Notice of Allegations *update*

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You guys really need to think harder. Do you really think Feldman decided to write a book about a team with the smallest natural fan base in college sports solely to make money? Do you think it's coincidence that he happened to be an alumnus, and a lifelong fan? What do you think he thought the ceiling was for book sales when he decided to write a book about little Miami?

You guys are turning on, and throwing a guy under the bus that has done nothing but his best, short of ruining his career, to look after our program for over a decade in the press.

And suddenly, without you knowing a single fact about what's really happening with the NCAA, a respected journalist, who might have connections, writes something that you don't like, not know, is wrong but like, and you go after his neck?

Think more. Type less.

ughh pretty much. I still disagree with his bowl ban theory
Not sure if it was mentioned already, but the fact that this NOA is supposedly coming out this week only a few weeks after those letters to former players went out is encouraging. If the interviews yielded anything new that the NCAA could further investigate and corroborate, then it surely would have taken more time that it has no? I'm thinking the player testimonies did not help the NCAA corroborate anything. If the NCAA can't prove something, then they won't punish for it.
Bomb..the issue is he is making objectively radical statements. I'm sure Bruce means well but the suggestion of 4 bowls...really? We're any kids raped on this campus? I didn't think so. The idea that the NCAA could somehow take our 2 self imposed bowls and throw in on top 2 more is nothing short of absurd. Not even in Molly Richmans ******* wet dream fantasies are we getting 4 I'm not interested in entertaining objectively absurd ideas even if he is a good guy.

If that is really his view then there is nothing to discuss.

So again, it's a result we don't like, but haven't a clue isn't true, and we turn on a true Cane?

You can disagree without cutting his legs out from under him. He doesn't deserve that. He's earned better.
You think Feldman is really affected by getting crushed on a message board? I'm not going to go through your post history, but you've probably killed some of our players during a game for miscues. What are your thoughts on Shannon? He wasn't a good head coach, but he did plenty during the glory years for Miami. Have you not said anything negative about him?
You guys are crazy. Bruce may off in what he thinks we get, but I think he is one of few pro Miami guys in the media. More so then local media at least lol
Bomb..the issue is he is making objectively radical statements. I'm sure Bruce means well but the suggestion of 4 bowls...really? We're any kids raped on this campus? I didn't think so. The idea that the NCAA could somehow take our 2 self imposed bowls and throw in on top 2 more is nothing short of absurd. Not even in Molly Richmans ******* wet dream fantasies are we getting 4 I'm not interested in entertaining objectively absurd ideas even if he is a good guy.

If that is really his view then there is nothing to discuss.

So again, it's a result we don't like, but haven't a clue isn't true, and we turn on a true Cane?

You can disagree without cutting his legs out from under him. He doesn't deserve that. He's earned better.

No dude it's not because of the result. It's because the suggestion is completely preposterous. 4 bowls? If Bruce said something like I think Miami could get 25 and 1 more bowl.....I wouldn't care for that result but it at least it is somewhere near the outer boundaries of reality. No one has EVER suggested 2 more bowls. He is way out there. Again it's not because I don't like the's because it's way beyond anything realistic.
You guys really need to think harder. Do you really think Feldman decided to write a book about a team with the smallest natural fan base in college sports solely to make money? Do you think it's coincidence that he happened to be an alumnus, and a lifelong fan? What do you think he thought the ceiling was for book sales when he decided to write a book about little Miami?

You guys are turning on, and throwing a guy under the bus that has done nothing but his best, short of ruining his career, to look after our program for over a decade in the press.

And suddenly, without you knowing a single fact about what's really happening with the NCAA, a respected journalist, who might have connections, writes something that you don't like, not know, is wrong but like, and you go after his neck?

Think more. Type less.

If that post wasn't so brutally condescending, I'd actually engage its message in hopes of a discussion.
You guys really need to think harder. Do you really think Feldman decided to write a book about a team with the smallest natural fan base in college sports solely to make money? Do you think it's coincidence that he happened to be an alumnus, and a lifelong fan? What do you think he thought the ceiling was for book sales when he decided to write a book about little Miami?

