Mullen officially out

Look, man, now you're just getting dopey. Miami had hired three newbies/lightweights in a row. Richt had the experience and accomplishments to merit being called a slamdunk hire. Anyone can second-guess what actually transpired, but please tell us who we should have hired AT THAT TIME who was clearly a more qualified and prepared candidate than Richt. Mullet?

Give me a break. It's easy to judge differently years later. But Richt was our only solid hire in two decades.

We disagree. You think he was a “slam dunk”, I was not a fan and criticized the hiring before he ever coached a game.

We disagree. That is fine. I am not going to argue about this, it is beyond a waste of time.
It is kind of crazy how quickly things went south in Gainesville this year. They were in the SEC championship game last year, nearly beat Bama this year, and then the bottom fell out.
Not crazy at all. Many of us called it. A ton of talent left, and they have had some real smoke and mirrors recruiting classes these last few years. a LOT of the kids they signed never made it to school or didn't last. Arrests, DNQ, transfers... I shorted their season.
We have done it wrong consistently for almost two decades. My concern is changing the process.
Changing the process would have been firing Blake James earlier instead of playing pattycake while he looked for a landing spot. It’s better late than never and you are right that is the most pressing need, but they don’t get a pass because that sat on their hands. This situation was entirely foreseeable.

Lmfao this can’t be real

Between this being possible, Blake getting canned, and Utah pulling an upset, UM financially committing to the football team, I'm starting to think the lord is hearing our prayers.

I'd loved what he put FSU fans through, and I would personally donate to his retirement fund if he could put his special touch on that gator program.