Mario vs Utah Round 2

Doesn’t oregon have anothernqb? This one sucks ***

The stubbornness to stay w/ this dude is concerning. I know what Saban would do. We seen it. If he learned anything from Saban, he would at least try to make the switch. U have 0 to lose!
Make no mistake. This doesn’t change one thing for me. Still want Mario. But my god if it’s Mario, us fans gotta make it clear that we’re looking for a Lashlee-like hire. None of this Joe Moorehead dinosaur offense crap.
Congrats to Utah on their first Pac 12 championship. They are a well-coached program and they deserve to win.
Least Mario got one true one to his name. With all the resources in the world, and not a single good team or coach to go against (except Whittingham) he’s 1 for 3
The problem with Lane is background. There are some real issues there and it’s deeper than social media swag and philandering.

As a coach, him and Durkin are an awesome tandem.
The problem with Lane is background. There are some real issues there and it’s deeper than social media swag and philandering.

As a coach, him and Durkin are an awesome tandem.

Durkin may never leave his side.