Mario vs Utah Round 2

Mario heard about that extension and said fck it…they wanna only offer me 7 mil I’m gonna make sure I go out with a bang…
I didn’t need to watch this game to know what I know about Mario.

He’s a bad game day coach. The proof is in his record and the losses he’s taken against teams with way less talent.

For all the people here that want to give him 10 mill a year and think he’s the guy, you need to learn something about football.

He is no Xs and Os, he’s not innovative, his teams look soft and play way under thier skill level. They are getting embarrassed by the same team within just a couple weeks Which means he has no idea, no game plan to adjust to it.


let the Ducks keep him

we can do better.
This is looking true.

From an eyeball test.
Mario is better than Manny by a mile, but let’s not pretent he is a Championship level coach quite yet. Best case scenario is he’s a coach that will get us to 9-10 wins a game or so every season, with the hope he catches fire every once in a while for a potential playoff run. Hope is the key word here, cause he aint there yet.
That’s fine with me. I don’t see how we can attract a better candidate than that.
It is when you think your way is the only way. For every coach that made changes, there is a coach out of work because he wouldn't.
I agree. And it might take Mario almost reaching the mountain top and running into one of these Prolific QBs and OCs..even after Jonny football doing what he did to expose Bamas philosophy, it took Saban losing to Deshaun almost single handily for him to say hey, I have access to better athletes than Texas A&M and Clemson..imagine what i can do if I implemented some of THAT on O while adapting my Defense to counter that
okay what about the other 2-3 losses he has every year to other ****box teams?
Fair point. And it's still better than losing 4-5 losses under Manny to other ****box teams.

Ultimately we need to judge him based upon what he does HERE not what he does at Oregon. I don't give a fck what he has done at Oregon. Let's see what he does here at home in comfort zone nestled in the most fertile recruiting grounding the nation.