NCAA wrote letter to judge to get Shapiro lighter sentence

and Tim Reynolds passes the ball to Bilas

Jay Bilas ‏@JayBilas
How could Kenneth Wainstein, investigator NCAA hired to investigate NCAA, miss an NCAA letter on Shapiro's behalf?

That's what happens when you investigate yourself. Hitler hired someone to investigate him, and it was determined that he liked Jews.

And when your investigation, from the outset, is limited to a narrow scope. The NCAA never said it was investigating its whole investigation of Miami--and it never did investigate all of it.

I wouldn't trust those scumbags to investigate themselves no matter what they said the scope of the investigation entailed. They certainly wouldn't be as aggressive in investigating themselves as they were in their witch hunt of UM.

and Tim Reynolds passes the ball to Bilas

Jay Bilas ‏@JayBilas
How could Kenneth Wainstein, investigator NCAA hired to investigate NCAA, miss an NCAA letter on Shapiro's behalf?

That's what happens when you investigate yourself. Hitler hired someone to investigate him, and it was determined that he liked Jews.

And when your investigation, from the outset, is limited to a narrow scope. The NCAA never said it was investigating its whole investigation of Miami--and it never did investigate all of it.

I wouldn't trust those scumbags to investigate themselves no matter what they said the scope of the investigation entailed. They certainly wouldn't be as aggressive in investigating themselves as they were in their witch hunt of UM.

To be as aggressive in their self-investigation as they were in their investigation of us, they would have to enlist Mark wife to testify that Emmert liked to tell her before *** that he was going to give it to her like he wanted to give it to UM. Then, they'd corroberate by getting her to testify that she figured what he meant by that was he wanted someone else to do the dirty work, since he prefers to watch her take it from strangers.
I live in Georgia and the perception is that he was telling the truth and that now Miami is just trying to use the NCAA ******** up to get out of it. I would love it if she went after Robinson though, or if Reynolds or Bilas would join in on attacking the original story. Shapiro used Robinson's greed for a story and the NCAA's greed for prosecution in the same way he used the investor's greed for money. He's good at what he does.

all $EC fans hate Miami. this is a fact
and Tim Reynolds passes the ball to Bilas

Jay Bilas ‏@JayBilas
How could Kenneth Wainstein, investigator NCAA hired to investigate NCAA, miss an NCAA letter on Shapiro's behalf?

That's what happens when you investigate yourself. Hitler hired someone to investigate him, and it was determined that he liked Jews.

And when your investigation, from the outset, is limited to a narrow scope. The NCAA never said it was investigating its whole investigation of Miami--and it never did investigate all of it.

I wouldn't trust those scumbags to investigate themselves no matter what they said the scope of the investigation entailed. They certainly wouldn't be as aggressive in investigating themselves as they were in their witch hunt of UM.

As a general rule you shouldn't trust ANYONE to investigate themselves.
I live in Georgia and the perception is that he was telling the truth and that now Miami is just trying to use the NCAA ******** up to get out of it. I would love it if she went after Robinson though, or if Reynolds or Bilas would join in on attacking the original story. Shapiro used Robinson's greed for a story and the NCAA's greed for prosecution in the same way he used the investor's greed for money. He's good at what he does.

True, and the kicker is that despite his record of lying, the NCAA and Robinson believe that, sure he was lying to his ponzi victims, but to us he's telling the truth. Shapiro is very good at fooling people.
and Tim Reynolds passes the ball to Bilas

Jay Bilas ‏@JayBilas
How could Kenneth Wainstein, investigator NCAA hired to investigate NCAA, miss an NCAA letter on Shapiro's behalf?

That's what happens when you investigate yourself. Hitler hired someone to investigate him, and it was determined that he liked Jews.

And when your investigation, from the outset, is limited to a narrow scope. The NCAA never said it was investigating its whole investigation of Miami--and it never did investigate all of it.

I wouldn't trust those scumbags to investigate themselves no matter what they said the scope of the investigation entailed. They certainly wouldn't be as aggressive in investigating themselves as they were in their witch hunt of UM.