You guys are turning on, and throwing a guy under the bus that has done nothing but his best, short of ruining his career, to look after our program for over a decade in the press.

And suddenly, without you knowing a single fact about what's really happening with the NCAA, a respected journalist, who might have connections, writes something that you don't like, not know, is wrong but like, and you go after his neck?

Think more. Type less.

If that post wasn't so brutally condescending, I'd actually engage its message in hopes of a discussion.

what did you expect considering the source?
FRom what I understand, no one has ever gotten a 3 yr bowl ban (save the death penalty and child molestation). Is this correct if it is no way we get another yr much less 2
Bomb is a good guy I just think he is wrong here. We are not attacking Bruce personally. I know he is a fan but his ideas here are so beyond the pale that it has to be called for what it is...BS. There is no way in **** it could,be 4 bowls PLUS a ton of ships. In light of everything we have done it just isn't realistic at all.
FRom what I understand, no one has ever gotten a 3 yr bowl ban (save the death penalty and child molestation). Is this correct if it is no way we get another yr much less 2

Not correct. The following is a list of instances of 3+ years of postseason bans:

Auburn '58-'60
Houston '66-'68
Indiana '60-'63
K State '70-'72
Miami '54-'56
Mich. St. '76-'78
OK St '89-'91
Penn St. '12-'15
Tulsa '70-'72
UCLA '56-'58
You guys really need to think harder. Do you really think Feldman decided to write a book about a team with the smallest natural fan base in college sports solely to make money? Do you think it's coincidence that he happened to be an alumnus, and a lifelong fan? What do you think he thought the ceiling was for book sales when he decided to write a book about little Miami?

You guys are turning on, and throwing a guy under the bus that has done nothing but his best, short of ruining his career, to look after our program for over a decade in the press.

And suddenly, without you knowing a single fact about what's really happening with the NCAA, a respected journalist, who might have connections, writes something that you don't like, not know, is wrong but like, and you go after his neck?

Think more. Type less.

If that post wasn't so brutally condescending, I'd actually engage its message in hopes of a discussion.

If it sounded condescending, then I'll take it as a compliment with regards to my writing ability. Because I most certainly do have disdain for some of the attack stuff I read here and those who post it.

You can engage or not engage all you want. I've said my peace. I've no interest in a debate. I'm not going to change anyone or anything here. I know that.

Ok sorry about my rant, back the theory that Bruce Feldman doesn't really like Miami and only wrote Cane Mutiny for the massive profit a book about a school that draws 35k a game and everyone hates generates.
FRom what I understand, no one has ever gotten a 3 yr bowl ban (save the death penalty and child molestation). Is this correct if it is no way we get another yr much less 2

Not correct. The following is a list of instances of 3+ years of postseason bans:

Auburn '58-'60
Houston '66-'68
Indiana '60-'63
K State '70-'72
Miami '54-'56
Mich. St. '76-'78
OK St '89-'91
Penn St. '12-'15
Tulsa '70-'72
UCLA '56-'58

One of them you listed was from Pedo State, the others are from the caveman era. We skate.
guys, I've dealt with Bruce( interviewed him for his book on Canestime and on a radio show before) he's a good guy, and trust me, he's a UM guy

However, IMO, any reporter pretending to know what is going on with the NCAA and UM I think is just speculating....

And here's my guess( and that's all it is) is that UM will get hit, it will hurt, but I think all the hysteria over the death penalty that was spoken about two summers ago has died down, to a point, I think some aren't even all that outraged. Another issue is that Robinson's story was proven to have a lot of factual errors and holes, and surprise, surprise, lil' Nevin isnt exactly the most honest and credible guy.

either way, like everyone else, I'd like to know what UM gets and then move on. I think the future is very bright at UM with the way Alfred James Golden is running things
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You guys are crazy. Bruce may off in what he thinks we get, but I think he is one of few pro Miami guys in the media. More so then local media at least lol

Seriously. This is bizarre. But sadly not surprising these days. People are highly reactionary when there's very little personal accountability.

