NCAA wrote letter to judge to get Shapiro lighter sentence

I agree the NCAA does nothing but punch themselves in the balls and shovel ***** into their mouths, but how does this specific revelation help us more?

Dycane said it best...

"With the spotlight on, no way Enforcement can rely on anything Shapiro says without REAL independent corroboration. The NCAA -- long before it could evaluate and confirm Shapiro's veracity -- went to bat for him in federal court at his sentencing hearing. It follows that Nevin had all the motivation in the world to trump up allegations as quid pro quo for the NCAA's help in reducing his sentence."

To rational people this makes sense, especially to us as UM fans. To the NCAA, they could care less because they don't answer to anyone but themselves. Oversight is required, that should be clear to everyone, but how long before that happens? Soon enough to save the program?

In the mean time I'll take all the negative press against the NCAA I can get, but we need the killing blow. This is just another feather in our cap of hate for them, which we have plenty of.

Many fights are won as a result of an accumulation of punches and not necessarily one big blow. That's what is happening here. We are working the body, and the ncaa is about to say "no mas" and refuse to get off the stool.

Donna "the body snatcher" Shalala

you people with twitter should start pushing the pro media, rather anti ncaa (bilas, dodd, etc) to pick up the victim angle. start getting victims to speak out. interview them, that will blow it up i think.
I hope these reporters keep digging. There is more out there if they do.

How the ***** does this not come up in the investigation? Imagine what else they missed. If this didnt **** me off so badly I would be laughing my *** off

KP, I don't think it's the reporters necessarily finding this info. I wouldn't be surprised at all if Don Donna's squad is digging like Agamemnon Busmalis on this case. Don Donna is finding all the **** she can find and putting it out there to be disseminated.

Actually, from a PR standpoint (and while reporters will keep on digging) what will be worse for the NCAA is for a ponzi-fraud victim to come forward to criticise the NCAA not for the matters under investigation, no bias from the victim here, but rather for what the NCAA did with and for a criminal, who defrauded innocent victims:first, and under what right, did the NCAA intervene in Shapiro's sentenc ing in a manner calculated to get him less prison time. If I were one of those victims i'd be furious. Let him rot in prison, for as long as possible, for stealing from me and my family. Why did they intervene? Really none of the NCAA's business. The NCAA traded a "favor", to secure a lighter sentence for Shapiro, to get something from him, something that was completely outside the scope of Shapiro's crime and the completely outside the scope of his personal responsibility for that crime. What right did they have to do this?

Second, the NCAA caused needless litigation in a bankruptcy proceeding, a proceeding designed in part to recover money for victims defrauded by Shapiro. That needless litigation is paid for our of the bankruptcy estate, the very money that victims should get back.What right did the NCAA have to intervene in this matter? The move had nothing to do with concern or respect for the victim/creditors, the court or justice, the move was in total derrogation of proper process and remedies.

Third, the NCAA gave Shapiro financial support (money) commisary deposits, a burn phone, and paid Shapiro's lawyer ostensibly (but not really) for Shapiro's legal benefit. If I'm a victim I'm asking did the NCAA tell the bankruptcy judge that Shapiro was to be given funds? Should those monies have gone to repay victims?

A fraud/victim's criticism of the NCAA along these lines is unassailable and indefensible from a PR standpoint for the NCAA. The criticiscm from this source would have nothing, nothing to do with the facts of the investigation. I only highlights the NCAA's improper conduct and disregard for the victims of crime!

ALL this by the NCAA to buy testimony! Improper conduct for an improper reason.

drip, drip, drip.... If the ncaa had brain one it would settle this thing

I brought that up last night. I'm with you on that.
I hope these reporters keep digging. There is more out there if they do.

How the ***** does this not come up in the investigation? Imagine what else they missed. If this didnt **** me off so badly I would be laughing my *** off

KP, I don't think it's the reporters necessarily finding this info. I wouldn't be surprised at all if Don Donna's squad is digging like Agamemnon Busmalis on this case. Don Donna is finding all the **** she can find and putting it out there to be disseminated.

A lot of this info is coming from Sean Allen and/or the Bar proceedings.

