Mario about to Lock Down the portal too (new hire)

You’re using Shapiro quotes. You are just doubling down on your stupidity now. Do you know anything about that guy?

Do you realize how ignorant you are coming across to any knowledgeable football fan, or anybody that has even a minimal working knowledge of what went on? Keep on spouting your lying bullshlt cracker boy. Don’t you have a Klan rally to attend?
I'm simply reading the internet. So you are the only fan that gets to deny plausibility on organized football cheating. How human of you.
I’ve said it more than once that the playoff should expand to 6-8 teams. Personally I think 6 for the reason that, as we saw in the playoffs this year, there is a big talent drop off past the top couple of teams. Six is enough to get the cream of the crop, and the talent gap still may be too much but at least you have more variety in teams that have at least a chance to pull an upset or make a run
Tournament of conference champions.
"At a cost that Shapiro estimates in the millions of dollars, [Shapiro] said his benefits to athletes included but were not limited to: cash, prostitutes, entertainment in his multimillion-dollar homes and yacht, paid trips to high-end restaurants and nightclubs, jewelry, bounties for on-field play (including bounties for injuring opposing players), travel and on one occasion, an abortion."

"Shapiro’s $1.6 million yacht was also available to players on a regular basis for fishing trips, leisure trips, and lodging for the availability of prostitution. Like his home, Shapiro stocked the boat with food and drinks and paid for fuel and captain fees any time players would take the yacht out – a process that cost in excess of $2,000 per trip depending on gas prices and maintenance... Miami athletes were taking Shapiro’s boat out “twice a week” while the booster was incurring all of the costs."

"... Miami could have seized on countless incidents and ended [Shapiro's] flagrant assault on NCAA bylaws. Just a 20-minute drive northwest from campus, across one of the causeways, and into Miami Beach, Shapiro’s high-rolling routine with Hurricanes football players was on display on a daily basis. And according to Shapiro, all Miami needed to do was look."

"Let’s not kid ourselves. The whole time I was out there rocking and rolling, they were just waiting for the big check to come. And you know what? If I wasn’t sitting in jail right now, they probably would have gotten it, too."

Miami Football Scandal: Former Booster's Transgressions ...

Sounds like one recruiting cycle for Alabama 😁
And once Alabama and others do that, other states will likely amend their laws to follow suit. Including hopefully Florida, we have a lot of stupid people in the state but we’ve got some smart ones also. Mario knows what Saban is up to.

The bottom line here is the advantage you used to have, to cheat and pay players at will with enormous amounts of money, is no longer the advantage that it used to be. You no longer have Emmert/NCAA looking the other way while you do whatever you want.

Other schools can now try to emulate.

We may not have a protector like you had with Emmert, but we finally got wise and realized we had to change with the changing marketplace of college football. Your days of totally dominating are hopefully over.
Emmett is a globalist scumbag that is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He also sits on the board of a supply chain company with a market capitalization of over $20 billion. On this board he is receiving lucrative stock options.

He has limited talent. How did he pull this off?
"At a cost that Shapiro estimates in the millions of dollars, [Shapiro] said his benefits to athletes included but were not limited to: cash, prostitutes, entertainment in his multimillion-dollar homes and yacht, paid trips to high-end restaurants and nightclubs, jewelry, bounties for on-field play (including bounties for injuring opposing players), travel and on one occasion, an abortion."

"Shapiro’s $1.6 million yacht was also available to players on a regular basis for fishing trips, leisure trips, and lodging for the availability of prostitution. Like his home, Shapiro stocked the boat with food and drinks and paid for fuel and captain fees any time players would take the yacht out – a process that cost in excess of $2,000 per trip depending on gas prices and maintenance... Miami athletes were taking Shapiro’s boat out “twice a week” while the booster was incurring all of the costs."

"... Miami could have seized on countless incidents and ended [Shapiro's] flagrant assault on NCAA bylaws. Just a 20-minute drive northwest from campus, across one of the causeways, and into Miami Beach, Shapiro’s high-rolling routine with Hurricanes football players was on display on a daily basis. And according to Shapiro, all Miami needed to do was look."

"Let’s not kid ourselves. The whole time I was out there rocking and rolling, they were just waiting for the big check to come. And you know what? If I wasn’t sitting in jail right now, they probably would have gotten it, too."

Miami Football Scandal: Former Booster's Transgressions ...

You are really pushing perilously close to bannable territory.