As a general rule you shouldn't trust ANYONE to investigate themselves.

I thought that was common knowledge, apparently not to the NCAA :ohlord:
Lulz @ loic when Donna hired a PI to look into Shapiro but the NCAA planned use him as a consultant
Non of this will really matter in the end as it will be very difficult to hold the NCAA accountable and they have proven to be hypocrites of the highest degree. The good news regarding the NOA even after everything that happened is that we were all forewarned on here by Dapper, that the NOA was gonna read something like a witch hunt. Lucky for us those same people dont get to handown the punishment. Hopefully all the bad press and inaccuracies involved will help in persuading them to just give us time served at this point, but a lawsuit seems unlikely.
Did I say the NCAA? No. I said Ameen Najjar, one guy who led both the Miami and USC cases.

Both cases have no been proven to be a "nail them at all costs and regardless of facts" witch hunt.

In fact the only time a school seems to be getting a harsh penalty is when that school is a threat to the convenient good ol boy stranglehold.

Boise got worse penalties than South Carolina. Boise had kids getting an extra sandwich or some nonsense, while USCe had scores of players in multiple sports living in hotels for pennies. Auburn gets NO investigation for Cam. One week to determine his eligibility is not an investigation. There are scores of national stories of illegalities regarding the SEC, Texas, and ND and the NCAA doesn't even attempt to investigate.

Yet with Miami and USC, this one man, Osama Najjar bin Suckmycock, has a predetermined desire to nail both schools before the investigation!

I don't believ in coincidence when MILLLIONS OF DOLLARS are at stake.
Holy wow. In its simplest form, the NCAA hitched their wagon to an all-time liar. Worse yet, their arrogance was to the level of pounding their chests about it. That has so many meanings.
What is next to fall for the big bad NCAA? They are being paid on the side by the SEC to bring down the hammer.
I hope these reporters keep digging. There is more out there if they do.

How the ***** does this not come up in the investigation? Imagine what else they missed. If this didnt **** me off so badly I would be laughing my *** off
What is next to fall for the big bad NCAA? They are being paid on the side by the SEC to bring down the hammer.

Is it really far fetched to believe that this isn't happening?

We are talking about a collective of schools that have given jobs to a 17 year old girlfriend; bought cars for 17 year olds; hired divorce parents of an elite recruit for janitorial jobs; sent women over state lines to flirt/**** high school ballers; adopted 21 year olds in order to give them benefits; negotiated payment upwards of 200k with a ******* pastor for the services of a QB.......and that's just the public record stuff.

Is it SO HARD to believe that they wouldn't also look to incentivize an ex-cop to not only look the other way on their "investigations", but approach threat schools (Miami and USC are the two biggest) with extreme prejudice and predetermined guilt???
Did I say the NCAA? No. I said Ameen Najjar, one guy who led both the Miami and USC cases.

Both cases have no been proven to be a "nail them at all costs and regardless of facts" witch hunt.

In fact the only time a school seems to be getting a harsh penalty is when that school is a threat to the convenient good ol boy stranglehold.

Boise got worse penalties than South Carolina. Boise had kids getting an extra sandwich or some nonsense, while USCe had scores of players in multiple sports living in hotels for pennies. Auburn gets NO investigation for Cam. One week to determine his eligibility is not an investigation. There are scores of national stories of illegalities regarding the SEC, Texas, and ND and the NCAA doesn't even attempt to investigate.

Yet with Miami and USC, this one man, Osama Najjar bin Suckmy****, has a predetermined desire to nail both schools before the investigation!

I don't believ in coincidence when MILLLIONS OF DOLLARS are at stake.

