NCAA wrote letter to judge to get Shapiro lighter sentence

The NCAA really does need to be shut down. It behaves exactly like a government, which is what you should expect from an illegal cartel. What we see is a natural consequences of an unnatural decision to allow the NCAA to violate anti-trust law. If ordinary laws were applied to it, it would behave much more responsibly. Only governments are this messed up and out of control.

Ok, again, Federal Judges NEVER listen to the arguments of friends of the convicted. Yes, they verbally hear them, but they put zero into what is actually said [/U][/B] I have been doing federal cases a long time and I can tell you that no friends of Shapiro would have any positive affect on his sentencing hearing. The NCAA had ZERO to offer up the judge in the way a cooperator would get by assisting actual law enforcement. Hence the idea that the NCAA is nothing more than a useless friend to Shapiro in their attempt to sway the judge. I am not guessing when I tell you that Shapiro already knew this. You are assuming that I am assuming, I am not. My community is a very small one. Shapiro utilized the NCAA to carry out the death sentence against Miami and he KNEW that if he lied to them it would carry zero consequences.

The NCAA investigators think they are on par with actual law enforcement and should be on the same playing field with the same respect. It doesn't surprise me one bit that this guy wrote a letter on behalf of Shapiro. They were absolutely way out of their league by jumping in the bed with this felon. There is nothing they can do to Shapiro for his lies and false allegations as they are nothing more than NCAA investigators. He took advantage of the stage they affored him and now they are paying the price.

I am not attempting to be an a-hole here, however, to have posters throw stuff out there that is 100% wrong and then push it off as some grand idea is ludicrous. One should at least want to know the facts and not fantasy land type stuff.[/QUOTE]

Oh really???????
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Shapiro is proven to be ***..he filed a restraining order because of a "domestic dispute" against some spanish dude who was his "partner."
Who cares what the NCAA had to offer Shapiro anyways? That's beside the point. The point is that they tried to and the timeframe that they did it in. They did it when their so-called "investigation" was just beginning. They're supposed to be impartial. The letter proves beyond any doubt that they were anything but. This was pretty much proven already anyhow, but this puts it way over the top.

Not a doubt in my mind that it's the tip of the iceberg also. More should come out and there will probably be alot of stuff that never comes out. These ****ers thought they were untouchable and they proceeded accordingly. Now there are real investigators digging into this. Not Emmert's crew of flunkies he paid to ivestigate himself. What a ridiculous concept. It's like when the tobacco companies come out with their own independent study that shows smoking is actually good for you.
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- The Miami New Times is preparing a hatchet job on former NCAA Assistant Director of Enforcement Richard Johanningmeier, the guy who facilitated the phone calls with Shapiro.

A quick update on this. The story mentioned above has been released. I'm a bit disappointed in it, but at least people are digging. I suspect Outside the Lines is also digging deeper, as they recently contacted Sean Allen for follow up shots (not an interview) but have not released the segment yet. I do not have a timetable.

Also, I'm hearing that there is evidence surfacing that suggests that Stephanie Hannah (who took over the Miami investigation for Najjar) had a bigger role in this than the Wainstein report suggested. If this investigation can be shown to be a white-wash -- which I believe it is -- the NCAA could be looking at another PR nightmare.
- The Miami New Times is preparing a hatchet job on former NCAA Assistant Director of Enforcement Richard Johanningmeier, the guy who facilitated the phone calls with Shapiro.

A quick update on this. The story mentioned above has been released. I'm a bit disappointed in it, but at least people are digging. I suspect Outside the Lines is also digging deeper, as they recently contacted Sean Allen for follow up shots (not an interview) but have not released the segment yet. I do not have a timetable.

Also, I'm hearing that there is evidence surfacing that suggests that Stephanie Hannah (who took over the Miami investigation for Najjar) had a bigger role in this than the Wainstein report suggested. If this investigation can be shown to be a white-wash -- which I believe it is -- the NCAA could be looking at another PR nightmare.


From reading the article it is obvious that these actions are old hat for the NCAA. Why did it "all of a sudden" come to light now, in this case? Why did the NCAA finally admit to wrong doing? Where did the pressure come from, Shalala, Washington DC, within?
- The Miami New Times is preparing a hatchet job on former NCAA Assistant Director of Enforcement Richard Johanningmeier, the guy who facilitated the phone calls with Shapiro.

