Michael Barrow For DC?

Ok, there is obviously a bias here and I would like to know what it is...All of you are ok with Ken Dorsey coming here to be OC with no experience whatsoever. He didn't even have a career in the NFL. But you're against Barrow moving up to DC, what makes you guys think that way????
I'll wait...in my Kat Williams voice..
Dorsey has made a name in the NFL as a coach, which is what we are looking for. I'm not going to trash Barrow at all but suffice to say he was a much better player than an X and O coach.

Honestly comparing Dorsey to Barrow as coaches doesn't even make any sense.
are you serious with this, what do you know about Dorsey or Barrows play calling ability??? Its stuff like this that ****es me off... comparing Dorsey to barrow is foolish considering Barrow played 12 years in the NFL at MLB and was pretty **** good...LB coach for the past nine years...while Dorsey played sparingly in the NFL for 5 years and QB coach for 2 years.. no comparison at all
It's so funny folks were talking bout how good barrow was when he had Eddie and DP thumpin nigg4s! Eddie effed up n then FAT AL had them reading and reacting and not using natural instincts. Any coach would look ****ty in Foldens weefence lmao
I think any coach hired is going to want his backers to read and react... natural instincts will be complementary. .. to make reading and reactions faster...but the game is way to complex to just chase instinctively after the ball... if that was the case why even watch film... the sole purpose of counters, draws and screens is to catxh the D Instintively chasing the ball.
It's so funny folks were talking bout how good barrow was when he had Eddie and DP thumpin nigg4s! Eddie effed up n then FAT AL had them reading and reacting and not using natural instincts. Any coach would look ****ty in Foldens weefence lmao
I think any coach hired is going to want his backers to read and react... natural instincts will be complementary. .. to make reading and reactions faster...but the game is way to complex to just chase instinctively after the ball... if that was the case why even watch film... the sole purpose of counters, draws and screens is to catxh the D Instintively chasing the ball.

I think he is confusing DLine reading and reacitng with Linebackers reading and reacting... Linebackers are suppose to read and react.. Dline should be just causing havoc in the backfield
It amazes me that porsters on here are smarter than the people who do this everyday for a living..If Barrow was such a bad coach as most of you claim him to be... I highly doubt a Superbowl winning Coach, Team, with the best Defense in the NFL and perennial contender would hire such a bad coach to lead their LB squad when they could have picked anyone, but for some reason this highly competitive football Head Coach and the Defensive Coordinator looked around the entire football landscape and decided that this old washed up unemployed LB coach from Miami was the guy they needed to bring out the best in their LB core.. Yet we got porsters on here trashing this mans ability to coach
Ok, there is obviously a bias here and I would like to know what it is...All of you are ok with Ken Dorsey coming here to be OC with no experience whatsoever. He didn't even have a career in the NFL. But you're against Barrow moving up to DC, what makes you guys think that way????

Would take Walsh over Dorsey...Barrow over Lewis...
It's so funny folks were talking bout how good barrow was when he had Eddie and DP thumpin nigg4s! Eddie effed up n then FAT AL had them reading and reacting and not using natural instincts. Any coach would look ****ty in Foldens weefence lmao
I think any coach hired is going to want his backers to read and react... natural instincts will be complementary. .. to make reading and reactions faster...but the game is way to complex to just chase instinctively after the ball... if that was the case why even watch film... the sole purpose of counters, draws and screens is to catxh the D Instintively chasing the ball.

I think he is confusing DLine reading and reacitng with Linebackers reading and reacting... Linebackers are suppose to read and react.. Dline should be just causing havoc in the backfield
Oh yeah.. D Line 1 gap destructions and devastation. .the end..
Not sure I want a first time DC...although it did work out OK with Schiano back in 2000

Barrow could work out but for over $1million/year we should be able to pick up a proven guy IMO
Not sure I want a first time DC...although it did work out OK with Schiano back in 2000

Barrow could work out but for over $1million/year we should be able to pick up a proven guy IMO
I agree bring in a proven guy.... then throw some stank on it and by bringing in Ed Reed to mentor and Coach his DBs... I know great players doesn't automatically means great coach.. but listening to Ed.. he knows Xs Os... i think he could be a great coach.. And as far as recruiting... who would not want to be coached by a Hall of Famer
It amazes me that porsters on here are smarter than the people who do this everyday for a living..If Barrow was such a bad coach as most of you claim him to be... I highly doubt a Superbowl winning Coach, Team, with the best Defense in the NFL and perennial contender would hire such a bad coach to lead their LB squad when they could have picked anyone, but for some reason this highly competitive football Head Coach and the Defensive Coordinator looked around the entire football landscape and decided that this old washed up unemployed LB coach from Miami was the guy they needed to bring out the best in their LB core.. Yet we got porsters on here trashing this mans ability to coach

And if Barrow was ready to be a DC at a school trying to win championships, we would have seen it happen by now.

This is like so many other coaches brought up around here: if he didn't play at UM, no one here would mention his name one time. There are hundreds of coaches out there who have more experience and are more qualified. They just didn't play at da U.
It amazes me that porsters on here are smarter than the people who do this everyday for a living..If Barrow was such a bad coach as most of you claim him to be... I highly doubt a Superbowl winning Coach, Team, with the best Defense in the NFL and perennial contender would hire such a bad coach to lead their LB squad when they could have picked anyone, but for some reason this highly competitive football Head Coach and the Defensive Coordinator looked around the entire football landscape and decided that this old washed up unemployed LB coach from Miami was the guy they needed to bring out the best in their LB core.. Yet we got porsters on here trashing this mans ability to coach

And if Barrow was ready to be a DC at a school trying to win championships, we would have seen it happen by now.

