New uniform material and more? (official)

These legit look good. There is no dumb shield for the U. Looks like the collar is stitched around so it shouldn't have the pulled open U issue. I prefer this look over the early 2000s. I think a lot of fans look back at those with rose tinted lenses. I know adidas has had NUMEROUS issues, but it looks like they finally got it right, imo.

Also, I'm cool with the canes going back to Nike. It feels like it's a forgone conclusion, but get that jumpman logo out of my life. I would like a simple swoosh, or maybe a retir swoosh woth nike written on top like the Timberwolves jerseys
Cause their fan gear blows. Both Nike & Adidas has given us duds of jerseys. However, the Nike fan gear is way better than Adidas
I could totally be wrong about this, but doesn’t a store like CanesWear make the majority their own designs?
I don't like Adidas but if they make something nice I would wear it, I'm not loyal to brand or companies but I always prefer Nike.

Yessir. That is something that calinative can't comprehend.

My most recent shoe purchase is the UM Harden Vol. 6's.

Prefer Nike. Will wear adidas. Want Miami to go back to Nike.

It's not complicated.

I actually have a question on this, and I think someone asked something similar.

Even when we buy an "authentic" jersey from Fanatics, we STILL know it is not the same as "game-worn" items provided to the teams.

So if we are talking about the MLB uniforms, and the blame-differential between Nike and Fanatics, are you able to say who provides the "material specs" for the game-worn vs. the merchandise? Because I could definitely see Nike being MORE TO BLAME for the game-worn.

Even if Fanatics actually cuts and stitches the material in their warehouses, it certainly seems as if Nike would ship the atual MATERIAL, seeing as how it is likely proprietary material (i.e., wicking, etc.).
I've been following the fanatics vs nike mlb uniform fiasco all season and uni-watch provided a pretty comprehensive breakdown on where blame lies for each party. They are imo, one of the industry standards of uniform knowledge and have lots of connections into the uniform world. All that to say, a trustworthy source of information.

Who's to blame?

Fanatics CEO defends
I could totally be wrong about this, but doesn’t a store like CanesWear make the majority their own designs?

Not like they used to (particularly with AllCanes).

Now, the vast majority of merchandise carried by a Team Store is either the primary licensed apparel (adidas in our case) or the secondary license stuff (New Era hats, the things that Fanatics will produce, etc.).

AllCanes used to have dozens of "smack talk" shirts. "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly". "You can learn a lot from a dummy". Etc.

Not much of that stuff any longer.
Cause their fan gear blows. Both Nike & Adidas has given us duds of jerseys. However, the Nike fan gear is way better than Adidas


A lot of fans don't even buy jerseys. So for the people who constantly post pictures of the Nike "bra strap" uniforms, WHO CARES anymore?

I only wear a UM jersey on gameday. I wear everything else on every other day of the year.

A lot of fans don't even buy jerseys. So for the people who constantly post pictures of the Nike "bra strap" uniforms, WHO CARES anymore?

I only wear a UM jersey on gameday. I wear everything else on every other day of the year.
The Adidas performance shirts are lesser quality than the ones that Nike provides.

Nike also provides more variety as well
Not like they used to (particularly with AllCanes).

Now, the vast majority of merchandise carried by a Team Store is either the primary licensed apparel (adidas in our case) or the secondary license stuff (New Era hats, the things that Fanatics will produce, etc.).

AllCanes used to have dozens of "smack talk" shirts. "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly". "You can learn a lot from a dummy". Etc.

Not much of that stuff any longer.
Canes wear got their start in a warehouse selling a ton of “one off” products. I may still have the “Super Duke” t shirt from 2013 with an 8 in the Superman logo. They don’t have as much stuff like that anymore either. I will say they offer a ton if gear that’s not Adidas licensed. Honestly, I don’t think I even own an adidas licensed piece of UM gear. There’s so many other options.
@Rellyrell might just be me, but a small detail that I wish the equipment room still continued with is Oakley visors. The spherical lens of their visor compliments the curve of the helmet more than the cylindrical lens most other companies use.

A lot of fans don't even buy jerseys. So for the people who constantly post pictures of the Nike "bra strap" uniforms, WHO CARES anymore?

I only wear a UM jersey on gameday. I wear everything else on every other day of the year.
I only care about the jerseys the players wear. So if I say I like or dislike a certain style it’s not a comment on the fan replicas or whatever people buy.
The goalposts moving from "fvk Adidas, give me Nike" to "I'm not beholden to any brand but prefer Nike" is giving me whiplash. :ROFLMAO:

A person can wear any brand they choose. You can mix-and-match.

A school can only sign one exclusive apparel contract.

That's not goalpost-moving, that's just reality. And no matter how many Nikes I own, I'll always have a pair of shell-toes in the collection.
Look, I'm cutting out the pictures.

I think your flailingly desperate retorts are indicative of your inability to grasp the subject and all its complexities. You just don't understand how business is done. You don't.

First, I have ALWAYS felt that Nike should value Miami more. And I have ALWAYS felt that Miami (Beta Blake) should have valued Miami more. I understand that you are an overly simplistic and dense person who can't grab nuance.

