New uniform material and more? (official)

If you are such a hardcore Nike fan you can't admit that objectively these are the best uniforms we have had since at least the 04 redesign took place, you are 1000% just a straight up hater.

Straw man.

Nobody is actually saying what you claim they are saying.

The jersey looks good. And it's still OK to wonder why it took 9 years to get it "this good", when the design (not talking about the material, just the look) is so simple and basic.

Hopefully you and the other adidas fanboy don't trip during your victory lap.

I'm very ambivalent on the new uniform material. Looks more breathable, which is nice.

I'm just wondering if we'll wear green again.
Straw man.

Nobody is actually saying what you claim they are saying.

The jersey looks good. And it's still OK to wonder why it took 9 years to get it "this good", when the design (not talking about the material, just the look) is so simple and basic.

Hopefully you and the other adidas fanboy don't trip during your victory lap.
Hey since you like pointing out first words of responses, maybe you check that one out youre replying to.

Lol at me being a hardcore Adidas fanboy. **** is honestly hilarious how much you absolutely make up and don't give a **** how much evidence there is to the contrary, because it doesn't fit your made up narratives. You claimed so much false **** and I ****ed up your entire argument regarding the whole 12 year thing which you LITERALLY said I lied about or never agreed with... Do I really have to do the same thing with me explicitly saying I am not even an Adidas fan lol. I prefer Adidas over UA and like New Balance lol. That's about it.
Hey since you like pointing out first words of responses, maybe you check that one out youre replying to.

Lol at me being a hardcore Adidas fanboy. **** is honestly hilarious how much you absolutely make up and don't give a **** how much evidence there is to the contrary, because it doesn't fit your made up narratives. You claimed so much false **** and I ****ed up your entire argument regarding the whole 12 year thing which you LITERALLY said I lied about or never agreed with... Do I really have to do the same thing with me explicitly saying I am not even an Adidas fan lol. I prefer Adidas over UA and like New Balance lol. That's about it.
He's floundering lately and needs to create these weird narratives...

"Uniforms look pretty solid"

TOC: You are an Adidas fanboy and therefore hate Miami and Mario who is very close with Phil Knight (👀) and second therefore you are OK with child sweatshop labor...
We're pretty much polar opposites on this. My preference is that we never go back with Nike.

But we all have our individual tastes, so it's all good.

I do have one sincere question. Did you like the uniforms Nike put us in when they were outfitting the team?

I ask because that's where my opposition to Nike stems from. I personally despised those Nike uniforms, the clam, etc and that's why I don't want them ever touching our uniforms again.

Sir, I will NEVER question you on issues of personal taste. If you like adidas better than Nike, that is fine.

However, I'm not a fan of the two Beta Blake/adidas fan boys perpetuating false myths about what happened in the Nike/adidas switchover. I, too, was once told false stories about bad-bad Nike and good-good adidas, and it took me some time to discover the truth.

And for the record, I have ALWAYS hated the clam. I have ripped the stitching off of hats that had a clam. I was clear, from the beginning, that this was a ploy by Nike to make more money by avoiding a royalty payment to John Routh. I understand the aesthetics of why they did it, if you can look at the logo, it is definitely more modern than the "cartoon" Sebastian. If Nike had (a) done a less "stretched out" Ibis, and (b) not tried to sideline John Routh's "cartoon" Ibis, I would have been OK with it all.

And the Russell/Nike colors are better than the adidas colors.

On the question of Nike jerseys...

I'm older, so I can remember more than Pro Combat...

1. I loved this jersey, which was the first big change under Nike:

2. I also loved this jersey, which made it two strong versions right from the time Nike took over:

3. I make a lot of joking reference to the "bra strap" jersey, because it is such a funny nickname, but It's definitely not a bad jersey. Looks better coming at you than it does from behind, but it's probably not as memorable as its predecessor:

4. This is where it starts to get a bit harder. Again, I'm not as happy with these as I am with the three prior versions. Again, the front looks better than the back. I feel like the lines could have been cleaner (but notice the AWESOME v-neck logo), and you can especially tell when you see "knockoff" jerseys from this era, where the stripes on the front and back are HUGE and ugly. So these just seemed like there was some missed potential. And if you remove the front/back stripes and put a tri-stripe on the sleeves instead of numbers, you essentially have a recent adidas template:




7. Not bad - I think these get slammed because they were the last jerseys. I'd make the neck collar green smaller, and the shoulder green stripes smoother/curvier, but it's not a bad design (though I have ALWAYS hated the clam).
@Rellyrell why can’t Adidas get the colors right?

Michigan fans asked this same question. Colors are very specific w/ different hues, even if it’s subtle. Nike has our true hue, just like they had Michigan’s true hue. These color palettes are designated by name & patent. Adidas had to re-create our hue just like they did Michigan. Michigan went from Maize to “Sun” Yellow which was much more bright.

