Mullen officially out

Really surprised they canned Mullen’s but I don’t think that has anything to do with our search one way or the other….I don’t think UiF will be after either of the people we have in our top 2 nor do I believe either of our top 2 would go there in the first place…only place you’ve heard either name is on their **** site

I hate Manny as much as the next guy but the kids are playing hard for him so if them playing hard leads to a couple extra wins which might attract a couple more recruits and helps hang on to a couple more current players until the new guy can be announced so be it..

I just want this hiring of an AD and a HC done right for once no matter how long and at what immediate expense it means..
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So are the Mario or bust contingent worried about UF hiring him before we make our pitch? He’s a relentless recruiter and had Oregon ranked in the top 5, so surely he must be their number one candidate, right?
Doubt it. My guess is that they'll make a run at James Franklin or Fickell and then circle back to Napier
Mullen needs to go to the league and be an OC. Would be better fit for him. He's a good cook but poor at getting the ingredients.
Thought he was going to end up in Jax with Urban when he first took the job.
We’re 100% in disagreement.

If we hired the HC before the AD it means we likely hired another unqualified puppet as AD.

What real AD is going to come in and be forced to take a newly hired HC in their highest revenue sport.

Settle down. The AD candidates are aware of what we are doing. "Forced" is just a huge overstatement.

Come on, man, EVERY SINGLE YEAR, "real ADs" take jobs at schools that already have head football/basketball/baseball coaches in place. You act as if every AD candidate wants to move into an empty Hecht building just to put a stamp on things.

Unless you think that the only "real AD candidates" are guys who lost their girlfriends to Mario, the vast majority of AD candidates are not going to have a single problem with UM hiring one of the top candidates of this particular year.

I'm not saying that the HC will be hired first, but if that's what it takes, it will happen. We weren't going to hire an AD anyhow if he had beef with our #1 HC candidate anyhow. So your issue of "order of hire" is moot.

We are not going to do some sort of "no preconceived notions/fully open-minded national search". Wheels have been in motion (for both jobs) for months. Coming up the finish line soon.
Settle down. The AD candidates are aware of what we are doing. "Forced" is just a huge overstatement.

Come on, man, EVERY SINGLE YEAR, "real ADs" take jobs at schools that already have head football/basketball/baseball coaches in place. You act as if every AD candidate wants to move into an empty Hecht building just to put a stamp on things.

Unless you think that the only "real AD candidates" are guys who lost their girlfriends to Mario, the vast majority of AD candidates are not going to have a single problem with UM hiring one of the top candidates of this particular year.

I'm not saying that the HC will be hired first, but if that's what it takes, it will happen. We weren't going to hire an AD anyhow if he had beef with our #1 HC candidate anyhow. So your issue of "order of hire" is moot.

We are not going to do some sort of "no preconceived notions/fully open-minded national search". Wheels have been in motion (for both jobs) for months. Coming up the finish line soon.
I think any one objecting has a problem with "our candidate" because who in BOT or the Columbus Cabal is anyway qualified to even determine a #1 candidate and then act on it? We know the history and it has been a dumpster fire.
Right so the one who predicted the loser would mimic his recent tenure, at best, is wrong.

Move on. You can have your “slam dunk” hire.

Look, man, now you're just getting dopey. Miami had hired three newbies/lightweights in a row. Richt had the experience and accomplishments to merit being called a slamdunk hire. Anyone can second-guess what actually transpired, but please tell us who we should have hired AT THAT TIME who was clearly a more qualified and prepared candidate than Richt. Mullet?

Give me a break. It's easy to judge differently years later. But Richt was our only solid hire in two decades.
Yet our BOT or whoever the F, thinks not putting it out that Manny isn’t returning is some type of chess move

It's out to everyone that matters. Just because they don't post it on a message board or in the press doesn't mean the candidates and their teams don't know. Be a little thoughtful please. There are heavy hitters involved now.