanes Overturned the Football Establishment."

Did he donate all the proceeds of that book to UM, or is there a chance he wrote that book to profit off of UM's story? Is the dude who wrote the book on John Wayne Gacy a fan of the killer clown?
Add Bruce Felman's sensationalism: "my guess 4 bowl bans and serious scholarship reduction"

Unreal. Echo the sentiments above, penn st got four. We served 3. Enough.

You know Bruce is a passionate Cane fan right? He frickin' wrote Cane Mutiny: "How the Miami Hurricanes Overturned the Football Establishment."

Actions and deeds > words.
Add Bruce Felman's sensationalism: "my guess 4 bowl bans and serious scholarship reduction"

Unreal. Echo the sentiments above, penn st got four. We served 3. Enough.

You know Bruce is a passionate Cane fan right? He frickin' wrote Cane Mutiny: "How the Miami Hurricanes Overturned the Football Establishment."

Did he donate all the proceeds of that book to UM, or is there a chance he wrote that book to profit off of UM's story? Is the dude who wrote the book on John Wayne Gacy a fan of the killer clown?

Excellent point.
I would also toss in that Billy Corben into that category.
Add Bruce Felman's sensationalism: "my guess 4 bowl bans and serious scholarship reduction"

Unreal. Echo the sentiments above, penn st got four. We served 3. Enough.

You know Bruce is a passionate Cane fan right? He frickin' wrote Cane Mutiny: "How the Miami Hurricanes Overturned the Football Establishment."

Did he donate all the proceeds of that book to UM, or is there a chance he wrote that book to profit off of UM's story? Is the dude who wrote the book on John Wayne Gacy a fan of the killer clown?

You know he is also an alumnus, right? Did Jimmy Johnson work for free at Miami or did he maybe want to make some money too?
Add Bruce Felman's sensationalism: "my guess 4 bowl bans and serious scholarship reduction"

Unreal. Echo the sentiments above, penn st got four. We served 3. Enough.

You know Bruce is a passionate Cane fan right? He frickin' wrote Cane Mutiny: "How the Miami Hurricanes Overturned the Football Establishment."

Did he donate all the proceeds of that book to UM, or is there a chance he wrote that book to profit off of UM's story? Is the dude who wrote the book on John Wayne Gacy a fan of the killer clown?

Excellent point.
I would also toss in that Billy Corben into that category.

Me too. I like his movies, but his act is getting old.
Add Bruce Felman's sensationalism: "my guess 4 bowl bans and serious scholarship reduction"

Unreal. Echo the sentiments above, penn st got four. We served 3. Enough.

You know Bruce is a passionate Cane fan right? He frickin' wrote Cane Mutiny: "How the Miami Hurricanes Overturned the Football Establishment."

Did he donate all the proceeds of that book to UM, or is there a chance he wrote that book to profit off of UM's story? Is the dude who wrote the book on John Wayne Gacy a fan of the killer clown?

You know he is also an alumnus, right? Did Jimmy Johnson work for free at Miami or did he maybe want to make some money too?

Totally missed the point.
Add Bruce Felman's sensationalism: "my guess 4 bowl bans and serious scholarship reduction"

Unreal. Echo the sentiments above, penn st got four. We served 3. Enough.

You know Bruce is a passionate Cane fan right? He frickin' wrote Cane Mutiny: "How the Miami Hurricanes Overturned the Football Establishment."

Did he donate all the proceeds of that book to UM, or is there a chance he wrote that book to profit off of UM's story? Is the dude who wrote the book on John Wayne Gacy a fan of the killer clown?

You know he is also an alumnus, right? Did Jimmy Johnson work for free at Miami or did he maybe want to make some money too?

Dan Lebaturd's an alumnus too. Was he a big fan when he tried to shut UM's program down? You missed the point. Bomb said Felchman's a passionate fan and used the fact that he wrote a for-profit book as proof. I didn't find that point compelling.
Add Bruce Felman's sensationalism: "my guess 4 bowl bans and serious scholarship reduction"

Unreal. Echo the sentiments above, penn st got four. We served 3. Enough.

You know Bruce is a passionate Cane fan right? He frickin' wrote Cane Mutiny: "How the Miami Hurricanes Overturned the Football Establishment."

Did he donate all the proceeds of that book to UM, or is there a chance he wrote that book to profit off of UM's story? Is the dude who wrote the book on John Wayne Gacy a fan of the killer clown?

Excellent point.
I would also toss in that Billy Corben into that category.

Absolutely toss that little **** into the same category. Seems **** bent on getting himself over at the expense of the program.
You guys really need to think harder. Do you really think Feldman decided to write a book about a team with the smallest natural fan base in college sports solely to make money? Do you think it's coincidence that he happened to be an alumnus, and a lifelong fan? What do you think he thought the ceiling was for book sales when he decided to write a book about little Miami?

You guys are turning on, and throwing a guy under the bus that has done nothing but his best, short of ruining his career, to look after our program for over a decade in the press.

And suddenly, without you knowing a single fact about what's really happening with the NCAA, a respected journalist, who might have connections, writes something that you don't like, not know, is wrong but like, and you go after his neck?

Think more. Type less.
Bomb..the issue is he is making objectively radical statements. I'm sure Bruce means well but the suggestion of 4 bowls...really? We're any kids raped on this campus? I didn't think so. The idea that the NCAA could somehow take our 2 self imposed bowls and throw in on top 2 more is nothing short of absurd. Not even in Molly Richmans ******* wet dream fantasies are we getting 4 I'm not interested in entertaining objectively absurd ideas even if he is a good guy.

If that is really his view then there is nothing to discuss.