Our Orange is more bright than before, & our green is also brighter w/ a bit of a shimmer. That’s probably the closest they’ll get.
Michigan fans asked this same question. Colors are very specific w/ different hues, even if it’s subtle. Nike has our true hue, just like they had Michigan’s true hue. These color palettes are designated by name & patent. Adidas had to re-create our hue just like they did Michigan. Michigan went from Maize to “Sun” Yellow which was much more bright.

Our Orange is more bright than before, & our green is also brighter w/ a bit of a shimmer. That’s probably the closest they’ll get.
So basically ******* lawyers... 😎
Michigan fans asked this same question. Colors are very specific w/ different hues, even if it’s subtle. Nike has our true hue, just like they had Michigan’s true hue. These color palettes are designated by name & patent. Adidas had to re-create our hue just like they did Michigan. Michigan went from Maize to “Sun” Yellow which was much more bright.

Our Orange is more bright than before, & our green is also brighter w/ a bit of a shimmer. That’s probably the closest they’ll get.
Honest question though - don't we have patented legit pantone colors for our orange/green? By hue, are you referring to having that pantone base color, but just the warmth/coolness of the colors? There have been some Nike things in the past where I felt like they either went too dark w/the Green and too washed out w/the Orange, just like some people are angry about the Adidas stuff not having the "true hue". I also feel like it varies with fan apparel vs team issue stuff, and even simply with weather conditions...high/low light, sun or rain, etc...
Hey since you like pointing out first words of responses, maybe you check that one out youre replying to.

Lol at me being a hardcore Adidas fanboy. **** is honestly hilarious how much you absolutely make up and don't give a **** how much evidence there is to the contrary, because it doesn't fit your made up narratives. You claimed so much false **** and I ****ed up your entire argument regarding the whole 12 year thing which you LITERALLY said I lied about or never agreed with... Do I really have to do the same thing with me explicitly saying I am not even an Adidas fan lol. I prefer Adidas over UA and like New Balance lol. That's about it.

Dude, you are losing it.

I pointed out the first words of my response one time. Now you are making it out like it is my argumentative hallmark.

The reason you are a Beta Blake/adidas fanboy is because you take every opportunity to extol their virtues, while never discussing or acknowledging their errors. Even as you have PLENTY to say about the Nike errors and nothing to say about the good aspects.

Tell me the "evidence to the contrary" that you vaguely allude to. I'll listen. ****, I've included it EVERY SINGLE TIME I respond. Yes, the adidas guarantee was larger. Should I feed that statement to you in a baby bottle?

You haven't touched a single one of my arguments. You can't. I don't even know what you think I said about you "lying" or "never agreed with". For years, you have bragged about how much money adidas threw at Miami. You didn't complain about the length of the agreement until myself and Relly pointed it out in the larger context of MULTIPLE contracts which were far too long, including the TV contract and the GOR. And you certainly haven't responded to the OBVIOUS argument that if we had taken a SHORTER contract we would not have been offered nearly as much money per year.

Clearly, you don't understand the difference between a fan and a fanboy. A fanboy is someone who blindly and breathlessly builds up all the positives and addresses none of the negatives about a particular subject. I don't care if you wear adidas or New Balance or Lululemon. The fact is, you continually make posts about how "Beta Blake really didn't ***** this up" or "look at these awesome adidas jerseys on the 9th try" or "I hate the mistakes Nike made and I will never dignify the good things they did for Miami".

THAT is a fanboy talking. Regardless of what hangs in your closet.

You want simple binary answers. I get it. I'm not about that. I can speak eloquently on the pros and cons of both Nike and adidas over the past 30+ years.
He's floundering lately and needs to create these weird narratives...

"Uniforms look pretty solid"

TOC: You are an Adidas fanboy and therefore hate Miami and Mario who is very close with Phil Knight (👀) and second therefore you are OK with child sweatshop labor...

Anywhere I post, you will eventually see Angry Ibis sniffing around my *******, looking to make trouble.

Another one of your worthless, useless posts where you try to extract belated revenge on someone who has owned you on other threads.

