Mario vs Utah Round 2

You gotta imagine Thompson plays the 2nd half. No one in their right mind would put Anthony back out expecting different results? Right? Riiiiiight?????
The problem with Lane is background. There are some real issues there and it’s deeper than social media swag and philandering.

As a coach, him and Durkin are an awesome tandem.
Obviously I’m not in a any position to make any decisions, but I don’t care.

Do you guys want the good guy, who’s ceiling is lower, or do you want the guy who’s ceiling is higher? Give me the character issues with a higher ceiling
can someone make the meme for me?

pam from the office asking corporate wants you to find the differences in these pictures, one being mario the other being manny,

bottom caption is, there is no difference they are the same.

both ols can't block

both defenses can't tackle

both special teams suck

both get owned by 90 year old coaches.

both play the bad qb/players bc seniority.
So we need Mario because? He's some Ace recruiter? Okay, on paper, but isn't part of recruiting identifying talent to do what you want offensively and defensively?

So we now need him to hire an ACE DC and OC. Sounds similar to what we've done for 15 years running.

All this while most agree here that the PAC 12 is the worst P5 conference around.

Big money for what? Call me confused. Sure, give Utah a lot of credit, they're getting after it. Shut out in the first half. 65 total yards on offense for Oregon, that's horrible. OL guru some say, well, it isn't showing.

Color me unexcited. Just so sick of having a better team on paper and playing down or below the competition. They should at least be competitive, but man Oregon is looking like it's got a lot of corches on the sideline.
Did Lane kill someone? Did he rape someone? If no, time to start thinking and operating like the SEC if you want to play in the big leagues..

Out of realistic options.. Lane is the perfect fit for Miami.
Seeing as how it's no different than the last 18 years and I actually can say we take football seriously, yes.

Lane would be here 3 years tops. We may or may not win a acccg in that time
And where’s he going after year 3?