Nike should have attached A VALUE of some sort for the "first" Nike school. For the same reason that people frame "the first dollar bill" they made after they start a business, Miami should have had a value to Nike that exceeds the mere bottom line. But, wow, you posted something I wrote YEARS AGO. Since that time, I have learned more about what really happened, particularly after Beta Blake was fired and people began to tell the true stories more openly. You'd like for me to assign 100% blame to one party or the other, but life is more complex.

Yes, I wish that Nike had chosen to overpay Miami and that the relationship was never broken. But, and I speak from professional experience, that is an INTANGIBLE asset. The TANGIBLE part of the deal, the money offered for the apparel contract, was fair. It was adidas that overpaid, similar to Nike overpaying to acquire the German national soccer team. ****, we just did an acquisition that is almost ALL intangible valuation. Over $50M of intangibles. It happens.

Second, you REALLY don't understand business. Like, AT ALL. To the point where you are shockingly ignorant, yet you keep shooting off your mouth. You make really dumb statements like "**** that's sounding like a good deal financially to me!". When you are clueless about what constitutes a good deal. I could try to teach you about fixed and variable costs. I could try to teach you about structuring a deal between guaranteed money and incentivized or contingent purchase price. But I believe that these efforts would be useless, you will still be the stubborn hard-headed dum-dum who keeps arguing that guaranteed money is better, even if it results in a lower total payout.

Sadly, you will never grasp that LESS guaranteed money and a HIGHER royalty is something that BOTH sides should see as a better deal. On Nike's part, they have every reason to like this deal structure. Because it covers both the upside and the downside. Now, for the last time, I'm going to try to use FAKE numbers as an illustration, knowing full well that you will probably try to argue against these numbers like a child distracted by a balloon. But here goes. If the "standard" royalty rate was 10% (example only) and Nike offered a lower guarantee in exchange for a 15% royalty rate (which is 50% higher than normal), then on the "upside" they should not care, because they are selling a TON of additional merchandise, and the added expense is only an additional 5% per item, which is minimal. On the downside, Nike has invested less in the "fixed cost" of the guarantee, and if the sales are the same as before or lower, then the extra royalty fee is just an added part of the variable cost of every sale.

And on Miami's part, it should be a win-win as well. Because the ultimate goal of the AD is to hire great coaches and win lots of games, which causes EVERY element of budgeted revenue to increase. Thus, if Miami wins more games and becomes more popular among non-UM-alums, then you sell a TON of addtiional merchandise while getting one of the best royalty rates in the industry. But, yeah, if you think that Beta Blake should be incentivized to go for the deal that guarantees him more money if we remain mediocre or worse, then SURE, "let's bet on Miami to suck again is sounding like a good deal financially to me!".

For the record, all of the above ignores the impact that Fanatics has had on the industry during the same time. I do not directly blame Beta Blake for this, I'm not asking him to be Nostradamus. I'm merely observing what has happened. And pointing out why it is GENERALLY a bad idea to lock into 12-year contracts (or longer, in the case of the overall ESPN TV deal).

I have resigned myself to the facts. That you are not bright. That you prefer binary choices. That you can't grasp nuance. That you can't understand how a person's viewpoints can change after they find out that Beta Blake has been lying about numerous things, and after you discover what the truth of the situation actually was.

But what is most infuriating is that you think you can make ONE concession (sure, we should have done an 8-year deal instead of a 12-year deal) and that EVERYTHNG ELSE would remain identical.

Again...that's not how business works. If someone wants a contract that is 2/3 the length of what has been offered, then the dollar guarantee WILL NOT be the same. Let me just ask you, for 6.5 million per year, at what point do you think the dollars would change?

Do you think adidas would have offered $26M guaranteed for 4 years?

Do you think adidas would have offered $13M guaranteed for 2 years?

This is where your lack of business acumen betrays you. You continue to act as if the "only problem" with the adidas deal was 12 years. And that is wrong. There were several problems with the contract. And I get it, Beta Blake wanted to give Donna (and later Julio) a nice rosy number to stick into the budget. And he wanted his own legacy.

When I was at UM, I had a friend with his own band. They had a song called "Thirty Pieces of Silver". The title is a reference to the Biblical story of Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus Christ for 30 pieces of silver. Shortly thereafter, he hung himself. So, yes, Beta Blake sold out Miami and Nike for the promise of an adidas guarantee, instead of betting on himself and Miami to turn around a decade of mediocrity.

If you think that was a good idea, that's on you. And you seem to be one of the only ones who truly believes that, even after being presented with the reality of how business deals are done and structured.

Go back. Pull all my posts. I don't care. Because unlike you, I'm not going to die on a hill just because I believed something (wrong) three years ago or ten years ago. Unlike you, I will learn, I will educate myself on the facts and details, and I will revise my opinions when the facts lead me to new conclusions.

You still stubbornly want to argue a mythological belief that you fell for 10 years ago. That's your choice.
Bro you expect people to read this? 😭