This is like so many other coaches brought up around here: if he didn't play at UM, no one here would mention his name one time. There are hundreds of coaches out there who have more experience and are more qualified. They just didn't play at da U.

whats your point ??, I never said I wanted him as DC, however, I do think he is ready for that role at any college... Go and look at the young DC resumes around college ball now and then ask yourself was any of them qualified when they got the job.. Its the good old boy system that gets guys HC, DC,OC opportunities period... its only about qualifications when your a minority so stop with your nonsense about more qualified...Barrows opportunity will come when he gets to rub shoulders with the right people..ala T Robinson..Geoff Collins...Todd Orlando...Manny Diaz...Kirby Smart....I could go on and on but point is none were qualified until they were elevated to the position.
Not sure I want a first time DC...although it did work out OK with Schiano back in 2000

Barrow could work out but for over $1million/year we should be able to pick up a proven guy IMO
I agree bring in a proven guy.... then throw some stank on it and by bringing in Ed Reed to mentor and Coach his DBs... I know great players doesn't automatically means great coach.. but listening to Ed.. he knows Xs Os... i think he could be a great coach.. And as far as recruiting... who would not want to be coached by a Hall of Famer

Not just HOF. Best Safety to Ever Play the Game!
a 4 year LB wit the Canes, 10 years in the NFL and now working as LB coach with the Seattle Seahawks. He played behind some great lines and in front of some great DB's. He knows the defensive game inside and out.

He is a great Cane, he knows who we are, where we've been but mot importantly where we are now and where we need to go.

He has a lot more experience playing than Randy Shannon did and we all know how well Randy performed as a DC when given a chance.

If that does not qualify you, I don't know what the **** will. We need someone that is us, some one that knows us!!

oh he played for the canes? well then **** yes bring him in! nothing says you're qualified more than being a former cane!
Ok, there is obviously a bias here and I would like to know what it is...All of you are ok with Ken Dorsey coming here to be OC with no experience whatsoever. He didn't even have a career in the NFL. But you're against Barrow moving up to DC, what makes you guys think that way????
I'll wait...in my Kat Williams voice..
Dorsey has made a name in the NFL as a coach, which is what we are looking for. I'm not going to trash Barrow at all but suffice to say he was a much better player than an X and O coach.

Honestly comparing Dorsey to Barrow as coaches doesn't even make any sense.
are you serious with this, what do you know about Dorsey or Barrows play calling ability??? Its stuff like this that ****es me off... comparing Dorsey to barrow is foolish considering Barrow played 12 years in the NFL at MLB and was pretty **** good...LB coach for the past nine years...while Dorsey played sparingly in the NFL for 5 years and QB coach for 2 years.. no comparison at all

So longer NFL career = better coach.

Got it.
a 4 year LB wit the Canes, 10 years in the NFL and now working as LB coach with the Seattle Seahawks. He played behind some great lines and in front of some great DB's. He knows the defensive game inside and out.

He is a great Cane, he knows who we are, where we've been but mot importantly where we are now and where we need to go.

He has a lot more experience playing than Randy Shannon did and we all know how well Randy performed as a DC when given a chance.

If that does not qualify you, I don't know what the **** will. We need someone that is us, some one that knows us!!

So you're saying that's the best we could do at DC? Ray Lewis played in the NFL longer than Barrow and has a more polished resume at LB as well. Ray Lewis would be great for recruiting purposes. You know why Canes fans aren't wanting Ray Lewis as a DC? Because he's not qualified for the job and wouldn't succeed in there.

One of the things that made Golden bad at his job was his coaching hires and his lack of being able to evaluate coaches. I'll trust Richt with the decision over you.

Ray Lewis has shown no interest in coaching.

Key difference.

Michael Barrow is a coach, and a very good done. Good enough to be hired by the one of the best NFL coaches in the game. I agree Miami isn't the place to learn, at least not with a HC focused on offense and letting the DC do his own thing. Barrow isn't there, yet. He is someone I'd keep an eye on for a possible return to Miami one day.
It amazes me that porsters on here are smarter than the people who do this everyday for a living..If Barrow was such a bad coach as most of you claim him to be... I highly doubt a Superbowl winning Coach, Team, with the best Defense in the NFL and perennial contender would hire such a bad coach to lead their LB squad when they could have picked anyone, but for some reason this highly competitive football Head Coach and the Defensive Coordinator looked around the entire football landscape and decided that this old washed up unemployed LB coach from Miami was the guy they needed to bring out the best in their LB core.. Yet we got porsters on here trashing this mans ability to coach

And if Barrow was ready to be a DC at a school trying to win championships, we would have seen it happen by now.

This is like so many other coaches brought up around here: if he didn't play at UM, no one here would mention his name one time. There are hundreds of coaches out there who have more experience and are more qualified. They just didn't play at da U.

Barrow is an excellent position coach, good enough to be hired by one of the best coaches in the game. I would expect him to be a DC soon, maybe on a few more seasons, learning from Carroll.
So... Michael barrow was at the sta championship game tonight with sapp and Irvin... image.webp

Hmm.... thats him on the right with the Seahawks hat
a 4 year LB wit the Canes, 10 years in the NFL and now working as LB coach with the Seattle Seahawks. He played behind some great lines and in front of some great DB's. He knows the defensive game inside and out.

He is a great Cane, he knows who we are, where we've been but mot importantly where we are now and where we need to go.

He has a lot more experience playing than Randy Shannon did and we all know how well Randy performed as a DC when given a chance.

If that does not qualify you, I don't know what the **** will. We need someone that is us, some one that knows us!!

Guess what? That doesn't qualify him. Where he played college ball and the number of years he played in the NFL are totally irrelevant. Now he may indeed get a shot at DC somewhere and he may be great at it but we are in no position to hand over the keys to the defense to someone with zero coordinator experience no matter how great of a Cane he is.