Lane Kiffin

National perception was wayyyy worse. For many yrs the NCAA and public were foaming at the mouths to bury UM and that supposed "Thug" and "Rap" portrayal.
Time Magazine didn't call Southern Cal the worst place to live in America.
Sports Illustrated didn't call for USC to end their program.
An up & coming LBer and GF weren't Murdered on USCs campus.
So Yeah, all things included, UMs was worse.
We will just have to agree to disagree on which sanctions were worse. The things you just mentioned were not a part of the actual sanctions that were handed by the NCAA. I know all the things you said above were true but I'm only talking about the actual sanctions that were handed down by the NCAA.

We will just have to agree to disagree on which sanctions were worse. The things you just mentioned were not a part of the actual sanctions that were handed by the NCAA. I know all the things you said above were true but I'm only talking about the actual sanctions that were handed down by the NCAA.
The things I mentioned were in reality Part of the sanctions...Added insult to injury. For people such as myself and @Brooklyndee who literally saw up-close how poisonous things were for UM during those days, we both would agree UMs sanctions AND overall perception were way worse. I don't ever speak for Dee...but this time I'll make the exception.
Good luck

Mario’s done worse for my mental health since getting here. Kiffin wins again.

Run Away Nuclear Bomb GIF by Identity
Trash, the player should definitely have let them know that he is going through some mental health issues and can't be around the team rather than ghosting, but Lane's comments about mental health are completely uncalled for.
Iron Man Eye Roll GIF

He did it behind closed doors and somehow it was recorded probably without his knowledge.

But it’s ok to kick a kid off a team on Prime Video and people have a problem with this?

Several things, & I say this as someone who doesn’t think the world of Kiffin:

1. As someone who was a victim of biased recordings from an ex wife who only recorded my reaction to her being hella disrespectful, I need to know the full context of the conversation

2. It appears ole boy recorded Kiffin at his absolute last straw w/ him, since it was heard the coaches has been reaching out to him for over a month w/ no response.

3. Hiding behind “mental health” has become the biggest slippery slope in athletics. While coaches have now had to pivot the way they treat certain situations, that does not excuse a player, staff members to go AWOL w/ no communication.

4. I’m in total agreement w/ Kiffin, not necessarily how he worded it, but if coaches are constantly asking to meet & u blow them off, u’re off the team. Furthermore, we have no idea if this is a repeat behavior.

5. When we’ve had kids who retired or sit out the season for mental health issues, guess what? That was communicated by the player or his representative to the staff so everyone was on the same page.

I’m sick & f’ing tired of this soft shouldered society, & I hate rats like this who wanna muddy & prejudice ppl to side w/ them w/o providing the full scope of the convo, just what sounds the worst in their favor.
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I said it in the Donald Sterling situation, and I'll say it every situation after --

I don't care how racist, sexist, insensitive, or discriminatory the comments are, I do not believe someone should be officially punished for being secretly recorded. This is a huge violation of privacy and I can't 'rock with it.

That said, feel free to give said recorded person the side eye based on what they said. and best believe, Kiffin has said far worse behind closed doors.
Lol at that recording. only in 2023 would something like this be viewed as a stain on a coaches resume 🤣
I'd be so rich in today's environment if I had a recording of Rick Stockstill when I told him I was going to medically retire from football and focus on baseball because of how many concussions I had.

I got absolutely dog walked in his office. Never been degraded so badly in my life to this day. Didn't bother me then and still doesn't. It's a different world just over 10 years later.
12-1 @ home against top 15 ranked teams.

That’s who many didn’t want at Miami.

Dude would have taken less than Mario to come here too.. 😂 gotta love Miami admin,.
Who cares what the teams were "ranked" when they played. That's just media BS. Colorado was ranked this year God's sake. Nobody deserves credit for beating them.

Going into this season Lane was 1-19 vs. P5 teams that finished with 9 or more wins.

Mario has 4 such wins in less matchups, and was 4-5 at Oregon in those games.

Lane is an elite offensive coach, but his teams haven't faired much better than Mario and he certainly has not won as many games against quality opponents.