2024 Marquise Lightfoot 4* DE from Chicago

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I’ve told you the bottom fell out of the class. That’s about as point blank as I can give it to anyone here.

Expect zero on the DL front until the board is reshuffled. At that point, you can determine what’s next.
Spoiler alert -

there is no board to be reshuffled on the DL. We went from trying to eat at prime to getting McDonald’s delivered by Uber options
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Based only on what Miami knows, I would bet on Miami.

But I don’t know what the Lightfoot side is thinking or telling others.
Miami side rapidly becoming flat earthers with what they “know”

flat earth sour brite crawlers GIF by Trolli
I mean… it’s better than nothing. This kid is good. It’s obvious NIL isn’t as flush as last year but people we trust still say it’s respectable. I think reality is that multiple factors are in play. It’s just NIL deficiencies are the easiest pill to swallow, while our staff getting played is the toughest.
Kid is a stud and it will go a long way towards changing our negative recruiting momentum
I know I just think it's way to early to say all hope is lost for this class in July, increased NIL changes everything
Gotcha. Maybe I misunderstood you

There’s a lot of quality names out there so the “reshuffling” comment is accurate I think

We will still land some studs imo
We have the money. But so do other schools and when the money is equal kids are going to gravitate to the winning programs with proven track records over the clown show that is Miami football.

We finished 5-7 and Ohio State has had 10 wins every year since I can remember. Bama and Georgia just flip a coin on who wins the Natty every year. Yet we think we’ll beat them heads up after last year? No chance
Based on our performance last year and being irrelevant for the last 20 years we have no choice but to pay more than the big time programs right now. Last year the money got us the recruits along with the bump class effect. If we are just matching or not meeting other NIL offers then we will continue to get 3 stars and suffer another 20 more years of this.

We broke again, its as simple as that. Money talks in this game, look at UF. You think kids are going there because Billy is an ace recruiter, F No they are going because UF got their sh#t together and have money this cycle. Now we dont, and look at them crushing us on the trail. As Nino Brown once said, "money talks and bullsh#t runs the marathon."
Yeah, he's not coming.
At some point we have to expect that Mario and crew go on the offensive here. If he is like Lt. **** in Band of Brothers at the battle of Foy then we have way bigger problem. I said this in another post yesterday. You can still land 2 of the 8. It may end up a combination of Lightfoot, McCray and Franklin but get it done. The. Focus on Patterson and Trader. We just got hit by a Tyson uppercut, get up and regroup.
At some point we have to expect that Mario and crew go on the offensive here. If he is like Lt. **** in Band of Brothers at the battle of Foy then we have way bigger problem. I said this in another post yesterday. You can still land 2 of the 8. It may end up a combination of Lightfoot, McCray and Franklin but get it done. The. Focus on Patterson and Trader. We just got hit by a Tyson uppercut, get up and regroup.

“Those Who Do Not Learn History Are Doomed To Repeat It.”​

There’s a lot to question Mario on but recruiting isn’t one. I’ll take my chances with his history of recruiting.

“Those Who Do Not Learn History Are Doomed To Repeat It.”​

There’s a lot to question Mario on but recruiting isn’t one. I’ll take my chances with his history of recruiting.
ask saban who got him into so fla. Mario is addicted to recruiting and gets in deep with these kids and their families. he also develops talent. he has to win more games.
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