I'll make this simple.

The REASON that Nevin Shapiro lied and exaggerated the amounts that he "spent" on Miami football was because he was trying to "explain" where all the money went, much of which he has hidden away. If the government thinks the money is "gone" or "spent", they stop trying to recover it.

Nevin Shapiro...NEVER...never ever...NEVER EVER...spent the money that he claimed that he spent for "cash, prostitutes, entertainment, paid trips, jewelry, bounties, travel, and/or abortions". And Nevin Shapiro NEVER...never ever...NEVER EVER...contributed the money to UM that he claimed he contributed. There is IRS and banking proof of that.

Nevin Shapiro is a liar. But that will never stop rival fans from accepting EVERY LIE HE EVER TOLD at face value, because it makes UM and UM players look bad.

I'm not saying Nevin Shapiro never gave money or benefits to UM players. Only that he has GROSSLY exaggerated the frequency and amount of such payments or benefits. The truth is nowhere close to what Shapiro claimed, and he inflated the true amounts BY MULTIPLES so that he could "establish" to the government's satisfaction "where all the money went", when he actually stashed much of it overseas.
Emmett is a globalist scumbag that is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He also sits on the board of a supply chain company with a market capitalization of over $20 billion. On this board he is receiving lucrative stock options.

He has limited talent. How did he pull this off?

Because he used to be the president of a University, and made the kinds of contacts that got him those types of seats/jobs.
I'm simply reading the internet. So you are the only fan that gets to deny plausibility on organized football cheating. How human of you.

Can you repeat that in a way that someone whose primary language is English can reasonably understand. What you say makes no sense nor addresses the issue in discussion.
excited to see the spring portal talent we land now that kids know we have two of the best coordinators in the game
"At a cost that Shapiro estimates in the millions of dollars, [Shapiro] said his benefits to athletes included but were not limited to: cash, prostitutes, entertainment in his multimillion-dollar homes and yacht, paid trips to high-end restaurants and nightclubs, jewelry, bounties for on-field play (including bounties for injuring opposing players), travel and on one occasion, an abortion."

"Shapiro’s $1.6 million yacht was also available to players on a regular basis for fishing trips, leisure trips, and lodging for the availability of prostitution. Like his home, Shapiro stocked the boat with food and drinks and paid for fuel and captain fees any time players would take the yacht out – a process that cost in excess of $2,000 per trip depending on gas prices and maintenance... Miami athletes were taking Shapiro’s boat out “twice a week” while the booster was incurring all of the costs."

"... Miami could have seized on countless incidents and ended [Shapiro's] flagrant assault on NCAA bylaws. Just a 20-minute drive northwest from campus, across one of the causeways, and into Miami Beach, Shapiro’s high-rolling routine with Hurricanes football players was on display on a daily basis. And according to Shapiro, all Miami needed to do was look."

"Let’s not kid ourselves. The whole time I was out there rocking and rolling, they were just waiting for the big check to come. And you know what? If I wasn’t sitting in jail right now, they probably would have gotten it, too."

Miami Football Scandal: Former Booster's Transgressions ...

And after 3 years of your boy and Saban’s best buddy’s investigation what did they find?
A suit, a used washer and a Benihana dinner.
If the ncaa found even a tenth of what was alleged they would’ve ended this program.
They actually had to stop the investigation cause after they couldn’t find sht they had to pay witnesses for information cause they weren’t getting anything. And that sht is illegal.

Miami players can’t even jay walk without every news media outlet slandering us.
Whenever one of our former players gets in trouble even years after they’ve been in the league and retired the headline always reads “former university of Miami player…….”
When your boy killed that girl in Vegas and her dog while driving drunk they never even mentioned Alabama.

But pot go ahead and call the kettle black. You guys have to pay kids from down here to leave and build 5 star hotels disguised as facilities in order for them to go there. We also don’t want to start digging up your sat test takers for some of the kids you buy.
This is the wrong board to be throwing stones my man. This isn’t 247. We live down here and know these kids and their families. We respect your hustle in Tuscaloosa. But don’t start acting like you’re all virgins in white dresses cause at night the throat is deep.

But of course later on it was found out that it was an accident. Sure it was. I’m sure the cops on the scene have never investigated a murder.

