I see a lot of talent that wasn't maximized by this staff. They were praised for being able to develop the Wilkersons and Jarretts. I don't see any of those, but I do see a lot of guys that tons of other schools wanted and didn't do much here
Exactly what Talent do you see on that list? I dont think any staff is getting more out of that list than we got out of them. It's just not a class that can make you a legit football team.
Seantrel was a 5* guy and billed as a No. 1 draft pick before he even got here.
Eduardo Clements was a highly recruited 4* back out of perhaps the best HS football program in the country
Tyrone Cornelius was high 3* guy that was recruited by just about everyone including FSU
David Gilbert was an honorable mention All Big 10 player and 4* to boot
Brandon Linder 4* guy from one of the top programs in the country
Curtis Porter was highly recruited 3* DT
Luther Robinson was a 4*
Kacey Rodgers was highly recruited as well
Pat O Donnell = best punter in the country
Jared Wheeler turned out to be better than our starting C who was a highschool all american
With the exception of Cleveland, Gaines and Green, all of those players were highly sought after. Every school in the country wanted them. You're telling me all the programs in the country wanted those players because they don't have talent? GTFOH....