Mario vs Utah Round 2

Point is U of M was in No position to compete with OSU when he took over. OSU had the athletes and the mind control over lil bro. Can’t microwave success

Switch OSU for FSU.

You think there's any way in **** this fan base accepts 8 losses in a row to them? **** nah and can you imagine what would be said about a coach of ours if he did that?
I didn’t need to watch this game to know what I know about Mario.

He’s a bad game day coach. The proof is in his record and the losses he’s taken against teams with way less talent.

For all the people here that want to give him 10 mill a year and think he’s the guy, you need to learn something about football.

He is no Xs and Os, he’s not innovative, his teams look soft and play way under thier skill level. They are getting embarrassed by the same team within just a couple weeks Which means he has no idea, no game plan to adjust to it.


let the Ducks keep him

we can do better.
That’s the other problem. He is a huge part of their success and he killed a kid. There are issues with both that cause a lot of programs (not just Miami) to tread lightly.

With that said, Ole Miss would boatrace Oregon this year.
to be fair, its THE PROBLEM. Kiffin's 2 coordinators are both pieces of ****. probably says no one wants to work with him or he is so desperate he went that route. the university as well is on the hook for allowing those 2 hires.
It’s a fair argument. But, a couple points -

- he’s not a QB evaluator. Someone is advising him

- He has signed 3 different 4-5 star QBs. One of them is supposedly a stud and will be their QB next year but this year was a big miss.

He’s not without flaws. All of them are.
Part of creating a new emphasis is giving Mario the right assistants. He runs the program like a CEO, in the same sense Saban does, not saying he’s anywhere near Saban, just operates things the same. Moorehead is clearly looking like a miss as is Brown. This is also fairly young roster. This is a top 15-20 roster as things stand today. Two more years of top 10 recruiting would definitely build much better depth. I wonder if he is open to moving towards a more air oriented attack. I’m sure he sees all these team winning by throwing the ball. I know he’s a “physicality” coach but Bama, Ohio State and Clemson all play physical and use different variations of a spread attack. Pairing Mario with the right OC is the top priority.

I would think after watching his(Mario) team get pushed around trying to just run over teams could help convince him to become more air raid so to speak, especially with TVD.
It’s tragically sad that the stupid obsession with hiring a HC with previous ties to UM is going to result in Mario over Lane.

Schnellenberger: No previous connection to UM before getting hired as HC.

Jimmy: No previous connection to UM before getting hired as HC.

Dennis Erickson: No previous connection to UM before getting hired as HC.
There can't possibly be a more truthful post.
Mario is better than Manny by a mile, but let’s not pretent he is a Championship level coach quite yet. Best case scenario is he’s a coach that will get us to 9-10 wins a game or so every season, with the hope he catches fire every once in a while for a potential playoff run. Hope is the key word here, cause he aint there yet.
He's an excellent defensive mind and likable coach, but a school like ND for a first-time HC will be challenging. I don't wish anyone well at ND because it's ND.

Agree with all of that. I’m just trying to hear mans explanation as to how it’s a home run lol.
Competative?! He was down 28-0 at half...

I don't really have a preference for Lane / Mario - they're the same to me - a tier below Saban, Kirby, Riley and so on. With a elite QB like TVD - we can win with either of them.
I'm OK with either, but they're not the same.

Mario isn't a coordinator of either side of the ball and will be at the complete mercy of finding good coordinators just like Orgeron was at LSU. When you coach one side of the ball, you have or should have consistent stability. This is why Saban hires young coordinators for his defense and seasoned former offensive head coaches as his OC.

Mario is more of a program builder than Lane. Mario develops the te culture. Lane is X's a d O's.
It's literally the PAC12 Conference game.

How does it mean nothing?
It SHOULD mean something. But clearly it doesn't to them. Do they look like they care that it's the Pac 12 Championship. It means nothing to them. And to UM fans it means nothing to us in the grand scheme of things. I'll judge Mario based upon what he does for US, NOT for what he is doing in a game for THEM and in a game where he is looking towards the exit doors.