How would UM have access to the Bar proceedings? That stuff's private.
Did I say the NCAA? No. I said Ameen Najjar, one guy who led both the Miami and USC cases.

Both cases have no been proven to be a "nail them at all costs and regardless of facts" witch hunt.

In fact the only time a school seems to be getting a harsh penalty is when that school is a threat to the convenient good ol boy stranglehold.

Boise got worse penalties than South Carolina. Boise had kids getting an extra sandwich or some nonsense, while USCe had scores of players in multiple sports living in hotels for pennies. Auburn gets NO investigation for Cam. One week to determine his eligibility is not an investigation. There are scores of national stories of illegalities regarding the SEC, Texas, and ND and the NCAA doesn't even attempt to investigate.

Yet with Miami and USC, this one man, Osama Najjar bin Suckmycock, has a predetermined desire to nail both schools before the investigation!

I don't believ in coincidence when MILLLIONS OF DOLLARS are at stake.

you sir, have been +rep
With the spotlight on, no way Enforcement can rely on anything Shapiro says without REAL independent corroboration. The NCAA -- long before it could evaluate and confirm Shapiro's veracity -- went to bat for him in federal court at his sentencing hearing. It follows that Nevin had all the motivation in the world to trump up allegations as quid pro quo for the NCAA's help in reducing his sentence. LULZ.

With apologies to all other insights in this thread all we have to read are dycane's three posts in this thread. All of them are spot on. As he says THIS IS HUGE and there is prejudice against Miami from the outset. Asking a judge for leniency when a man is facing 20 years in jail? Shapiro would have thrown his own mother on the train tracks. If the NCAA does not settle they will get owned by the media. Throw in the Shalala's astute handling of the situation and the threat of her taking on the NCAA and the NCAA is toast. Tainted case, prejudice, transgressions of unimagible magntiude is what the NCAA is facing. Yes we did our own wrong but it pales in comparison to what the NCAA has done. NO WAY NCAA WINS here.
I hope these reporters keep digging. There is more out there if they do.

How the ***** does this not come up in the investigation? Imagine what else they missed. If this didnt **** me off so badly I would be laughing my *** off

KP, I don't think it's the reporters necessarily finding this info. I wouldn't be surprised at all if Don Donna's squad is digging like Agamemnon Busmalis on this case. Don Donna is finding all the **** she can find and putting it out there to be disseminated.

A lot of this info is coming from Sean Allen and/or the Bar proceedings.

How would UM have access to the Bar proceedings? That stuff's private.

I'm hearing this second-hand so I don't know the nitty gritty, but it was Sean Allen, not Miami. The letter may have been attached to Perez's answer.
Too bad we compelled our student athletes to admit to improprieties - might be the only thing the COI can hang their hats on by the time June rolls around.
you people with twitter should start pushing the pro media, rather anti ncaa (bilas, dodd, etc) to pick up the victim angle. start getting victims to speak out. interview them, that will blow it up i think.

What do you mean "you people?"

people who use twitter, have accounts.

goes doubly for those of color who have said twitter accounts.
At this point my biggest question is how will the NCAA building look with the .split U logo on its side
With the spotlight on, no way Enforcement can rely on anything Shapiro says without REAL independent corroboration. The NCAA -- long before it could evaluate and confirm Shapiro's veracity -- went to bat for him in federal court at his sentencing hearing. It follows that Nevin had all the motivation in the world to trump up allegations as quid pro quo for the NCAA's help in reducing his sentence. LULZ.


I understand the thought process but Shapiro had to fully understand that the NCAA COULDN'T help him in getting a lighter sentence.

Now what he did understand was that he could utilize the NCAA to go after Miami in a very public manner and he also understood that by lying to the NCAA it would have zero effect on his sentence coming from his criminal conviction.

One has nothing to do with the other here.
With the spotlight on, no way Enforcement can rely on anything Shapiro says without REAL independent corroboration. The NCAA -- long before it could evaluate and confirm Shapiro's veracity -- went to bat for him in federal court at his sentencing hearing. It follows that Nevin had all the motivation in the world to trump up allegations as quid pro quo for the NCAA's help in reducing his sentence. LULZ.


