Mario vs Utah Round 2

So we need Mario because? He's some Ace recruiter? Okay, on paper, but isn't part of recruiting identifying talent to do what you want offensively and defensively?

So we now need him to hire an ACE DC and OC. Sounds similar to what we've done for 15 years running.

All this while most agree here that the PAC 12 is the worst P5 conference around.

Big money for what? Call me confused. Sure, give Utah a lot of credit, they're getting after it. Shut out in the first half. 65 total yards on offense for Oregon, that's horrible. OL guru some say, well, it isn't showing.

Color me unexcited. Just so sick of having a better team on paper and playing down or below the competition. They should at least be competitive, but man Oregon is looking like it's got a lot of corches on the sideline.
It could be the team knows he’s gone and they checked out
Mann.. I would rather commit to Manny for another year oe two then go in this direction. Manny's kids at least played hard for him. This is depressing. This isnt just one game. This is a snapshot of OUR future.
Why cant we just have nice things and get Lane?
They factor in quality of wins and losses not just amounts. And TAMU is garbage their QB might be worse than Oregon’s. Lane played a bunch of mid level ACC teams this year and won all the games a good coach wins. But he didn’t win any statement games.
Uh, OK. Lane didn't lose to any teams he shouldn't lose to and you downplaying TAMU is disingenuous. TAMU beat Bama. Enough said on them. Lane was competitive with Bama to the 4th quarter. He's coaching with the 10th rated recruiting class in the SEC. Lane does more with less. Is he Perfect? **** no!!! But you know what you're going to get.
You guys do realize how many guys Oregon is missing on offense as well? Not discrediting brown because he sucks donkey ********s, but lord it’s a lot. Just do some research before running to a keyboard and becoming an attention-seeking child.

Mario is getting out-toughed by a very good and physical Utah team. So what - another 10 win season for him. Stop acting like he’s Manny, delusional mongoloids.
A lot of people are throwing out these excuses regarding Oregon's performance, "horrendous QB", "coaching rumors", "loss of starters". Is the fact that their coaching staff can't show an ounce of improvement against that same team that curb stomped them just 2 weeks earlier not concerning? This is a conference championship game and the opponent isn't to the level of the usual Alabama or Clemson...

Anyone wanting Mario should be concerned.
Too add, just 5 months ago the some of the brain trust on CIS swore Jim H was who he was and would’ve survive this szn, beat OSU, and damne sure wasn’t gunna be a playoff team this late in the year…a few adjustments, time to get the athletes to compete..and what do u know..
I’m not even paying rent and Thomas got me living In his head 😂.,and to be clear I have my trepidation’s about Mario..everything @Liberty City El eloquently typed out in that essay of his in this thread I 1000% agree with..Mario, offensively and philosophically leaves much to be desired..but those CAN BE simple fixed..seen Saban do it. Seen OSU adapt to it..if Mario’s the guy and he follows suit he can have us humming
If it's so simple, why hasn't he done it?
Durkin is a massive piece of ****
it's quite arguably the most controversial coaching group of all time

lane - we all know his past

DC - durkin - the death at maryland
OC - jeff lebby - who was at baylor as RB coach when the art briles *** scandal happened, he was named in the documents as someone who knew and didn't speak up

wouldn't want any of them in miami
Uh, OK. Lane didn't lose to any teams he shouldn't lose to and you downplaying TAMU is disingenuous. TAMU beat Bama. Enough said on them. Lane was competitive with Bama to the 4th quarter. He's coaching with the 10th rated recruiting class in the SEC. Then does more with less. Is he Perfect? **** no!!! But you know what you're going to get.

Also the 11th hardest SOS compared to 30th for Oregon. Put Ole Miss in the Pac 12 and they obliterate everyone.
Are we trusting Mario will bring in the right OC to take full advantage of TVD and all the young talent?
This is the biggest question to me. I’d like to think he is smart enough to recognize what worked this season and try to replicate that.
Also, u have this misperception that Oregon is flooding the field w/ blue chip players. I did a break down already to show u that Oregon’s current starters r filled w/ some blue chips and also a lot of 3 star guys.
Yep. And if you look at the draft, they’ve had 2 1st round picks (Herbert, OL Sewell) and a 2nd rounder the past 4-5 seasons.
I think the backup is a jake garcia type. Highly touted fr but he may be hurt? idk still better than brown though even if he's in a wheelchair

Thompson is supposed to be the truth. I am guessing he's hurt
Uh, OK. Lane didn't lose to any teams he shouldn't lose to and you downplaying TAMU is disingenuous. TAMU beat Bama. Enough said on them. Lane was competitive with Bama to the 4th quarter. He's coaching with the 10th rated recruiting class in the SEC. Lane does more with less. Is he Perfect? **** no!!! But you know what you're going to get.
He’s a great offensive coach. But hearing 10-3 as an SEC coach is not what it sounds like. 80% of the SEC is dog sht.
Meanwhile the BOT to Kiffin:
Starz Texting GIF by Survivor’s Remorse
“You up bighead..thinking about all the good times we had 😉”..