Michael Barrow For DC?

Why do you guys keep making suggestions for keeping staff members from some of the worst coached Miami teams in 40 years?

I wouldn't mind one holdover that is vital to keeping the recruiting class around with the understanding of that coach fading away in a year's time, but all of these suggestions from the Golden and Shannon regimes are terrible.

Time for a fresh start. Miami spent some money, got a big name coach, and is willing to open the wallet for assistants. Lets get some fresh, proven assistants into the program.
Need I say more!!

Dont say anything else. Barrows LB's when he was here were underwhelming and half of them got kicked off the team. No thanks.

Barrow was so bad a coach Pete Carroll hired him. I don't know if Barrow is ready to be a DC, but I'd be happy if he came back in some capacity. This may be unlikely - why leave the NFL at this point in his career?

Pete Also hired back Brennan Carrol who was a ghost while he was here. Did i mention the seahawks defense has taken step back this year? I'm quite certain we've never had LB's perform worse than any other period in time than they did with barrow with Golden and with Shannon. I'm not saying he's a bad coach but you can't say he excelled at anything while coaching at miami. Theres no reason to retread him.
a 4 year LB wit the Canes, 10 years in the NFL and now working as LB coach with the Seattle Seahawks. He played behind some great lines and in front of some great DB's. He knows the defensive game inside and out.

He is a great Cane, he knows who we are, where we've been but mot importantly where we are now and where we need to go.

He has a lot more experience playing than Randy Shannon did and we all know how well Randy performed as a DC when given a chance.

If that does not qualify you, I don't know what the **** will. We need someone that is us, some one that knows us!!

Randy also benefited from having loads of talent to work with on the defensive side of the ball when he had his best years as a DC. Randy's a decent DC, but he's certainly not the best available.

Comments like this are funny. What good defense doesn't have talent?
[MENTION=12919]cutlerridgelaz[/MENTION]: My Top Choice For DC Is Michael Barrow...... It's Long Overdue!

Now we know what name laz post under
Barrow was never the problem here, he was handcuffed, that was one of the reasons why he left

I don't think people are saying he was a problem as a LB coach but simply expressing that at this time a first time DC is not a risk we should take.
Please educate yourself a little bit better. Golden brought in very bad linebackers and players overall, and D'Onofrio ran the Defense period, not Barrow. That is why Barrow left, mostly not because his Mother was ill and needing his assistance, but because he disagreed with the crappy schemes of playing the LBs 10 yards behind the line. How have our linebackers performed since Barrow left? S...TY.

This is the ignorance that unfortunately drive most of, I'm ashamed to say, Cane fans!

He's never ran a defense, stop the madness
The one thing I will say is that the first time I saw Randy Shannon, Al Golden and Joe Philbin, I knew right then and there and they were all football dumb a...s. How many of you can say the same? be real now!! This should determine your football IQ. I've had conversations with College Football head coaches and to a person they all think highly of Michael Barrow. Just a matter of time before he gets a chance and he does and prove most of you nay sayers wrong, what will you say then?

Even though I've been a die hard Canes fan for a long time and have followed these type of boards for awhile, the one thing that strikes me the most is, unfortunately, how football knowledge ignorant most Canes fans are. I will admit though that the Butch Davis movement was the first time I've seen Canes fans unite behind the push to get the best coach out there.

Food for thought--Remember that sometime in your life, someone saw something in you that made them believe in you enough to give you a chance, even though you may have lacked the experience. We all deserve a chance!
The one thing I will say is that the first time I saw Randy Shannon, Al Golden and Joe Philbin, I knew right then and there and they were all football dumb a...s. How many of you can say the same? be real now!! This should determine your football IQ. I've had conversations with College Football head coaches and to a person they all think highly of Michael Barrow. Just a matter of time before he gets a chance and he does and prove most of you nay sayers wrong, what will you say then?

Even though I've been a die hard Canes fan for a long time and have followed these type of boards for awhile, the one thing that strikes me the most is, unfortunately, how football knowledge ignorant most Canes fans are. I will admit though that the Butch Davis movement was the first time I've seen Canes fans unite behind the push to get the best coach out there.

Food for thought--Remember that sometime in your life, someone saw something in you that made them believe in you enough to give you a chance, even though you may have lacked the experience. We all deserve a chance!

Awesome, the new Rutgers coach can give him a chance to be DC. Then, if he proves himself, he can call Coach Richt. But GTFOH with this nonsense of giving a guy a chance at this level.
Did Butch Davis get a head coach chance at Miami for the first time?... He never had any previous head coaching experience before then did he? How well did that work out for Miami? Had it been up to you, well you and I know what decision you would have made right? NO OPPORTUNITY! That proves my point of the average Canes' fan football IQ!
Did Butch Davis get a head coach chance at Miami for the first time?... He never had any previous head coaching experience before then did he? How well did that work out for Miami? Had it been up to you, well you and I know what decision you would have made right? NO OPPORTUNITY! That proves my point of the average Canes' fan football IQ!

Butch was an NFL coordinator. It's a natural step to become a college head coach.

If we're all stupid, why isn't Barrow getting any other offers to be a big time defensive coordinator?
Need I say more!!

Great guy to have on staff but doesn't have DC in his makeup from what we've seen. I think we've already seen the effects of elevating coaches beyond their ability level...no more trials. If they wanna bring him on ..great...maybe he can work his way to DC level.
Did Butch Davis get a head coach chance at Miami for the first time?... He never had any previous head coaching experience before then did he? How well did that work out for Miami? Had it been up to you, well you and I know what decision you would have made right? NO OPPORTUNITY! That proves my point of the average Canes' fan football IQ!

after 14 years of giving coaches chances at Miami has failed. i think we can relax a bit and rely on some established ones. I think the social experiment of going cheap and giving HC OC and DC coaches with no experience has failed. Lets get beyond these failures have some success before we start making our same errors again.
Not stupid, just not very good talent evaluators.

Wouldn't it be funny if at the end of this process Michael were to be chosen as our DC?

By the way, how are the Seahawks LBs doing?

Have a great life guys!!