A quick update on this. The story mentioned above has been released. I'm a bit disappointed in it, but at least people are digging. I suspect Outside the Lines is also digging deeper, as they recently contacted Sean Allen for follow up shots (not an interview) but have not released the segment yet. I do not have a timetable.

Also, I'm hearing that there is evidence surfacing that suggests that Stephanie Hannah (who took over the Miami investigation for Najjar) had a bigger role in this than the Wainstein report suggested. If this investigation can be shown to be a white-wash -- which I believe it is -- the NCAA could be looking at another PR nightmare.

There is more to come out. The lawsuit by a former asst. coach at the U of Buffalo is the case really feared by the ncaa. Add the lawsuit by a former USC asst. coach and the PSU lawsuit and the ncaa is in for a rough ride.

Do you remember when Mark Emmert was named president of the ncaa? His acceptance speech was full of "new sherif in town", "tough on crime" and "the hanging judge is here" language. All this has happened on his watch. Accountability? It's time!
Emmert not resigning or being fired yet is one of the most egregious failures of responsibility and board accountability at a major organization that I've ever seen.
Emmert not resigning or being fired yet is one of the most egregious failures of responsibility and board accountability at a major organization that I've ever seen.

Seems like they're still trying to cling to the "it was a few rogue cowboys in the investigative branch" rap. The minute they fire Emmert they'll be admitting the whole thing is f#cked. This is all about the big wigs clinging to their jobs and the structure of the ncaa as it currently exists. They'll scapegoat as many people below Emmert as they can until the smoke clears a little for them and then he'll "pursue other ventures".

From reading the article it is obvious that these actions are old hat for the NCAA. Why did it "all of a sudden" come to light now, in this case? Why did the NCAA finally admit to wrong doing? Where did the pressure come from, Shalala, Washington DC, within?

Because they knew it was going to leak and look really, really bad.
Seems like they're still trying to cling to the "it was a few rogue cowboys in the investigative branch" rap.

That's why this latest news has me excited. That bogus report listed Najjar as the person most responsible for this, with Rach at number two. Emmert, not surprisingly, was last.

But it looks like Stephanie Hannah (who took over the investigation for Najjar) was far more culpable than the report let on. She is listed at #7 in the report and is also a key figure in the University of Buffalo lawsuit. She still works for NCAA.

If it comes out that the Wainstein report was white-washed, the last shred of the NCAA's credibility is gone.
Emmert not resigning or being fired yet is one of the most egregious failures of responsibility and board accountability at a major organization that I've ever seen.

Seems like they're still trying to cling to the "it was a few rogue cowboys in the investigative branch" rap. The minute they fire Emmert they'll be admitting the whole thing is f#cked. This is all about the big wigs clinging to their jobs and the structure of the ncaa as it currently exists. They'll scapegoat as many people below Emmert as they can until the smoke clears a little for them and then he'll "pursue other ventures".

They're definitely trying to do that. I find it surprising because in my experience, when things are really stinky, boards want to distance themselves from it, not close ranks. Penn State was a good example of that, once it started to unravel.

My guess is that the difference here, and the problem, is that the NCAA is too insular, and it's board doesn't function as a board, but rather a club. It's board is comprised of university presidents. This is a good gig for them. They're 'on loan' so to speak. I'm not at all sure they really see themselves even as having any fiduciary responsibilities to the NCAA. They all claim it's not a business. They can't identify any real responsibilities it has. They basically see it as a boondoggle, and their boondoggle. They are not functioning as stewards at all.
Seems like they're still trying to cling to the "it was a few rogue cowboys in the investigative branch" rap.

That's why this latest news has me excited. That bogus report listed Najjar as the person most responsible for this, with Rach at number two. Emmert, not surprisingly, was last.

But it looks like Stephanie Hannah (who took over the investigation for Najjar) was far more culpable than the report let on. She is listed at #7 in the report and is also a key figure in the University of Buffalo lawsuit. She still works for NCAA.

If it comes out that the Wainstein report was white-washed, the last shred of the NCAA's credibility is gone.

DMoney, are there any rumors on why Najjar was fired? I remember someone saying he wasn't fired for paying Maria Elena Perez. If that's true then he must have been fired for doing much worse. I hope someone is doing some digging