Mario vs Utah Round 2

It’s tragically sad that the stupid obsession with hiring a HC with previous ties to UM is going to result in Mario over Lane.

Schnellenberger: No previous connection to UM before getting hired as HC.

Jimmy: No previous connection to UM before getting hired as HC.

Dennis Erickson: No previous connection to UM before getting hired as HC.
Are we trusting Mario will bring in the right OC to take full advantage of TVD and all the young talent?

He did go after Lashlee. If we are serious about spending, go out and do it for a top OC. If the resources are in place, yes.
Huh? What does that say about us? That being said, Lane would dominate the Coastal and compete with Clemson for the title. Teams would have to score 50 to beat us.
I agree with everything you are saying. He would be a great hire. I don’t know why we need to live in a world where you have to pick Mario or Lane and the second choice has to be garbage.
For the record...

This game is completely inconsequential to me, I just enjoy stirring it up a little bit lol

Here’s the reality, Mario’s a good coach & is a without doubt an upgrade over Manny, but there’s questions...

If you’re a staunch Mario supporter/believer the questions are valid, no sense in running from it, just stand in the paint & embrace it.

If the argument is that he’s going to recruit at such an elite level that it will overshadow & compensate for some the areas he’s not as proficient in, then you should lean into that, but here’s what you shouldn’t do (at least I wouldn’t recommend it), don’t deify Mario & present him as a future championship coach, because otherwise you’re just setting yourself up with that one.

This is why a few weeks ago when someone made an expectations thread for next year I said in there, lower the expectations & allow yourselves to be surprised, don’t make the Mountain too high to climb & then get disappointed when it remains unclimbed...

The reason why you don’t see my defending the criticisms of Lane is because they’re all valid & I don’t think Lane would lead us to a title, I think at best we would have a really high octane offense that would put us in position to win most of our games, but even saying that I don’t think we’re a playoff team with Lane. The logic is, he takes what we have & makes a quick fix with a 2-3 season run where we can then parlay that into success on the trail & if he leaves makes us a more attractive program for the next coach. It’s a short term plan, but College football operates in 3 season cycles nowadays anyways because the game has evolved...

One of the concerns among the many with Mario is that if it doesn’t hit the ground running in the beginning it may take a little longer to get up & going in general... And that’s where the fast fix vs slow build debate comes into play.
With all due respect … Those points you make are exactly why LK would be a better hire. High powered O, recruiting pump, and entertaining AF. We need a get rich quick guy, it’s Miami.

Mario is Manny 2.0 with the hope he can out recruit his corching. How about we hire a guy that can draw up some good plays and gameplan. Most importantly manage roster personnel for once.

This ducks qb is terrible and the team looks soft. Ol **** dudes play hard AF watching the Tenn, Bama, and Miss st games.
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Even a blind squirrel occasionally finds a nut.

He has 8 previous games to beat OSU.

He's got a talented and physical team this year, it happens.
Point is U of M was in No position to compete with OSU when he took over. OSU had the athletes and the mind control over lil bro. Can’t microwave success
Just know this - Mario isn’t coming here unless he has unlimited access to $$$ to hire the best coordinators. So it will be completely up to his decision making. I trust he knows what isn’t working at Oregon and will improve here. If not, we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.

Anyone complaining isn’t a real fan, because the alternative is Manure f^cking diaz. You would understand the ramifications if we don’t get Mario, because the BOT has their sights on one guy. Wake up.
Fair point. Utah is a better team. **** happens. I prefer to look at the full body of work. Do you see how flat and uninspired Oregon looked at the start of this game? They believe their coach is gone. Their OC is also gone. Mario has one foot out of the door. This game means nothing in the grand scheme of things. He doesn't even want to be there. He wants to come home. 🤷🏾‍♂️
It's literally the PAC12 Conference game.

How does it mean nothing?
It’s tragically sad that the stupid obsession with hiring a HC with previous ties to UM is going to result in Mario over Lane.

Schnellenberger: No previous connection to UM before getting hired as HC.

Jimmy: No previous connection to UM before getting hired as HC.

Dennis Erickson: No previous connection to UM before getting hired as HC.
If mario had no miami ties he wouldn’t even be comsidered. 61-60
The problem with Lane is background. There are some real issues there and it’s deeper than social media swag and philandering.

As a coach, him and Durkin are an awesome tandem.
In today’s time anyone can say anything and it would create a massive black cloud over the program. That’s a massive liability fair or not. Great coach though.
It could be the team knows he’s gone and they checked out

What happened in the first game? Stanford? The other close games this year or where they started like a dumpster fire.

You're the big dog, have the recruits on paper, go out there and bust some heads. His team's don't play like they're recruiting. They play down to the competition.

Also, the same could be said that they get up, win the conference, and say we did that for you coach. How you gonna leave? Teams don't just play down when there's distraction, some play up. His don't though.
Just know this - Mario isn’t coming here unless he has unlimited access to $$$ to hire the best coordinators. So it will be completely up to his decision making. I trust he knows what isn’t working at Oregon and will improve here. If not, we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.

Anyone complaining isn’t a real fan, because the alternative is Manure f^cking diaz. You would understand the ramifications if we don’t get Mario, because the BOT has their sights on one guy. Wake up.
You don’t think he is unlimited resources for staff in Oregon?