Edit: and what K9 said.
You guys really need to think harder. Do you really think Feldman decided to write a book about a team with the smallest natural fan base in college sports solely to make money? Do you think it's coincidence that he happened to be an alumnus, and a lifelong fan? What do you think he thought the ceiling was for book sales when he decided to write a book about little Miami?

You guys are turning on, and throwing a guy under the bus that has done nothing but his best, short of ruining his career, to look after our program for over a decade in the press.

And suddenly, without you knowing a single fact about what's really happening with the NCAA, a respected journalist, who might have connections, writes something that you don't like, not know, is wrong but like, and you go after his neck?

Think more. Type less.

If that post wasn't so brutally condescending, I'd actually engage its message in hopes of a discussion.

I ignored it completely after reading the first couple words. Nothing funnier than a dude thinking he's smarter than and talking down to guys who are smarter than him.
guys, I've dealt with Bruce( interviewed him for his book on Canestime and on a radio show before) he's a good guy, and trust me, he's a UM guy

However, IMO, any reporter pretending to know what is going on with the NCAA and UM I think is just speculating....

And here's my guess( and that's all it is) is that UM will get hit, it will hurt, but I think all the hysteria over the death penalty that was spoken about two summers ago has died down, to a point, I think some aren't even all that outraged. Another issue is that Robinson's story was proven to have a lot of factual errors and holes, and surprise, surprise, lil' Nevin isnt exactly the most honest and credible guy.

either way, like everyone else, I'd like to know what UM gets and then move on. I think the future is very bright at UM with the way Alfred James Golden is running things

If he was really a big UM fan he'd know that spreading rumors about UM being banned from 2 more bowls at the pinnacle of recruiting season is a bad idea, especially coming from a media member with a loud voice. Not something a real UM fan would do, especially when he's ABSOLUTELY GUESSING. He's making things harder for Alshermond every time he runs his yapper about UM being banned for 4 bowl games.
You guys really need to think harder. Do you really think Feldman decided to write a book about a team with the smallest natural fan base in college sports solely to make money? Do you think it's coincidence that he happened to be an alumnus, and a lifelong fan? What do you think he thought the ceiling was for book sales when he decided to write a book about little Miami?

You guys are turning on, and throwing a guy under the bus that has done nothing but his best, short of ruining his career, to look after our program for over a decade in the press.

And suddenly, without you knowing a single fact about what's really happening with the NCAA, a respected journalist, who might have connections, writes something that you don't like, not know, is wrong but like, and you go after his neck?

Think more. Type less.

If that post wasn't so brutally condescending, I'd actually engage its message in hopes of a discussion.

I ignored it completely after reading the first couple words. Nothing funnier than a dude thinking he's smarter than and talkings t down to guys who are smarter than him.

Another ChefCane minus the Veal Scalopini recipes.
guys, I've dealt with Bruce( interviewed him for his book on Canestime and on a radio show before) he's a good guy, and trust me, he's a UM guy

However, IMO, any reporter pretending to know what is going on with the NCAA and UM I think is just speculating....

And here's my guess( and that's all it is) is that UM will get hit, it will hurt, but I think all the hysteria over the death penalty that was spoken about two summers ago has died down, to a point, I think some aren't even all that outraged. Another issue is that Robinson's story was proven to have a lot of factual errors and holes, and surprise, surprise, lil' Nevin isnt exactly the most honest and credible guy.

either way, like everyone else, I'd like to know what UM gets and then move on. I think the future is very bright at UM with the way Alfred James Golden is running things

If he was really a big UM fan he'd know that spreading rumors about UM being banned from 2 more bowls at the pinnacle of recruiting season is a bad idea, especially coming from a media member with a loud voice. Not something a real UM fan would do, especially when he's ABSOLUTELY GUESSING. He's making things harder for Alshermond every time he runs his yapper about UM being banned for 4 bowl games.

Look at the talking heads that are Penn State alums such as Todd Blackledge, Matt Millen,etc....What happened at their alma-mater
was considerably worse than the ****pero nonsense.....yet I didn't see those folks pile on PSU before or after they got sanctioned.