New uniform material and more? (official)

YESSS!!!!!!!!! Bless the person who made the decision to switch back to the classic number font.

Miguel Herrera Win GIF

I find it funny you ***** about my reading comprehension, when it is you that needs to go back and reread what the **** YOU wrote lol. Sure you said there were "multiple issues" - all of which you only mentioned Miami as the negative which is why I said in my comment ONLY Miamis fault for the breakdown in relationship....because that's what YOU said (or maybe didn't say - which is not my fault for just replying to what you did say). How about you quote exactly where you said Nike was also a problem since I'm such a bad reader...

How is Blake James converting Equipment to cash Nikes fault? Well it's their fault for giving us a **** design first. That is still a negative regardless what the cash+equipment value is monetarily. And in fact I'd say Nike having a **** helmet design cost us money unnecessarily due to that **** orange and green helmet. How do we know that wasn't a contributing factor. Imagine HAVING to buy 200+ helmets to rock that **** orange and green ornaments color (or pay to repaint a bunch) And secondly it's their fault for the Equipment+Cash total being less than the equipment+Cash total from Adidas. I mean this seems obvious. Regardless how you want to look at it one is going to be more or less than the other in total value.

I also find it laughable you claiming that the "large pay difference" is something I can't defend, when the only actual public information on the deal actually says we are receiving far more money with Adidas. How about you take your own criticism and understand y'all are the ones whos claim can't be proven with evidence, except just saying we COULD HAVE received more from Nike with excellent sales on the backend. Okay maybe it's possible even though objectively we are a small school and pretty **** on field results.

I agree it's better to focus on the future. And hopefully in that future Nike shows they actually value us and our brand, decides to make us a great offer monetarily and design wise. Otherwise I'm sure we will get a whole lot of crybabies in here upset we dare take the best offer on the table and better uniform designs...again... What a crime that'd be.

The entire Nike vs Adidas debate is a scathing indictment of our fanbase and how many people are illiterate when it comes to business and negotiations. I've never heard of an entity taking a "Prove it" deal, when superior deals were on the table, and that's what a lot of our fans expected this University to do, just because of their misplaced loyalty to a shoe company.

This is a simple dollars and cents argument, and Adidas won that battle. If Nike truly wanted to keep Miami, they could have matched the deal, full stop. Instead, they chose to give Miami a deal that was held together with wishes and dreams, while Miami is stuck competing against schools with significantly more revenue at their disposal. Maybe a school like Alabama can afford to take a mediocre deal, because money isn't an issue for them, but at the time, Miami had to evaluate every single revenue stream, because we were fighting to catch up.

I'm not even going to get into how the University was treated at the end of the Nike deal. Getting equipment and gear was a nightmare, anyone that had any access to the athletic department could see that Nike treated us terribly. Customer service was nonexistent and honestly, it was beyond obvious that we were no longer a priority. No organization worth a **** would stand for that long term, especially when the deal that was offered was obviously a "We couldn't care less about you" kind of deal.

If Nike comes correct next window, then let's roll. Until then, we are with Adidas and as long as they are treating the University well, I'm fine with it. I'm loyal to the UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI, not a shoe company.
I’ve been vocal about how ****** Adidas material is compared to Nike/jordan brand. This is a step in the right direction.
It's basically the same as Nike, down to the seam patterns. This pattern is **** near universal at this point.
Think Adidas knows we about to arrive and they trying not to lose us as a brand, there will be mega offers when we become free agents
Facts! I'm with you bro. We're a marketing giant waiting to explode! We have the ingredients right now. A high profile QB, Recruiting Momentum, and a Head Coach with a story to sell as the "former" player who got us back on track.
Facts! I'm with you bro. We're a marketing giant waiting to explode! We have the ingredients right now. A high profile QB, Recruiting Momentum, and a Head Coach with a story to sell as the "former" player who got us back on track.
Or, hear me out, Adidas started behind the eight ball in regards to college football and is now getting it right. Keep in mind, they did well with our basketball and baseball programs, because they had more experience in those sports, same with soccer. They were more avant garde with football uniforms, their design team thought that was the play, it isn't. They are grasping that simple is fine, max out the details and people are good with it. I think they learned a lot from their time with the NHL, and a lot of that technology is being carried over. I own a couple of their hockey jerseys, and they were doing this cool aeromesh stuff with them years before this new template.

That said, I'm fine with a partner appreciating us, and doing whatever it takes to keep us in the stable. I can respect that.
Yessir. That is something that calinative can't comprehend.

My most recent shoe purchase is the UM Harden Vol. 6's.

Prefer Nike. Will wear adidas. Want Miami to go back to Nike.

It's not complicated.

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We're pretty much polar opposites on this. My preference is that we never go back with Nike.

But we all have our individual tastes, so it's all good.

I do have one sincere question. Did you like the uniforms Nike put us in when they were outfitting the team?

I ask because that's where my opposition to Nike stems from. I personally despised those Nike uniforms, the clam, etc and that's why I don't want them ever touching our uniforms again.
This should be our primary uniform until they fix the neon orange and ND kelly green that's been in use since the Nike days.

The green baseball caps are a good example of the change that's occurred under Adidas rule.
Yep. Our colors have been wrong for a long time now. Looks like Walmart knock-offs but I guess that's expected from a company that couldn't figure out how to sew a U on the collar without it getting stretched out, for years.