I understand the thought process but Shapiro had to fully understand that the NCAA COULDN'T help him in getting a lighter sentence.

Now what he did understand was that he could utilize the NCAA to go after Miami in a very public manner and he also understood that by lying to the NCAA it would have zero effect on his sentence coming from his criminal conviction.

One has nothing to do with the other here.

You're incorrect in your assumption that judges refuse to listen to this sort of testimony when determining a sentence. The ncaa didn't have "power" to reduce his sentence, but they vouched for him in an attempt to convince the judge to issue a lesser punishment. Happens all the time. And sometimes it works. Gladly, it didn't work here, but that doesn't make the ncaa's attempt any less loathsome.
I understand the thought process but Shapiro had to fully understand that the NCAA COULDN'T help him in getting a lighter sentence.

Now what he did understand was that he could utilize the NCAA to go after Miami in a very public manner and he also understood that by lying to the NCAA it would have zero effect on his sentence coming from his criminal conviction.

One has nothing to do with the other here.

trees, let me introduce you to the forest. you haven't ever seen it before

the point is that Nevin conned the NCAA at a made for TV level of dumbassery

the NCAA looks like a clown show. they hitched their wagon to a puppeteer and rode it out all the way. bunch of ****tards and it will get worse for them no doubt. tip of the iceberg i would imagine
With the spotlight on, no way Enforcement can rely on anything Shapiro says without REAL independent corroboration. The NCAA -- long before it could evaluate and confirm Shapiro's veracity -- went to bat for him in federal court at his sentencing hearing. It follows that Nevin had all the motivation in the world to trump up allegations as quid pro quo for the NCAA's help in reducing his sentence. LULZ.


I understand the thought process but Shapiro had to fully understand that the NCAA COULDN'T help him in getting a lighter sentence.

Now what he did understand was that he could utilize the NCAA to go after Miami in a very public manner and he also understood that by lying to the NCAA it would have zero effect on his sentence coming from his criminal conviction.

One has nothing to do with the other here.

Please stay out of the big boy conversations on this board. You disrupt the flow. I've read all 8 of your posts. And there's a common theme.
If this thing goes south then i can see shapiro turning on the ncaa as well. Some people just have that in their dna and psychological makeup.
With the spotlight on, no way Enforcement can rely on anything Shapiro says without REAL independent corroboration. The NCAA -- long before it could evaluate and confirm Shapiro's veracity -- went to bat for him in federal court at his sentencing hearing. It follows that Nevin had all the motivation in the world to trump up allegations as quid pro quo for the NCAA's help in reducing his sentence. LULZ.


I understand the thought process but Shapiro had to fully understand that the NCAA COULDN'T help him in getting a lighter sentence.

Now what he did understand was that he could utilize the NCAA to go after Miami in a very public manner and he also understood that by lying to the NCAA it would have zero effect on his sentence coming from his criminal conviction.

One has nothing to do with the other here.

Please stay out of the big boy conversations on this board. You disrupt the flow. I've read all 8 of your posts. And there's a common theme.

Considering I do this for a living, I'm not going to take this opportunity to embarrass you on your stance that the NCAA could have any potential influence on the sentencing of Shapiro over issues that involve the NCAA and potential non criminal matters/infractions. Because if that were the case then there would have been actual criminal matters discussed, possibly uncovered, and most importantly, INVESTIGATED by actual law enforcement. And if that were to have happened here, my guess is that the sht storm hanging over the head of the athletic department would be a true sht storm.

Then and only THEN, after arrests were made in a situation like this, would Shapiro receive credit for assisting law enforcement and reaping that benefit at sentencing. So considering the fact that none of that has actually happened, the NCAA is akin to a really good friend of Shapiro begging for leniency from a Federal Judge who NEVER takes into account the friends, or for the matter, the family of the convicted during the determination of sentencing.

And like I stated earlier, Shapiro was well aware of this and ONLY utilized the NCAA to get his message out loud and clear FULLY knowing the ONLY benefit he would receive via the NCAA is one of taking down Miami.

But please, continue on with your hypothesis.