You are right but in the end it just doesnt matter, unless we set into motion something that would eventually take the NCAA down completely, and in reality that probably isnt happening. They can fire this douche bag, but who is to say the next guy will not do the same? At this point the only thing I really care about is for our program to get this BS over with, so we can get on track to getting back to the promised land.
Non of this will really matter in the end as it will be very difficult to hold the NCAA accountable and they have proven to be hypocrites of the highest degree. The good news regarding the NOA even after everything that happened is that we were all forewarned on here by Dapper, that the NOA was gonna read something like a witch hunt. Lucky for us those same people dont get to handown the punishment. Hopefully all the bad press and inaccuracies involved will help in persuading them to just give us time served at this point, but a lawsuit seems unlikely.

Youre wrong, its over. We will get no more penalties. The NCAA cant win now. Even if they continue with their kangaroo court and give us further sanctions. Once they come down with the penalties, UM will sue to have the penalties removed. While the case is heard no matter how long that may take, whatever penalties will be put on hold until the case is settled in court. And I can assure u there is no way in **** the NCAA wins in court. So no matter what. THERE WILL B NO MORE SANCTIONS. Good day sir.
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This is what used to happen to SEC schools before they became the untouchables:

This was in 2002. If you all remember that year, it was before this "unstoppable SEC" phenomenon existed. It was also the last time any SEC school was investigated for major violations (despite dozens of stories).

It ALSO happened to be two years before Ameen Najjar was hired to run NCAA investigations.

Another coincidence.
Non of this will really matter in the end as it will be very difficult to hold the NCAA accountable and they have proven to be hypocrites of the highest degree. The good news regarding the NOA even after everything that happened is that we were all forewarned on here by Dapper, that the NOA was gonna read something like a witch hunt. Lucky for us those same people dont get to handown the punishment. Hopefully all the bad press and inaccuracies involved will help in persuading them to just give us time served at this point, but a lawsuit seems unlikely.

Sorry, but you're wrong. It is already being held accountable in the court of public opinion. And Donna has made it clear that she will not stand idly by as the NCAA rapes us. We will sue if stiff penalties are issued. And that is the NCAA's worst nightmare for myriad reasons, not the least of which is the threat of discovery. I can only imagine what UM would uncover in discovery. It would be devastating to the NCAA.
and Tim Reynolds passes the ball to Bilas

Jay Bilas ‏@JayBilas
How could Kenneth Wainstein, investigator NCAA hired to investigate NCAA, miss an NCAA letter on Shapiro's behalf?

That's what happens when you investigate yourself. Hitler hired someone to investigate him, and it was determined that he liked Jews.

And when your investigation, from the outset, is limited to a narrow scope. The NCAA never said it was investigating its whole investigation of Miami--and it never did investigate all of it.

I wouldn't trust those scumbags to investigate themselves no matter what they said the scope of the investigation entailed. They certainly wouldn't be as aggressive in investigating themselves as they were in their witch hunt of UM.

As a general rule you shouldn't trust ANYONE to investigate themselves.

That's a general rule I have subscribed to forever.
This is what used to happen to SEC schools before they became the untouchables:

This was in 2002. If you all remember that year, it was before this "unstoppable SEC" phenomenon existed. It was also the last time any SEC school was investigated for major violations (despite dozens of stories).

It ALSO happened to be two years before Ameen Najjar was hired to run NCAA investigations.

Another coincidence.

GoldenShowers administering golden showers to his naysayers in this thread. The dude's bringing compelling material to the table.
I agree the NCAA does nothing but punch themselves in the balls and shovel ***** into their mouths, but how does this specific revelation help us more?

Dycane said it best...

"With the spotlight on, no way Enforcement can rely on anything Shapiro says without REAL independent corroboration. The NCAA -- long before it could evaluate and confirm Shapiro's veracity -- went to bat for him in federal court at his sentencing hearing. It follows that Nevin had all the motivation in the world to trump up allegations as quid pro quo for the NCAA's help in reducing his sentence."

To rational people this makes sense, especially to us as UM fans. To the NCAA, they couldn't care less because they don't answer to anyone but themselves. Oversight is required, that should be clear to everyone, but how long before that happens? Soon enough to save the program?

In the mean time I'll take all the negative press against the NCAA I can get, but we need the killing blow. This is just another feather in our cap of hate for them, which we have plenty of.
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