Josh Gattis (before its deleted)

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Ha"Hi Garrett, this is Mario. How would you like to come to Miami and run my clock-chewing offensive system?"
Dont Call Me Hang Up GIF by Travis

If Mario whiffs on his top OC targets and ends up hiring someone like Arroyo, he’d deserve every bit of vitriolic criticism headed his way.

And then you’d have a contingent of posters trying to defend how Arroyo had a truly premier QB with accuracy and a howitzer of an arm in Justin Herbert and proceeded to call an offense where over 23% of passing plays were screens in 2019.

Hopefully it doesn’t come to that. Failing to land Riley, though, is brutal. And Riley landing with the premier program in our conference makes it even more of a kick to the balls.

Fuqin Wisconsin hired Phil Longo

Im team Hate now….

If Mario whiffs on his top OC targets and ends up hiring someone like Arroyo, he’d deserve every bit of vitriolic criticism headed his way.

Hopefully it doesn’t come to that. Failing to land Riley, though, is brutal. And Riley landing with the premier program in our conference makes it even more of a kick to the balls.

This post nails it.
You’re right in that they’re doing the exact same thing.

Except one is done and the other is left standing.

Yep. And it sucks. And I'm ****ed off about it.

It's funny to see that many of the same posters who write stuff like "I don't blame that WR for choosing X University over Miami" can't bring themselves to acknowledge that maybe Clemson just seemed like a better landing spot to Garrett Riley?

And I hate that. I don't want it to be true, past, present, or future. But I can entertain that possibility.
Believe me or not, I don’t care, but I’m extra agitated because I know from my contact that Mario/Miami did have some level of dialogue with Garret Riley

And Fuq off to the porsters saying that Garret Riley was staying at TCU simply because they were in the championship game… fuqin clowns


Ask @wspcane what he and I discussed during the UM-GaTech game.

I've posted several times that Riley was only hired a year the Coaching Convention...and had zero long-term ties or loyalty to TCU...
You can't mad at people for being frustrated by the timeline. Especially since he did the same thing last year. Until he actually makes a move it's what it's gonna be lol
Matt Leblanc Whatever GIF
The caveat to the over extended timeline is that in the meantime in between time, there are very good OC’s who are coming off the shelf to other teams & there are several talented offensive recruits who are also coming off said shelf in the same capacity...

The issue isn’t so much as to whether or not he’s conducting a thorough Corching search behind the scenes, it’s the fact that while he’s moving as the speed of sludge far better teams are quickly upgrading & making aggressive moves to fight their way up the Mountain. We’re conducting ourselves as a program as if we have all the time in the world & are coming off a 10+ season with a Bowl win...

Based on the lack of movement, you would think Miami was an ACC runner up or something, but obviously we’re not, so then that makes people ask, “What’s going on?” And the answer for several months has seemingly been, “Nothing, what’s it to ya?”...

The whole ordeal is just head scratching because of the way the guy in charge talks about how you’re supposed to be. It seems like accountability is a one-way street & the only people who have to follow the creeds of leadership & being relentless in the pursuit of greatness are the players, while the coaches are handled with kid-gloves & are only required to recruit in order to be absolved from the ire of MC.
Yep. And it sucks. And I'm ****ed off about it.

It's funny to see that many of the same posters who write stuff like "I don't blame that WR for choosing X University over Miami" can't bring themselves to acknowledge that maybe Clemson just seemed like a better landing spot to Garrett Riley?

And I hate that. I don't want it to be true, past, present, or future. But I can entertain that possibility.

Good luck getting donations for the football building now Mario
The caveat to the over extended timeline is that in the meantime in between time, there are very good OC’s who are coming off the shelf to other teams & there are several talented offensive recruits who are also coming off said shelf in the same capacity...

The issue isn’t so much as to whether or not he’s conducting a thorough Corching search behind the scenes, it’s the fact that while he’s moving as the speed of sludge far better teams are quickly upgrading & making aggressive moves to fight their way up the Mountain. We’re conducting ourselves as a program as if we have all the time in the world & are coming off a 10+ season with a Bowl win...

Based on the lack of movement, you would think Miami was an ACC runner up or something, but obviously we’re not, so then that makes people ask, “What’s going on?” And the answer for several months has seemingly been, “Nothing, what’s it to ya?”...

The whole ordeal is just head scratching because of the way the guy in charge talks about how you’re supposed to be. It seems like accountability is a one-way street & the only people who have to follow the creeds of leadership & being relentless in the pursuit of greatness are the players, while the coaches are handled with kid-gloves & are only required to recruit in order to be absolved from the ire of MC.

I couldn’t have said it any better
My former boss was a firm believer in paralysis by analysis. Consider your options, make a decision and go with it.
Pretty clear Mario suffers from this. When it comes to putting a staff together or how the offense has to “check with me” 5 times to try and get the perfect play call, nothing is deliberate or with any urgency.
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