Next year qb

If Rosier is at center next yr, you can kiss all hope for a meaningful season goodbye.

We need Kaaya back for his sr yr and to pass the torch to N'Kosi Perry after a redshirt.

Rosier isn't as bad you make him sound, and kaaya not as good. That said kaaya likely is the better option, even if just based on experience.

It's gonna be an awesome competition. Whoever emerges will of had to work their *** off for it.
This argument is so flawed on so many levels, I don't even know where to begin.

That is just another way of saying "I don't have anything to refute that statement".

Penn st qb threw for 3300 yards, 25tds, and only 5 picks.

Rosier would have put similar numbers, maybe fewer passing yards and 2 or 3 more interceptions, but more rushing yards.
rosier barely beat out sheriffs and Allison last year. in fact until last day of spring sheriffs was leading. I think to many are looking at stars and not at the whole picture, sheriffs is very accurate Allison also has a huge chance to start. rosier could but I just think the other qb's on roster already are better,

Rosier is the only one of those three that I have seen play in an actual college football game, and from what I have seen of him, if we tailor the offense to his strengths, I still believe he gives us the best chance to win at least the Coastal Division next year. The other guys may be better, but I need to see it in an actual game, not a scrimmage.
Scale of 1 to 10 -- what's Allison on the athleticism scale ? Is he a statue like Kaaya? Or does he have enough ability to effectively run the RPO. He throws a beautiful ball.

Rpo does not require the qb to run. Its not read option. Why is it so hard for some of you to understand?

It's the post-fact Irving = Irvin and Hartley = Harley schtick. They don't care.

I hope that's the case because otherwise it means people have no idea what they're talking about.

I'd bet on Rosier, but I guess we'll wait and see.
That is just another way of saying "I don't have anything to refute that statement".

Penn st qb threw for 3300 yards, 25tds, and only 5 picks.

Rosier would have put similar numbers, maybe fewer passing yards and 2 or 3 more interceptions, but more rushing yards.
rosier barely beat out sheriffs and Allison last year. in fact until last day of spring sheriffs was leading. I think to many are looking at stars and not at the whole picture, sheriffs is very accurate Allison also has a huge chance to start. rosier could but I just think the other qb's on roster already are better,

Rosier is the only one of those three that I have seen play in an actual college football game, and from what I have seen of him, if we tailor the offense to his strengths, I still believe he gives us the best chance to win at least the Coastal Division next year. The other guys may be better, but I need to see it in an actual game, not a scrimmage.

If he started vs fsu and tailor made like you said we beat than by 14 this year . Their game
Plan for kaaya is blitzing him and he cracks under pressure . "Sitting duck "You have to play the qb with Rosie more difficult to game plan

He has a baseball players release so hopefully Richt has worked on that. He has a stronger arm than Kaaya and is way more mobile than him. My guess as to why Richt doesn't speak as highly about him is because of decision making. Richt said in the spring he always tried to make the big play. Probably has issues with turnovers. If he works on that, I think he can be a good QB in the RPO style of offense.

He has a baseball players release so hopefully Richt has worked on that. He has a stronger arm than Kaaya and is way more mobile than him. My guess as to why Richt doesn't speak as highly about him is because of decision making. Richt said in the spring he always tried to make the big play. Probably has issues with turnovers. If he works on that, I think he can be a good QB in the RPO style of offense.
Decision making ? Kaaya is one of the worse I seen all year . I hope he leaves

He has a baseball players release so hopefully Richt has worked on that. He has a stronger arm than Kaaya and is way more mobile than him. My guess as to why Richt doesn't speak as highly about him is because of decision making. Richt said in the spring he always tried to make the big play. Probably has issues with turnovers. If he works on that, I think he can be a good QB in the RPO style of offense.

My vote is for Rosier. Let Perry RS then start in 18'. Makes the most sense IMO.
I guarantee Richt is not turning over his program to a QB that he did not recruit.

QB will be one of the following

Grad transfer

I dont follow the guarantee... What do we get when your wrong? Are you closing your account?
Shirreffs doesn't look like He belongs at this level at all from watching the Spring Game, very weak arm.

When a coach says your best assest is your accuracy, you know the QB has a weak arm.
Eh, didn't hurt Steve Walsh much. He had the weakest arm in my memory, but he was very successful anyway. He had a decent NFL career too with that week arm.
Rosier really made some big time throws against Duke , he played really well. He also brings athletic ability to the position.

Imo it'll be him or Allison, with Perry taking a shirt.
Rosier to me, is a solid player. He made some beautiful throws in that one game he played... I have confidence in him
Rosier to me, is a solid player. He made some beautiful throws in that one game he played... I have confidence in him

His legs alone will open the offense up more, he's not passer Brad is but he'll have easier throws. The d will have to respect the run.

Rosier will also open up the run game with the zone read, the de will no longer be able to crash down , showing no respect to a statue.