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And after 3 years of your boy and Saban’s best buddy’s investigation what did they find?
A suit, a used washer and a Benihana dinner.
If the ncaa found even a tenth of what was alleged they would’ve ended this program.
They actually had to stop the investigation cause after they couldn’t find sht they had to pay witnesses for information cause they weren’t getting anything. And that sht is illegal.

Miami players can’t even jay walk without every news media outlet slandering us.
Whenever one of our former players gets in trouble even years after they’ve been in the league and retired the headline always reads “former university of Miami player…….”
When your boy killed that girl in Vegas and her dog while driving drunk they never even mentioned Alabama.

But pot go ahead and call the kettle black. You guys have to pay kids from down here to leave and build 5 star hotels disguised as facilities in order for them to go there. We also don’t want to start digging up your sat test takers for some of the kids you buy.
This is the wrong board to be throwing stones my man. This isn’t 247. We live down here and know these kids and their families. We respect your hustle in Tuscaloosa. But don’t start acting like your virgins in white dresses cause at night the throat is deep.

But of course later in it was found out that it was an accident. Sure it was. I’m sure the cops on the scene have never investigated a murder.

Read the articles about this after they changed it to an accident. They tried to say this guy walked past numerous phones to reach a specific phone to call 911. LOL!
"At a cost that Shapiro estimates in the millions of dollars, [Shapiro] said his benefits to athletes included but were not limited to: cash, prostitutes, entertainment in his multimillion-dollar homes and yacht, paid trips to high-end restaurants and nightclubs, jewelry, bounties for on-field play (including bounties for injuring opposing players), travel and on one occasion, an abortion."

"Shapiro’s $1.6 million yacht was also available to players on a regular basis for fishing trips, leisure trips, and lodging for the availability of prostitution. Like his home, Shapiro stocked the boat with food and drinks and paid for fuel and captain fees any time players would take the yacht out – a process that cost in excess of $2,000 per trip depending on gas prices and maintenance... Miami athletes were taking Shapiro’s boat out “twice a week” while the booster was incurring all of the costs."

"... Miami could have seized on countless incidents and ended [Shapiro's] flagrant assault on NCAA bylaws. Just a 20-minute drive northwest from campus, across one of the causeways, and into Miami Beach, Shapiro’s high-rolling routine with Hurricanes football players was on display on a daily basis. And according to Shapiro, all Miami needed to do was look."

"Let’s not kid ourselves. The whole time I was out there rocking and rolling, they were just waiting for the big check to come. And you know what? If I wasn’t sitting in jail right now, they probably would have gotten it, too."

Miami Football Scandal: Former Booster's Transgressions ...

The end result was that players got dinner and boat rides. The NCAA showed themselves to be corrupt and biased and left the whole situation looking worse than Miami.

I'm ignoring the calls for your banishment, but you will have to take your nonsense to another thread where I hope you'll use a little more common sense.
You’re using Shapiro quotes. You are just doubling down on your stupidity now. Do you know anything about that guy?

Do you realize how ignorant you are coming across to any knowledgeable football fan, or anybody that has even a minimal working knowledge of what went on? Keep on spouting your lying bullshlt cracker boy. Don’t you have a Klan rally to attend?

Yep, he just outed himself by posting those quotes from Shapiro. I don’t know why he keeps coming in here to dig himself a deeper hole.

Congrats, bama fan, you unintentionally proved our point - we got busted for free boat rides, hoes, free drinks and dinner at benihanas. We’re busted. Meanwhile, in Tuscaloosa, six figure deals run rampant and have been for eons.

You don’t have a leg to stand on - not even close. And if you disagree with that sentiment, it shows how wildly out of touch with reality you are.
Man I've been so naive. I thought it was common knowledge nationwide that the whole Shapiro story was BS and driven by ulterior motives (Shapiro's and the NCAA's). I didn't realise there were still CFB fans out there who take that **** at face value.
Giving Mario complete authority to win is like what Jimmy Johnson said before play against a #1 FSU at OB.

JJ walked in to locker it got deathly quite JJ stopped flipped the football to his team and yelled


The room EXPLODED.


Man I've been so naive. I thought it was common knowledge nationwide that the whole Shapiro story was BS and driven by ulterior motives (Shapiro's and the NCAA's). I didn't realise there were still CFB fans out there who take that **** at face value.

Believes a convicted Ponzi scheme liar yet doesn’t believe any of the allegations of paying players in the millions over the last decade. Can’t explain that.
When is that midget up for parole? I see he got 20 years about ten years ago… I don’t know how parole works..