Mario vs Utah Round 2

AP: oregon pulled their extension and the miami private jet left without mario at halftime.

Meanwhile the BOT to Kiffin:
Starz Texting GIF by Survivor’s Remorse
I’m not even paying rent and Thomas got me living In his head 😂.,and to be clear I have my trepidation’s about Mario..everything @Liberty City El eloquently typed out in that essay of his in this thread I 1000% agree with..Mario, offensively and philosophically leaves much to be desired..but those CAN BE simple fixed..seen Saban do it. Seen OSU adapt to it..if Mario’s the guy and he follows suit he can have us humming
Reminder..Oregon will be 10-3 most likely after tonight..for reference, Miami has 1 10 win szn since 2003..but yea he’s under qualified for Miami
Nobody said he was under qualified. We just don’t think he’s the home run that some think he is. He is a very good hire, a clear upgrade, but he’s not God
They factor in quality of wins and losses not just amounts. And TAMU is garbage their QB might be worse than Oregon’s. Lane played a bunch of mid level ACC teams this year and won all the games a good coach wins. But he didn’t win any statement games.
They're not going to rank a 5 lost team over a 2 lost team. A & M is playing against teams with NFL talent. Pitt is beating up Duke. It's really not that close either.
Is there seriously not another QB they can throw out there.
I think the backup is a jake garcia type. Highly touted fr but he may be hurt? idk still better than brown though even if he's in a wheelchair