Try harder.
jerseys are dope --- not ideal but much better MUCH better then last year--- did somebody say there was a U on the pants somewhere? and whats the word with new black uni's?
Dude, you are losing it.
I pointed out the first words of my response one time. Now you are making it out like it is my argumentative hallmark.
No I just thought it was funny - and a relevant point - but of course you'd read deep into it and pretend I was saying that's your trademark lol.
The reason you are a Beta Blake/adidas fanboy is because you take every opportunity to extol their virtues, while never discussing or acknowledging their errors. Even as you have PLENTY to say about the Nike errors and nothing to say about the good aspects.
Riiiight. I liked us switching to Adidas because they've given us better uniforms and was a better offer that Nike was unwilling to match (admitted by you and @Rellyrell in the past as I literally already provided evidence of), Therefore I'm a Blake James and Adidas fanboy.
Tell me the "evidence to the contrary" that you vaguely allude to. I'll listen. ****, I've included it EVERY SINGLE TIME I respond.
You know that post with the picture evidence? Well at the end of it there is a link to the discussion we had 2 years ago. Why don't you go on ahead and give that a click and see what I said at the time, and how I absolutely did say then (and have said now) that I very much prefer Nike to Adidas and always have. I have also said Nike is clearly a better brand than Adidas lol. The idea that I NEED to say it "EVERY SINGLE TIME" is ******* stupid.
I don't even know what you think I said about you "lying" or "never agreed with". For years, you have bragged about how much money adidas threw at Miami. You didn't complain about the length of the agreement until myself and Relly pointed it out in the larger context of MULTIPLE contracts which were far too long, including the TV contract and the GOR. And you certainly haven't responded to the OBVIOUS argument that if we had taken a SHORTER contract we would not have been offered nearly as much money per year.
Man this how I know you're getting old man, you can't even remember saying this literally less than a day ago:
And if you have EVER complained about the 12-year length of the contract (which you haven't),.....
I mean if that isn't you claiming I never agreed that the 12 year contract length was bad, I just don't know what the **** to say lol. And let not even start with the idea you have never accused me of lying, which we both know would be ridiculous since you accuse everyone of that. You're always just making **** up about what I said or didn't say and ESPECIALLY what I meant to say.

I didn't complain about the length of the agreement until you or Relly pointed it out... Uh you know in that post from 2 years ago I linked, what if I told you that was THE FIRST TIME I entered into that discussion. smfh, was I supposed to go back in time to have talked about something before I ever did just so I could have said it before you? Like what are we even doing here. What the **** would it even matter if yall talked about it first If I agreed from the very beginning about that, it just doesn't make any sense.

As far as IF we had taken a shorter contract, I haven't talked about it because you don't actually ******* know how much the contract would change. You are making major assumptions. Same way you are assuming we WOULD HAVE made more money on the backend had we agreed to the higher royalty contract. Well we do know - as mentioned by Relly - that Nike had the option to match the Adidas offer. Can you tell me why the Nike analysis ended with them not wanting to match because they thought it wasn't good value for them, but that our analysis HAS to be that the backend WOULD HAVE absolutely made up for it? We all ******* get why it's beneficial for Nike and Us to have a performance based contract. But idk why you are living in a world where an upfront contract can't possibly have far higher probability of leading to more.... Same way you are living in fantasyland about that, you are about the term length guaranteeing a SUBSTANTIALLY different payout. Sure it likely would have been different. We don't have any idea how substantial that difference would be though. And we **** sure don't know that if it was shorter it would have resulted in us receiving less than under Nike lol. **** what we do know is that we are in year what like 9 of the deal? Hmmm how much success have we had since that was signed - Thats important cause both of yall have repeatedly said Nikes deal was essentially performance incentivized. Yall had always said IF we turned our on-field results around we would have been rewarded. Well if Nike was offering us a 6 or 8 year deal we'd be entering a new deal without those results again wouldn't we lol. Yall even went as far as saying in 22 that Adidas wouldn't even give us the same offer if our contract was up then and there lol. You're just talking to talk man.
Clearly, you don't understand the difference between a fan and a fanboy. A fanboy is someone who blindly and breathlessly builds up all the positives and addresses none of the negatives about a particular subject.
So then why don't you objectively try to apply your own definition then haha. This is getting ridiculous at this point. So now you're saying I'm blindly and breathlessly builing up all the positives and haven't addressed any negatives? smh.

Anyways I'm pretty much done responding to your BS about this. We have great uniforms today from Adidas. And we are going to start hopefully our best stretch of on-field results since 99. We will see what the leads to in the future regarding our apparel sponsor.
I think they look fine and I’ll probably get *****ed at here but I don’t like how the stripe is so high on the shoulder that is just cuts off into the front of the jersey, looks odd to me personally. View attachment 294479

I think I would prefer if the stripe was an actual whole piece like on the Michigan uniform. View attachment 294480
I can see this potentially looking better with it lower. Though probably not at the very bottom like how Michigan has it. I'd want a little white showing at bottom so it always looks the same for everyone. Like if you look at our lineman in the video, the stipe location looks great imo. I think on skill guys it looks a tad high...

The thing is the 90s unis clearly didn't have the stripes at the bottom of the sleeve or very low either. However back then the shoulder pads were so different and the sleeves were longer and free-flowing. If you cut those sleeves off where the jersey sleeves end today, you might get the color right at the end....

I'd have to actually see a pic of both side by side to tell which I'd prefer. But I like it how it is either way... I can just seeing it even being slightly more improved than already is.
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7. Not bad - I think these get slammed because they were the last jerseys. I'd make the neck collar green smaller, and the shoulder green stripes smoother/curvier, but it's not a bad design (though I have ALWAYS hated the clam).
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I like the all White Pro Combats as an alt. the feathers? (or crown - literally no idea what its supposed to be) on the shoulders could have been changed to make them better. But they're nice and clean. I like the number color split as a one off.
The last Nike design could have been solid. But the mortal sin was what they did to our helmets. Any other complaint is like a bug on the windshield.